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Analog Games.

eren jaeger
Icriex the Hyperbolic
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1Analog Games. Empty Analog Games. Sun Feb 24, 2013 5:14 pm

Icriex the Hyperbolic

Icriex the Hyperbolic

Games of a non-electronic, non-video nature. i.e. Board, Card, Tabletop, LARP. Not sports. Sports are icky.

Battletech is wonderful. You all need to learn to play.

2Analog Games. Empty Re: Analog Games. Sun Feb 24, 2013 6:11 pm




I got to go to bed early so I'm not posting this tonight, but I've been developing this game where people roleplay as spies. Reactions have been positive so far, but its not going to be tried out until fall for reasons I will disclose later.


3Analog Games. Empty Re: Analog Games. Sun Feb 24, 2013 6:12 pm

Icriex the Hyperbolic

Icriex the Hyperbolic


4Analog Games. Empty Re: Analog Games. Sun Feb 24, 2013 7:00 pm



I like Risk! But I don't often have the spare 5 hours required to play half a game of Risk.

5Analog Games. Empty Re: Analog Games. Mon Feb 25, 2013 12:46 am


Ninjafleet Captain

Anyone up for Monopoly? []


6Analog Games. Empty Re: Analog Games. Mon Feb 25, 2013 1:10 am


King Under The Bridge

Oh god I hate monopoly so much augh

I like scrabble
Scrabble is fun
People be all "Tuomey are those even words I'm looking at the dictionary OH SHIT THEY ARE WORDS"

7Analog Games. Empty Re: Analog Games. Mon Feb 25, 2013 2:17 am


Ninjafleet Captain

I think I still have my LotR chess set...[]


8Analog Games. Empty Re: Analog Games. Mon Feb 25, 2013 4:01 am





9Analog Games. Empty Re: Analog Games. Mon Feb 25, 2013 4:54 am


Prince of the Squirtle Squad

We played a great game at Christmas called Outrage!. You have to steal the crown jewels from London. It's quite complex but a lot of fun.

10Analog Games. Empty Re: Analog Games. Mon Feb 25, 2013 5:37 am


King Under The Bridge

JT_the_Ninja wrote:I think I still have my LotR chess set...[]

*grabby hands*

11Analog Games. Empty Re: Analog Games. Mon Feb 25, 2013 7:30 am


Glorious Leader

I played Risk two days ago, I lost horribly. People didn't like me owning an entire continent and were so focussed on keeping me from it that another player basically blitzkrieged us all in the end with the ridiculous army he'd been saving.

The people I played the Game of Thrones boardgame with intend to organize more gaming nights like that every two weeks. There should be a some sort of highlights video next time we play it, which I shall attempt to translate and post here if it's any good.


12Analog Games. Empty Re: Analog Games. Mon Feb 25, 2013 10:26 am

Icriex the Hyperbolic

Icriex the Hyperbolic

Lady Stardust wrote:...Ew.
I like Risk! But I don't often have the spare 5 hours required to play half a game of Risk.

HAHAHA, Don't even bother with Axis and Allies then. 5 hours is the pregame setup time. When I play with my Dad and my brothers, it takes us a good week and a half, playing in 3 hour increments to finish a full game.

13Analog Games. Empty Re: Analog Games. Mon Feb 25, 2013 11:34 am

eren jaeger

eren jaeger

so any one want to play some werewolf?

14Analog Games. Empty Re: Analog Games. Mon Feb 25, 2013 1:12 pm



Tuomey wrote:Oh god I hate monopoly so much augh

I like scrabble
Scrabble is fun
People be all "Tuomey are those even words I'm looking at the dictionary OH SHIT THEY ARE WORDS"
Scrabble is BALLIN'
Analog Games. 43
You have not truly lived until you've gotten bored out of your mind playing Monopoly with a Forest Wizard, an owl and his two Space Babies.
Werewolf is a fun game! It's been a long time since I played online.

15Analog Games. Empty Re: Analog Games. Mon Feb 25, 2013 3:33 pm



This is a game of mystery and deceit. There are no clear lines of battle, no obvious scoreboard, only code names and the few that are known.

There are two or more teams based on the number of people, along with a five man "overwatch" who act as referees/gamemasters. They're the only ones with a roster of who's playing and which team they are on, but they can die just as easily as the players. Teams are organized into pyramids with three levels: headquarters, handlers, and operatives. In addition, there are three types of operatives: assaults, scientists, and demolitions.

Some overarching rules for everyone: each class has a distinct point value, though the exact value is not told to the players. Thus, points can be taken from a team by having one of their members be killed or, worse, defect and have the points transfer. As for weapons, socks can be used as "knives". A slice is fatal. There are more weapons, but I'll get to those in a bit. Everyone is only told a max of 5 other people on their team, and they will only know code names and an email if overwatch is feeling lenient. Meeting them is an exercise left for the reader. Agents can be taken hostage and "interrogated" (ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY FOR PHYSICAL OR MENTAL DAMAGE, COME ON PEOPLE), but they are encouraged to lie and screw with the information they give up. Once information is released, the victim must be similarly released. If an agent is killed, he or she may not tell anyone anything about code names or other sensitive topics. You're dead, don't be a douche. Alright, now to specifics.

(9 people)Operatives exist in groups of a minimum of three, one of each class, and a max of five. They are each told the code names of the others in their group along with their handler's.

Assault can use Nerf guns as weapons. More dangerous than socks and hella more intimidating for missions, which will also be explained in a bit.

