For now this is my nation flag (I did this because I could I may end up destroying it)
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+1 idea. We need someone who will not control a contry and will give reports about the effects of covert operations without revelling who did it. This person would recive the fact that someone is performing a covert operation via PM
so... i'm the dmKatls Nalcrato wrote:Well, he's a player. This isn't exactly DnD, but we use the dice system for fighting.
We need to have a person who isn't an offical player to give the covert operation missions to for rolling and than notifying the effect of a covert mission without reveling who did it unless cirtein curcomstances are met and to control the neutal nations when they are attacked, but only on the defenceive.
Katls Nalcrato wrote:Well, I'm going devide the neutal conunties into sectors, so you it wouldn't be taking the whole US, but I see your point.
I still hold my proposal on a 1 game week cease-fire amonst the players. It will give us a chance to build our armys for when the real fighting starts, and we can still take nuetral territorys during the cease-fire, we just can't attack each other.
I might have said this already, but I'll be doing a book report tomorrow. For at least the first half of the day I'll be unavalable.
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