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Zombie thread

Top Hat Zebra
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1Zombie thread Empty Zombie thread Fri Aug 12, 2011 1:45 am



Ok, I'll admit I'm probably one of the least prepared people on this forum when the zombie apochalipse starts, so it would be nice to have some of the more prepared people to share their intelligence.
(And I'm among the people who are most likely to start the zombie infestation, but let's not talk about that to much)

2Zombie thread Empty Re: Zombie thread Fri Aug 12, 2011 2:04 am



3Zombie thread Empty Re: Zombie thread Fri Aug 12, 2011 2:18 am


Ninjafleet Captain

Be sure to keep your #2 katana sharpened and ready. []


4Zombie thread Empty Re: Zombie thread Fri Aug 12, 2011 5:01 am



Ignoring the riots, here's the best plan I've seen. The place?

The City of London Police Station opposite of Liverpool Street Station on Bishopsgate in the city of London.

Why I hear you ask?

It's one of the City of London Police's bases for Armed Resposne Units. Thusly it contains quite literally an arsenal of weaponary, from assault rifles to sniper rifles to shot guns to stun grenades and 10,000's of rounds of ammunition.

It's literally bomb proof. It was rebuilt in the late 1970's to be able to withstand a major IRA bombing. Very few access points and 4 inch thick bomb proof windows.

It's a national emergency coordination centre. Because of that it contains a veritable smorgasbord of communications equipment. From your standard Police radios (and 100's of well maintained handheld units) to direct two way satellite data, short wave radios of various types and it can also function as an FM broadcaster for disseminating emergency radio messages. Because of this it also has independant power generation and isolatable water management.

It's one of three of London's major CCTV monitoring stations. Therefore's it's hooked into the entire London wide network of of 10,000's of CCTV cameras.

It is one of the Chemical or Biological Response Points, so containing about a dozen Level 1 Hazmat suits. Great if the virus ever gets airborne.

It's linked directly via underground tunnel to the tube network, great for last ditch escapes and entrances without being noticed by the z's. Not to mention private underground access to the main train station, which provides an elevated and relatively safe corridor out of London.
It has a very secure parking area filled with many well maintained and equipped vehicles. Not to mention it's own small petrol filling pumps, and well stocked vehicle maintenance equipment. It has contains various riot vans, and there are few vehicles better designed for a zombie infestation that can be driven and maintained by anyone.

It has a large kitchen and massive walk-in fridge (so I've been told) and so can store an enormous quantity of food.

It has about 20 cells for quarantining the infected should the need arise.

It could probably support a couple dozen people almost indefinitely. But when it comes right down to it if it's a major world consuming outbreak you're not going to want to stay near major population centres for too long anyway. Which is where places like RAF Menwith Hill or Catterick Garrison in the more secluded parts of Yorkshire come in.

This isn't even 5% of the insane planning I have, with plans B through F ready to go should something fall through.

Zombies ain't fucking with me.


5Zombie thread Empty Re: Zombie thread Fri Aug 12, 2011 5:08 am


Glorious Leader

What happens when the zombies come and you're still trapped on the other side of the ocean?


6Zombie thread Empty Re: Zombie thread Fri Aug 12, 2011 5:10 am



I will ride one like a surfboard across the ocean.


7Zombie thread Empty Re: Zombie thread Fri Aug 12, 2011 4:02 pm



I am very interested in science, exspecaly biology. When I look at zombies, I have a very scentific aproch to them.
For example, I notice that zombies tend to recover from injerys fast. In the first Resident Evil movie, one of the soilders filled one of the zombies' chest with SMG fire, and we all know what's in there, the heart and many major blood vessles. Sure, the heart isn't going to be hit easly with full-auto fire, but the major blood vessles are a differnt story. They're throughout the chest. That could be a cripleing wound, not to mention the possiblity of spnialy cord injory.
A few minetes later the zombie is back for more. I see two things about zombies here. 1 their self-persivation part of their brain is disabled and 2 they have exlerated regenration. I could tell that they don't have a self-persivation instinct because they don't feel pain or fear, something that even most animals can feel. The zombie wouldn't come back if it felt fear, and it would have stopped when shot in the leg a few moments earlier due to pain. I could tell that they have exslerated regeneration because there was signs of bleeding on it's clothes when it came back, but no current bleeding and it wasn't blood stained in the chest area before. this tells be that what ever blood vessles that where hit by the bullets where at least sealed in some way, like platelets or they closed somehow.
I do that with A LOT of stuff, the scientific anlizying thing.

