Yes, but why would he care about us any more than a worm?
Worms are, in the grand scheme, better than humans. Morally, and for the world.
Worms are, in the grand scheme, better than humans. Morally, and for the world.
Top Hat Zebra wrote:Alright, if we're going to do this, I might as well join in.
I find organized religion to be ardous and unneccessary. There is, in my opinion, no need at all for a governing body for religion.
I believe that every single religion is wrong. Every single one of them.
The odds of us even being able to understand a divine being, are literally zero. The human mind simply cannot do it. When people read the Bible, or any religios texts, and take it literally, it frustrates me.
The Bible makes as much sense as Aesop's Fables. Yes, it teaches some good lessons, but you shouldn't take everything it says as reality. Nor should you think it's the Word of God. The idea that a god would even care about what we do is, frankly, wishful thinking.
In my opinion, the Christain God, were he to exist, is not worth worshipping. He is, at best, a dick. He has wiped out huge amounts of people at least twice, that I can think of off the top of my head. Plus, he has the power to end all suffering, and yet he doesn't. Thus, he is not worthy of my worship, or even love. He is a jealous, spiteful thing. If he was human, people would consider him a tyrant, and he would be killed in a Coup.
I much prefer the Eastern religions. Buddhism, Confucianism, Hinduism, etc.
Because, for one, two of those are not religions. They are philosophies. They are all the good parts of religion (The morals, the love, the kindness, etc.) without all the bullshit.
Even Hinduism, which is a religion, handles it better than Christianity. Hinduism says, "We don't really understand the gods and/ or God, so just worship him however you want, as long as you're a good person."
That is how religion should be.
In my opinion, the Christain God, were he to exist, is not worth worshipping. He is, at best, a dick. He has wiped out huge amounts of people at least twice, that I can think of off the top of my head. Plus, he has the power to end all suffering, and yet he doesn't. Thus, he is not worthy of my worship, or even love. He is a jealous, spiteful thing. If he was human, people would consider him a tyrant, and he would be killed in a Coup.
Top Hat Zebra wrote:Perhaps not, but it certainly ties into religion.
Christianity just strikes me as a very.... Arrogant belief system.
Me, with my beliefs, can accept that I could be wrong. The Christian God could exist, and I could be mistaken this whole time.
Chriastians, on the other hand, CANNOT give me the same courtesy. To them, I am simply mislead, and I am wrong, and they are right, because they are right. They literally cannot accept the fact that they may be wrong about this, because their religion says they aren't, so they aren't.
EDIT: I am just using Christianity as an example. Other religions are like this too, of course.
Especially in the old testament. Not only did he wipe out nearly all humanity because apparently "kill everyone" is the logical thing to use his omnipotence for, he's also absolutely awful to humans in general. There's a particularly horrid bit in the story about Sodom, where he singled out the one guy worth saving in the whole city (again with the mass murdering...) and sent an angel to him. The guy's house is surrounded by other cityfolk who want to love tenderly the angel, because that's apparently what happens to strangers there. And this guy, the one guy deemed worthy of saving, compromises by giving his own daughters to an angry, love tenderly-y crowd. And the lord doth smiled upon him. (And this happens again at some point with someone else, because the guys who wrote the bible apparently liked the theme)
I'll believe in a god when he comes down and proves it.
Top Hat Zebra wrote:If you want to worship Princess Celestia as our divine saviour, go ahead.
Top Hat Zebra wrote:I don't see why all atheists can't just be atheists. Why do they have to set themselves up as a big, hot-shot religion and try to take on Christianity?
Gorgro wrote:I also don't think religions deserve any kind of respect, because it has done nothing to earn it apart from mass indoctrination. It only stands in the way of progress because it pretends to hold all the answers, however ridiculous they may be.
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