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Formal Art Thread

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26Formal Art Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Formal Art Thread Sat Jul 13, 2013 12:13 pm


Ninjafleet Captain

I find this to be art:

Formal Art Thread - Page 2 Beatles-from-realistic-to-iconic

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27Formal Art Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Formal Art Thread Sun Jul 14, 2013 9:36 pm


The 7th Wonder of the World

Today is Rembrandt's birthday according to the Googles
Here is my favourite piece of his that apparently isn't actually his. I think there was a big fandango when it was revealed it wasn't a Rembrandt piece. I feel like there's too much hero worship and pretentiousness in all fields of art; there's a greater focus on having good taste and knowledge of artists than there's a focus on the art itself.

holly are you still going to post something or

28Formal Art Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Formal Art Thread Mon Jul 15, 2013 8:17 pm


The 7th Wonder of the World

SQUIGGLES wrote:I feel like there's too much hero worship and pretentiousness in all fields of art; there's a greater focus on having good taste and knowledge of artists than there's a focus on the art itself.
This illustrates something I wanted to touch on but couldn't find the wording for. This is a sketch by Vincent Van Gogh and it's famous; 16,800,000 results on Google for a sketch. It's not particularly moving, he's not pushing the norms and it doesn't have a message, it's just some doodle he's drawn to vent or something, but label it a "van Gogh" and oh shit it's a masterpiece let me examine it for meaning and detail

With a few fast strokes, Van Gogh managed to depict a musician who looks lively and realist. You can almost ear the music he's playing.
This is a comment from the thread I found it in, I don't know if it's because I'm too annoyed to judge it correctly, if I'm looking at it from the wrong perspective but I think that is such bullshit.
What makes this one particulary interesting is that we can see some of the characteristics and style of Van Gogh's masterpiece paintings. It's an insight on how this artist was preparing, practicing his art and how he was constructing his vision.
The art community is so pretentious, damn.

29Formal Art Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Formal Art Thread Mon Jul 15, 2013 11:50 pm


Ninjafleet Captain

This is also art:

Formal Art Thread - Page 2 Hqdefault

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30Formal Art Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Formal Art Thread Tue Jul 16, 2013 10:08 am


Dove in the Moonlight

SQUIGGLES wrote:holly are you still going to post something or

Hey yeah, I'm still working on it, no stress

31Formal Art Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Formal Art Thread Wed Jul 17, 2013 10:33 am


Dove in the Moonlight

I had some more art to share but I can't find them in my bookmarks so I guess they will have to wait until later OOPS

Souther Salazar
Souther Salazar- Vibrant Contemperary:

Yago Hortal
Yago Hortal - Abstract Brushstrokes :

Faile - Contemporary Pop Art:

Jessica Lichtenstein
Jessica Lichtenstein - Word Sculptures:

>Squiggles an article on originality. I think the title is thought-provoking in itself. Where do you chaps think visual art is going to go in the future?

Very interesting and telling article, it's question in point is something I've often thought of before. In my opinion all artists gain inspiration from all that is available to them including other artists, and people in general build on that collective consciousness to form their own creative expression -whether anything original stems from it is debatable because Originality is a very western ideal that limits and simplifies art. I believe people spend more time yearning for the unorthodox instead of the message behind the art itself.

Blah blah blah paintings line walls ... Shades of late Picasso, Miró, and Kandinsky dominate. Not that there’s anything wrong with Picasso, Miró, or Kandinsky, and some of these imitations are very well executed – but by being repeated their styles ossify and lose all sense of motion; revolutionary artists are turned into reactionaries. [....] We’re being shown a possible future, but as Marx knew, every future is ‘still stamped with the birthmarks of the old society from whose womb it emerges'.

I'm not sure what the article is trying to imply here. Picasso, Miró, and Kandinsky were also known to borrow from artists before them. Picasso once quoted "Good artists copy, great artists steal", highlighting the fact even the great artists are motivated and inspired by creations of their time, subconsciously or not. People take already developed ideas and interpret it their own vision, as they have done for years, and will continue to do as people and art evolves in the future.

>Squiggles Photographer John William Keedy explores themes of anxiety and varied neuroses in his series titled It's Hardly Noticeable"

Wow, these are beautiful interpretations of anxiety, thanks for sharing this gosh. It's surprisingly hard to capture exactly how one feels when they are trapped in their self-doubt and apprehensions. I love the subtly in second picture after the exposition text - the hints of blood and the stance of the man let you in on his frustrations.

Ultimately, the series exposes the struggles faced by people with mental disorders on a daily basis. At the same time, he questions what "normal" is anymore, seeing as there are so many individuals dealing with anxiety-based issues. Keedy asks, "Is it possible for a society to have a commonly held idea of what is normal, when few individuals in that society actually meet the criteria for normalcy?"

Gosh yes yes yes yes. That is such an awesome thinking point yes.
Favorite photo of that series:

>Squiggles I feel like there's too much hero worship and pretentiousness in all fields of art; there's a greater focus on having good taste and knowledge of artists than there's a focus on the art itself.

The exaggerated adoration and acclaim for big name artists is exactly what the art community suffers from yeah. I feel the air of self-importance is what hurts them most though. It's more of a game of showing off and on-upping as opposed to simply expressing and appreciating emotion and ideas and I will never understand the pomposity involved with art. The showiness of some people just gives me a sense that they sport false-fronts and makes it very hard to take them or their art seriously.