8Zombie thread Empty Re: Zombie thread Fri Aug 12, 2011 11:06 pm


Glorious Leader

I wouldn't attribute the zombie's resilience on super regeneration, but more to the fact that, in case of your classic standard zombie, they're dead. Their hearts aren't beating any more, signifying that they have no need for blood flow, so severing blood vessels isn't going to cause any significant damage. As for the bleeding, if the zombie hasn't been dead for long, the blood will not have clotted yet so it will still be able to stain it's clothes.

(We should try to establish a specific type of zombie for these outbreak things, because of all the variations and the implications this has on the needed defences)


9Zombie thread Empty Re: Zombie thread Sat Aug 13, 2011 12:41 am


Prince of the Squirtle Squad

Maybe we should assume we're dealing with the typical, shambling undead version?

10Zombie thread Empty Re: Zombie thread Sat Aug 13, 2011 2:07 am


Ninjafleet Captain

But what about the Hunters? Or the Spitters, or Smokers, or all the rest?

...evil Jockeys...[]


11Zombie thread Empty Re: Zombie thread Sat Aug 13, 2011 3:19 am


Glorious Leader

The most general way of describing zombie types is measuring how smart and how fast they are, however, it's to be expected that certain mutations amongst the zombies will let them survive longer and infect more people then their 'normal' kin. Zombie evolution.

If we're lucky, the zombie outbreak starts off with your general Slow/Dumb zombies. You can run away from them, closing doors in their faces will leave them completely baffled and they can be dealt with quite easily. However, if these zombies are somehow allowed to roam free for too long, mutations may start occurring, causing them to slowly evolve towards the dreaded Fast/Smart type of zombie, in which case we'd be quite screwed no matter how well prepared we are.


12Zombie thread Empty Re: Zombie thread Sat Aug 13, 2011 4:05 am



Gorgro wrote:I wouldn't attribute the zombie's resilience on super regeneration, but more to the fact that, in case of your classic standard zombie, they're dead. Their hearts aren't beating any more, signifying that they have no need for blood flow, so severing blood vessels isn't going to cause any significant damage. As for the bleeding, if the zombie hasn't been dead for long, the blood will not have clotted yet so it will still be able to stain it's clothes.

(We should try to establish a specific type of zombie for these outbreak things, because of all the variations and the implications this has on the needed defences)
They are undead, something that is completely dead can't walk. The cells are still alive, they just funtion at a lower par. They wouldn't live very long if their blood didn't flow and take oxigen up to the brain, they would get up and a half minuete fall back down, so if their hearts don't beat, everything will be ok during Z-day.
And you missed something there, if the blood didn't flow, then the blood would with out a doupt still be coming out of the wound. It wasn't the when it came back a minute later. That suggestes that the vessle closed somehow, and my fingers point to andvanced regen.

