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My MInecraft server (Edited)

eren jaeger
Top Hat Zebra
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Should the server be in survival mode?

My MInecraft server (Edited) - Page 20 Vote_lcap45%My MInecraft server (Edited) - Page 20 Vote_rcap 45% [ 5 ]
My MInecraft server (Edited) - Page 20 Vote_lcap9%My MInecraft server (Edited) - Page 20 Vote_rcap 9% [ 1 ]
My MInecraft server (Edited) - Page 20 Vote_lcap27%My MInecraft server (Edited) - Page 20 Vote_rcap 27% [ 3 ]
My MInecraft server (Edited) - Page 20 Vote_lcap18%My MInecraft server (Edited) - Page 20 Vote_rcap 18% [ 2 ]
Total Votes : 11

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476My MInecraft server (Edited) - Page 20 Empty Re: My MInecraft server (Edited) Thu Sep 12, 2013 6:48 pm


Dove in the Moonlight

Uhm, no? Just an observation?

477My MInecraft server (Edited) - Page 20 Empty Re: My MInecraft server (Edited) Thu Sep 12, 2013 6:48 pm



Come and attack me!

478My MInecraft server (Edited) - Page 20 Empty Re: My MInecraft server (Edited) Thu Sep 12, 2013 6:52 pm



No come at me bro?

479My MInecraft server (Edited) - Page 20 Empty Re: My MInecraft server (Edited) Fri Sep 13, 2013 3:17 am



Computer was restated last night, server is back up and the IP is the same thankfully

480My MInecraft server (Edited) - Page 20 Empty Re: My MInecraft server (Edited) Fri Sep 13, 2013 1:11 pm

eren jaeger

eren jaeger

I think we need some attack on titan in this server

481My MInecraft server (Edited) - Page 20 Empty Re: My MInecraft server (Edited) Fri Sep 13, 2013 2:57 pm



Well to be honest our Time Schedules aren't exactly Synced, and The World is Huge Too so maybe we can think of something else? Possibly a smaller Map with Survival (Only) I Like a Challenge

482My MInecraft server (Edited) - Page 20 Empty Re: My MInecraft server (Edited) Fri Sep 13, 2013 3:01 pm


Dove in the Moonlight

I've spent a lot of time and effort in putting this together so I would appreciate it if people actually tried the actual event before writing it off as a failure, thanks.

483My MInecraft server (Edited) - Page 20 Empty Re: My MInecraft server (Edited) Fri Sep 13, 2013 4:15 pm



eren jaeger wrote:I think we need some attack on titan in this server

DandyLionGx wrote:Well to be honest our Time Schedules aren't exactly Synced, and The World is Huge Too so maybe we can think of something else? Possibly a smaller Map with Survival (Only) I Like a Challenge
The map only rolls as basically infinite I can't make them smaller.

Merged your two quotes together

484My MInecraft server (Edited) - Page 20 Empty Re: My MInecraft server (Edited) Fri Sep 13, 2013 4:47 pm



Hollyღ wrote:I've spent a lot of time and effort in putting this together so I would appreciate it if people actually tried the actual event before writing it off as a failure, thanks.
I wasn't giving up on the PvP, I just think maybe September wasn't the best time to schedule since work and school. Reschedule perhaps?

485My MInecraft server (Edited) - Page 20 Empty Re: My MInecraft server (Edited) Sun Sep 15, 2013 11:20 am



Computer rebooted last night, everything is back up and running

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