So, used the last of my steam wallet on Natural Selection 2, which is currently $2.49, but the deal ends in an hour. Whoohoo for lucky saves, I've been hopeing to get this game.
Let's just hope it doesn't lag as much as my last purchase, Space Engineers. Space Engineers is a great and creative game, but dang, my lag around large builds makes them almost unusable. Looks like I'll have to wait for income tax before I do much with that game.
But seriously, those of you with at least slightly above average computers and a mind bursting with wild and practical ideas involving weaponry, spacecraft, and and other things, you should consider getting Space Engineers. It works a lot like Minecraft, but much more realistic AND IN SPACE. The game is beautiful(for those of you who care about graphics, unlike me), massive, and challenges the mind. It's currently in open alpha, and even now it's very community oriented. It's on Steam and it has a Workshop that, in it's short time being on market, has already gathered hundreds of thousands of entries, most of them with multiple ships.
Check it out here.
Wow, reading that, I sound like I'm being payed to do it.
EDIT: Also, for those of you who played it, this game is a sequal to Miner Wars 2081.