Demolitions can set bombs. Its simply a slip of paper with "BOOM" written on it with their code name. They hide it somewhere such as in a bed or in a notebook, then the victim uncovers the slip and "explodes", along with anyone else in the room. All deaths are reported to overwatch through a designated email or phone number or whatever is preferred.

Scientists have no extra weapons. Instead, they are worth more than the other two classes and have a sticker sheet used in missions.

(3 people)Handlers are the same as assault but also can communicate with headquarters and have a higher point value than any operatives.

(1 person)Headquarters knows the handlers and is given information on missions. Obviously, he or she has the highest point value. They also are in contact with one or two double agents on the other team who are operatives. Hey, what's a game of spies without double agents? Boring, that's what.

I only have come up with one mission, but if anyone has an idea, run with it. A time and a place is provided to one headquarters along with the code name of a member of overwatch. That member has a briefcase which he gives to whoever comes to meet with him. Inside is instructions to place a certain sticker on the sheet then return the briefcase to again a certain operative at a certain place and time. Points are then appropriated. The other team is told of the place of the initial transfer, but not the time or operative. The case is immediately distinctive (bright pink or made of screams or what have you) and points are gained if it is stolen and the other team carries out the instructions.

So yeah, that's it for now. Questions and comments would be loved. If these rules are unclear, they shouldn't be, but if it seems unclear for the players, it should be, you're a spy, not a soldier.

Also: if it sounds stupid as all hell, please tell me.


16Analog Games. Empty Re: Analog Games. Tue Feb 26, 2013 6:47 am



17Analog Games. Empty Re: Analog Games. Tue Feb 26, 2013 12:06 pm



*forever alone*

18Analog Games. Empty Re: Analog Games. Tue Feb 26, 2013 12:08 pm

Icriex the Hyperbolic

Icriex the Hyperbolic

MTG is Fantastic. Best CCG of all time.

19Analog Games. Empty Re: Analog Games. Tue Feb 26, 2013 12:31 pm



*forever alone*

I play a lot!

20Analog Games. Empty Re: Analog Games. Tue Feb 26, 2013 2:11 pm



For being a really avid magic player, I don't have any decent decks. Well, at least any mechanic decks, anyways. I can't enter most magic tournaments, a lot of my cards are too old.
I want a sliver deck so bad...

21Analog Games. Empty Re: Analog Games. Tue Feb 26, 2013 2:36 pm



Well I have some really good card like Elvish Piper that allow you to put any creature card from your hand onto the battlefield for only one green mana and being tap.

22Analog Games. Empty Re: Analog Games. Tue Feb 26, 2013 6:36 pm



I've been trolled to hard with that card...
Darksteel Colossis would be horrible with that thing.
Holy s****, if you have that, Darksteel, and Darksteel plating in your hand, you could easily have all of that out in a couple of turns. Darksteel plating attached to Piper, and forget them being able to get rid of it.

23Analog Games. Empty Re: Analog Games. Wed Feb 27, 2013 2:55 am



I don't have any Darksteel but I do have Progenitus hydra

24Analog Games. Empty Re: Analog Games. Wed Feb 27, 2013 6:37 am



Sarcasmic wrote:This is a game of mystery and deceit. There are no clear lines of battle, no obvious scoreboard, only code names and the few that are known.


Also: if it sounds stupid as all hell, please tell me.
sounds a little bit like manhunt, although when i played that we didnt have nerf guns and there was no "killing" but we did have double agents.
it was like a cops/robbers type of game deviation mostly, that consisted of the cops looking for the robbers and the robbers trying to hide and outsmart the cops.

anyone want to play a game of werewolf?
yeah, we play this game if we don't have much else to do on our gamer nights. sometimes we add in new rules or act out our characters. like a potato farmer or a bard etc...
also apparently for a game that i was absent for the game turnied into "death note" and L was the seer while kira was the werewolf.

i've played risk twice, the first time if we had finished the game i would have won, the second time i did win. i'm apparently ruthless when it comes to that game.

magic the gathering is pretty much the only card game that the guys i game with play. i play it as well but i've never bought my own cards, mostly the guys have extras and they give them to me because they think it would do well in my deck.
i play red, i burn stuff XD

25Analog Games. Empty Re: Analog Games. Wed Feb 27, 2013 8:28 am

eren jaeger

eren jaeger

Tacoline wrote:
Sarcasmic wrote:This is a game of mystery and deceit. There are no clear lines of battle, no obvious scoreboard, only code names and the few that are known.


Also: if it sounds stupid as all hell, please tell me.
sounds a little bit like manhunt, although when i played that we didnt have nerf guns and there was no "killing" but we did have double agents.
it was like a cops/robbers type of game deviation mostly, that consisted of the cops looking for the robbers and the robbers trying to hide and outsmart the cops.

anyone want to play a game of werewolf?
yeah, we play this game if we don't have much else to do on our gamer nights. sometimes we add in new rules or act out our characters. like a potato farmer or a bard etc...
also apparently for a game that i was absent for the game turnied into "death note" and L was the seer while kira was the werewolf.

i've played risk twice, the first time if we had finished the game i would have won, the second time i did win. i'm apparently ruthless when it comes to that game.

magic the gathering is pretty much the only card game that the guys i game with play. i play it as well but i've never bought my own cards, mostly the guys have extras and they give them to me because they think it would do well in my deck.
i play red, i burn stuff XD

now izzet?

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