13Zombie thread Empty Re: Zombie thread Sat Aug 13, 2011 4:56 am



Speaking of zombies and advaced regen, I have a story idea for this consept. Basicly, Z-day lasts for 1 1/2 years, but suddenly, the zombies don't seam to be as enthsatic about fighting any more. They begin to run when guns are fired, and they somehow know the danger of melee weapons.
During the almost entirty of the zombie invasion, there have been many observations on several test subjects.
It was noted that there was something differnt about the stem cells in the body, they where altered, and there where some stem cells going up to the brain. They only did not have advaced regen in all of the normal regeneration areas of the human body, they could eventaly grow back lost limbs and the brain damge caused by the virus during the inital infection was being repaired.
They noted that their self persivation core had regenerated. That would explain the zombies avoding harm.
Several moths later, all of the older zombies colasped. and the all but the newest of zombies where afraid. The newest where killed in no time flat, nobody bothered with the old ones.
At the lab however, they imadeatly did an aptosy to see what happened, to their surprise, as they where about to make the insion, the zombie's eyes shot open, screamed, knocked away the scalple and ran across the room, screaming "Don't hurt me!"
The zombie didn't remeber anything beond what he saw after he woke up.
Soon all over the contery there where reports of talking zombies. Soon all of the other ones where eather dead or have "awakened."
Soon there was much debate about what to do about the awakened zombies. the USA made no delay to offer citizenship to the awakened zombies.
That's almost everything up to the time of the story. The story cneters around 5 awakened zombies.
One that was a preacher before he turned who tries to regain his faith. Anouther that was a soldier during the begining of the out break who was sent in to clear the first town to be hit by the virus. Two who where married but seperated during the outbreak. And finnaly the first one to contract the virus, the oldest zombie in the world.

14Zombie thread Empty Re: Zombie thread Sat Aug 13, 2011 4:59 am


Glorious Leader

Classic Zombie is for all intents and purposes dead. Like, rising from their graves kind of dead.
Zombie thread Zombie_grave-5178542

Diseased Zombie might be a different story.


15Zombie thread Empty Re: Zombie thread Sat Aug 13, 2011 5:08 am



How do the classic zombies walk then? Radation?
If that's the case, they still wouldn't be walking, in fact, the gama rays and alpha particals will probly do more the dead bodys then reviving them. And still, noughting dead can walk. They have to have living cells, a complex network of neves, and lots of musles to move.

16Zombie thread Empty Re: Zombie thread Sat Aug 13, 2011 5:30 am


Glorious Leader

You can't explain Classic Zombie with science, that's more Diseased Zombie territory, since that type sort of happens in nature. This kind of zombie is usually caused by some sort of voodoo or witchcraft. In Night of the Living Dead, the movie for classic zombies, the cause is said to be from high-level radiation brought to the Earth from the Explorer Venus probe that exploded upon it's return, but doesn't offer much more of an explanation.


17Zombie thread Empty Re: Zombie thread Thu Nov 17, 2011 3:00 am



I wonder how things would trun out if the zombie apochalipse happend in the Medieil Ages or further back...

18Zombie thread Empty Re: Zombie thread Thu Nov 17, 2011 4:20 am


Ninjafleet Captain

I would have to assume that the people back then would eventually get fed up and...go medieval on them...[]


19Zombie thread Empty Re: Zombie thread Thu Nov 17, 2011 5:41 am



i c what u did thar

20Zombie thread Empty Re: Zombie thread Thu Nov 17, 2011 6:55 am


Ninjafleet Captain

oh yeaaaaahhh? []


21Zombie thread Empty Re: Zombie thread Thu Nov 17, 2011 10:14 am



We already know what would happen if it occured in the early 20th century. It'd be awesome.

Zombie thread Red-dead-redemption-undead-nightmare-20101026052830656_640w

22Zombie thread Empty Re: Zombie thread Thu Nov 17, 2011 10:56 am


Glorious Leader

It almost did happen with Jesus. It's a good thing he got it backwards and made other people eat his body instead of the other way around.


23Zombie thread Empty Re: Zombie thread Thu Nov 17, 2011 12:29 pm



My dad told me he will disown me if I date a zombie. I asked for parameters- science-based? Magic-based? Anything?
He said no.
SO UNFAIR. For reference on zombies, look to here:
Zombie thread 2011-09-08-Replacing-Brad

24Zombie thread Empty Re: Zombie thread Sun Nov 20, 2011 5:30 pm

Top Hat Zebra

Top Hat Zebra


Also, are we allowed to post torrent links?

25Zombie thread Empty Re: Zombie thread Sun Nov 20, 2011 6:21 pm



What's a torrent link?

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