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Official Quiz Thread

Top Hat Zebra
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176Official Quiz Thread - Page 8 Empty Re: Official Quiz Thread Fri Feb 14, 2014 5:00 pm



Which IQ quiz is this, I have no idea where to find this.

177Official Quiz Thread - Page 8 Empty Re: Official Quiz Thread Sun Feb 16, 2014 4:50 am

Tasha the Silly Panda

Tasha the Silly Panda

The link is in my post, Molten :0

178Official Quiz Thread - Page 8 Empty Re: Official Quiz Thread Sun Feb 16, 2014 6:01 am



It's also totally legit. Me and Tasha are easily 30 IQ points over what is considered the IQ of a genius

179Official Quiz Thread - Page 8 Empty Re: Official Quiz Thread Sun Feb 16, 2014 7:18 am




i may understand some of the question later in life a bit better, but I like this score.

180Official Quiz Thread - Page 8 Empty Re: Official Quiz Thread Sun Feb 16, 2014 11:32 am



I quit halfway into the test because I noticed some problems in the test. First of all, it's only 20 questions. Actual IQ tests, like what are mandated in my school district, take hours to finish and have many different sections.
Second of all, none of what I saw was timed. Actual IQ scores take how quickly you process info into account. Despite getting most things right on my IQ test last year, my score was severely hampered by the fact it took me longer than most people to finish it.
Lastly, it's questions were from a .com site, which does little to reassure me that it's a legit test.

181Official Quiz Thread - Page 8 Empty Re: Official Quiz Thread Sun Feb 16, 2014 12:01 pm



That's the joke Katls.

182Official Quiz Thread - Page 8 Empty Re: Official Quiz Thread Sun Feb 16, 2014 2:04 pm

Tasha the Silly Panda

Tasha the Silly Panda

Katls wrote:I quit halfway into the test because I noticed some problems in the test. First of all, it's only 20 questions. Actual IQ tests, like what are mandated in my school district, take hours to finish and have many different sections.
Second of all, none of what I saw was timed. Actual IQ scores take how quickly you process info into account. Despite getting most things right on my IQ test last year, my score was severely hampered by the fact it took me longer than most people to finish it.
Lastly, it's questions were from a .com site, which does little to reassure me that it's a legit test.

As Molty said, it was clearly a joke, which is why Charles and I sarcastically mentioned how "legit" it was. I'm fairly sure Charles and I don't actually believe we're more intelligent than Einstein ;-). I'm confident we're all smart enough here on the forum to get stuff like this, it sounds a little condescending when you state these things like we were in need for an explanation.
It was a fun test to do in any case, though the results aren't very fair, I think Dew deserves a lot more credit than 80 points ;P
If you do want a more reliable one, I've found two that seem decent :0
This is a Swedish one: http://www.mensa.se/HTML/testD/inst.html (It's in Swedish, but language isn't really important for this kind of test)
There's also this Danish one, but you can set the language to English: http://iqtest.dk/main.swf

I haven't done these yet, but they're timed and they get good reviews. Enjoy! :3

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