Thisssss yes! I had more to add about this but I forgot, but I think it was just me saying "yeah" but in a more complicated way so.

I had some cool art links to share, later I will gather them from my bookmarks and post them here.

Last edited by Hollyღ on Wed Jul 17, 2013 10:52 am; edited 2 times in total

32Formal Art Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Formal Art Thread Wed Jul 17, 2013 10:46 am


Prince of the Squirtle Squad

I really liked that series of pictures on anxiety. I think, like Rare, the one with al the mini-flosses is my favourite. The little splashes of blood in particular really convey a sense of tension.

What do you think the pictures of the leaking glass of milk is meant to convey?

33Formal Art Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Formal Art Thread Wed Jul 17, 2013 11:04 am


Dove in the Moonlight

Jonny wrote:What do you think the pictures of the leaking glass of milk is meant to convey?

Mmmm. It's so easy to look to deep into these things. The simple obvious answer might be it represents feeling useless.  I can see it representing the act of losing character though, if only because that's one of my greatest fears. The thought of becoming jaded, pessimistic (glass half empty) and emotionless inside, unable to fix whats broken and going back to being just another empty shell going through the motions.

What do you think of this one?

Formal Art Thread - Page 2 Johnwilliamleedyitshardlynoticeable1

34Formal Art Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Formal Art Thread Wed Jul 17, 2013 12:45 pm


Prince of the Squirtle Squad

I think of the Silence from Doctor Who, to be honest.

35Formal Art Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Formal Art Thread Wed Jul 17, 2013 12:50 pm


The 7th Wonder of the World

I think the one with the fence is using the tally to represent a feeling of being imprisoned as prison cell walls are always shown with a running tally in movies. Maybe it's trying to say that all places can feel like a prison but more likely I think maybe it's getting at people who don't leave the house often and how they feel.

36Formal Art Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Formal Art Thread Wed Jul 17, 2013 12:56 pm


Prince of the Squirtle Squad

So running down similiar lines to the pictures of all the parcels? Yeah, I can get behind that.

37Formal Art Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Formal Art Thread Thu Jul 18, 2013 8:01 pm


The 7th Wonder of the World

>Hollyღ> I'm not sure what the article is trying to imply here. Picasso once quoted "Good artists copy, great artists steal", highlighting the fact even the great artists are motivated and inspired by creations of their time, subconsciously or not. People take already developed ideas and interpret it their own vision, as they have done for years, and will continue to do as people and art evolves in the future.
There's a few ways you can take that article; I think he's making a point in that part you quoted about how artists are creating according to what they're taught is the standard for aesthetics. The difference between copying and stealing is that when you copy someone you're not making it your own, it's still representative of the person you copied from and apparently he feels like they're not making the styles their own.
I think the writer's too much of a sook about the state of modern art but I like what it made me think of.

>Hollyღ> Thisssss yes! I had more to add about this but I forgot, but I think it was just me saying "yeah" but in a more complicated way so.
yes yes

>Hollyღ> I had some cool art links to share, later I will gather them from my bookmarks and post them here.
yes yes yes yes

38Formal Art Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Formal Art Thread Wed Jul 31, 2013 8:46 pm


Dove in the Moonlight

Hey I forgot to gather those links, I will soon
I didn't know whether to post these here or in pics thread but
I think they'd be more appreciate here

3D illusion Drawings

Formal Art Thread - Page 2 Ad4

Formal Art Thread - Page 2 Ad6

Formal Art Thread - Page 2 Ad9

39Formal Art Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Formal Art Thread Fri Aug 30, 2013 11:25 pm


The 7th Wonder of the World

Collaborating with a 4-year Old

She was insistent and confident that she would of course improve any illustration I might have done. …And the thing is, she DID.
And from it all, here are the lessons I learned: to try not to be so rigid. Yes, some things (like my new sketchbook) are sacred, but if you let go of those chains, new and wonderful things can happen. Those things you hold so dear cannot change and grow and expand unless you loosen your grip on them a little. In sharing my artwork and allowing our daughter to be an equal in our collaborations, I helped solidify her confidence, which is way more precious than any doodle I could have done. In her mind, her contributions were as valid as mine (and in truth, they really were). Most importantly, I learned that if you have a preconceived notion of how something should be, YOU WILL ALWAYS BE DISAPPOINTED. Instead, just go with it, just ACCEPT it, because usually something even more wonderful will come out of it.
This page took an awful long time to load, I think it'd be better for those of us with poor internet if there was a limit on embeds per post, maybe two or three images, and the rest can be linked as an album; it's different from Pics Thread because every image has to be huge and high quality in here.

40Formal Art Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Formal Art Thread Sat Aug 31, 2013 4:04 pm



I liked that art collaboration thing. I never could have suspended my pride to let a kid draw on any of my stuff, it would've broken me, and I'm not even that great an artist. I like the message, and the art that it yielded.

41Formal Art Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Formal Art Thread Sun Sep 01, 2013 4:41 am



I didn't know to post it here or in the pics and yeah ziggy I don't know if I could have suspended my pride like that either. Did you read the article? The artist herself was surprised at result

42Formal Art Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Formal Art Thread Sun Sep 01, 2013 9:21 am




43Formal Art Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Formal Art Thread Sun Sep 01, 2013 7:32 pm


Dove in the Moonlight

Thanks for sharing that Sash, I finally found time to look through it
I really love the message and the pictures looked beautiful
In fact, just whenever, requesting any other "art collaboration" type stories

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