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My MInecraft server (Edited)

eren jaeger
Top Hat Zebra
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Should the server be in survival mode?

My MInecraft server (Edited) - Page 19 Vote_lcap45%My MInecraft server (Edited) - Page 19 Vote_rcap 45% [ 5 ]
My MInecraft server (Edited) - Page 19 Vote_lcap9%My MInecraft server (Edited) - Page 19 Vote_rcap 9% [ 1 ]
My MInecraft server (Edited) - Page 19 Vote_lcap27%My MInecraft server (Edited) - Page 19 Vote_rcap 27% [ 3 ]
My MInecraft server (Edited) - Page 19 Vote_lcap18%My MInecraft server (Edited) - Page 19 Vote_rcap 18% [ 2 ]
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451My MInecraft server (Edited) - Page 19 Empty Re: My MInecraft server (Edited) Sun Sep 08, 2013 3:34 pm


The 7th Wonder of the World

yeah we got your messages, noober

close your browser and everything else and just wait it out, same thing happens to me and waiting usually fixes it

452My MInecraft server (Edited) - Page 19 Empty Re: My MInecraft server (Edited) Sun Sep 08, 2013 3:40 pm


Dove in the Moonlight

My MInecraft server (Edited) - Page 19 Am798h

453My MInecraft server (Edited) - Page 19 Empty Re: My MInecraft server (Edited) Sun Sep 08, 2013 3:41 pm



I right click

wait about a minute

and then the menu pops up


454My MInecraft server (Edited) - Page 19 Empty Re: My MInecraft server (Edited) Sun Sep 08, 2013 3:48 pm


Dove in the Moonlight

PVP and Raiding are enabled
But we have barely touched on Raiding or stealing rules so
If anyone wants to open that discussion to get some rules kicked up

455My MInecraft server (Edited) - Page 19 Empty Re: My MInecraft server (Edited) Mon Sep 09, 2013 4:03 pm



the rule about ppl being online when a raid occurs is really good, that should be in effect whenever someone wants o enter another persons fort or whatever

when trading on peaceful terms, or at someones area for peaceful reasons. do not suddenly steal stuff or suddenly raid or whatever. no Trojan horse schemes kay?

when raiding, should it be made perfectly clear that that is what is occurring? no surprise assault?
should one shout "ATTACK" or something when they decide to attack? i dunno, i'm asking you.

i like the idea of stealthily gaining entrance into someones fort, but at the same time its not fair if your not being expected. so maybe announce that you are attacking, then go about it in the way you see fit.

except for breaking blocks to gain entry, if someone put effort into a trap ans they set it up in specific ways then its not fair to burrow around it.

however if you say that you're at war, and get in without breaking blocks, then alls fair i think.

just my ideas.

456My MInecraft server (Edited) - Page 19 Empty Re: My MInecraft server (Edited) Mon Sep 09, 2013 4:07 pm


Dove in the Moonlight

Tacoline wrote:the rule about ppl being online when a raid occurs is really good, that should be in effect whenever someone wants o enter another persons fort or whatever

when trading on peaceful terms, or at someones area for peaceful reasons. do not suddenly steal stuff or suddenly raid or whatever. no Trojan horse schemes kay?

when raiding, should it be made perfectly clear that that is what is occurring? no surprise assault?
should one shout "ATTACK" or something when they decide to attack? i dunno, i'm asking you.

i like the idea of stealthily gaining entrance into someones fort, but at the same time its not fair if your not being expected. so maybe announce that you are attacking, then go about it in the way you see fit.

except for breaking blocks to gain entry, if someone put effort into a trap ans they set it up in specific ways then its not fair to burrow around it.

however if you say that you're at war, and get in without breaking blocks, then alls fair i think.

just my ideas.
I like those ideas, everyone all in favor?

457My MInecraft server (Edited) - Page 19 Empty Re: My MInecraft server (Edited) Mon Sep 09, 2013 4:24 pm


The 7th Wonder of the World


458My MInecraft server (Edited) - Page 19 Empty Re: My MInecraft server (Edited) Mon Sep 09, 2013 6:11 pm


Dove in the Moonlight

Can everyone post their control block and the room it's in so people know what to look for?
We are not asking for the location of it - just what to expect when we find it.

Team Sasha-Holly Control Block Glowstone

My MInecraft server (Edited) - Page 19 X049dcx

459My MInecraft server (Edited) - Page 19 Empty Re: My MInecraft server (Edited) Tue Sep 10, 2013 3:52 am



Yes yes good idea Holly

My MInecraft server (Edited) - Page 19 Bq2IXVM

My castle is the anvil and I am the hammer. Come between us and be crushed.


460My MInecraft server (Edited) - Page 19 Empty Re: My MInecraft server (Edited) Tue Sep 10, 2013 4:09 am


Dove in the Moonlight

My legacy is our glowstone, come between it and.. cast some shadows I guess
Throw in some shadow puppets while you're at it

461My MInecraft server (Edited) - Page 19 Empty Re: My MInecraft server (Edited) Tue Sep 10, 2013 4:31 am


The 7th Wonder of the World

Gosh darn it we need a better motto

462My MInecraft server (Edited) - Page 19 Empty Re: My MInecraft server (Edited) Tue Sep 10, 2013 4:38 am



"We are the glowstone that shines through the dark"


463My MInecraft server (Edited) - Page 19 Empty Re: My MInecraft server (Edited) Tue Sep 10, 2013 4:39 am


Dove in the Moonlight

*Twinkle twinkle*

464My MInecraft server (Edited) - Page 19 Empty Re: My MInecraft server (Edited) Tue Sep 10, 2013 4:40 am


The 7th Wonder of the World

Too cool
Darn it cube, you know we're dorks
That is above my paygrade

465My MInecraft server (Edited) - Page 19 Empty Re: My MInecraft server (Edited) Tue Sep 10, 2013 4:47 am


Dove in the Moonlight

"We are the glowstone that is made redundant because of all the torches lighting the room but hey we look awesome in this texture pack so theres that"

Might be a tad long ohh

466My MInecraft server (Edited) - Page 19 Empty Re: My MInecraft server (Edited) Tue Sep 10, 2013 4:49 am


The 7th Wonder of the World

"We're are redundant"

Yep there we go

467My MInecraft server (Edited) - Page 19 Empty Re: My MInecraft server (Edited) Tue Sep 10, 2013 4:48 pm



what if someone used a block of dirt as their special block lol

468My MInecraft server (Edited) - Page 19 Empty Re: My MInecraft server (Edited) Thu Sep 12, 2013 6:09 pm



Bukkit had an update, no new content tho add tho.

469My MInecraft server (Edited) - Page 19 Empty Re: My MInecraft server (Edited) Thu Sep 12, 2013 6:12 pm


Dove in the Moonlight

Tacoline wrote:what if someone used a block of dirt as their special block lol
Classic Taco
You can do that so long as it's made clear its your special block

470My MInecraft server (Edited) - Page 19 Empty Re: My MInecraft server (Edited) Thu Sep 12, 2013 6:44 pm



I was thinking of calling PvP a wash this month cause of inactivity

471My MInecraft server (Edited) - Page 19 Empty Re: My MInecraft server (Edited) Thu Sep 12, 2013 6:45 pm



I think it's school eating up all of our time, or just other responsibilities popping up. I know it is for me.


472My MInecraft server (Edited) - Page 19 Empty Re: My MInecraft server (Edited) Thu Sep 12, 2013 6:45 pm



Well more specifically, we need to arrange a day so everyone will agree to be on, like a schedule

473My MInecraft server (Edited) - Page 19 Empty Re: My MInecraft server (Edited) Thu Sep 12, 2013 6:46 pm


Dove in the Moonlight

Plenty people have been on, it's just no one has made a move yet - dosen't make it a fail yet
It's also hard to play when the server lags and the IP changes so often

474My MInecraft server (Edited) - Page 19 Empty Re: My MInecraft server (Edited) Thu Sep 12, 2013 6:47 pm



Cube of Reason wrote:I think it's school eating up all of our time, or just other responsibilities popping up. I know it is for me.
Well a combination of things really, bad internet on my end, other people's end and like you said school

475My MInecraft server (Edited) - Page 19 Empty Re: My MInecraft server (Edited) Thu Sep 12, 2013 6:47 pm



Is that a challenge?

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