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World War Three RPG

Top Hat Zebra
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1World War Three RPG Empty World War Three RPG Tue Dec 20, 2011 12:49 am

Top Hat Zebra

Top Hat Zebra

Okay, so. This will be my first forum RPG ever, so I hope it goes well.

This will be a semi-serious global war simulation, so, if you want to live, dont do anything too stupid.

This will be player-driven, so I need two volunteers to be the countries that started the war. ( Or, if you guys want, we can start before the war. That way we can see the interesting things that happen to lead up to it.)

I will figure out the rules for judging who won a battle later. ( It will involve dice.)

So, lets get started with the...

Character sheet:

Country: ( Has to be a real location, on earth.)
Form of Government:
Your Name/Title:
Basic info: ( Id like "real" information, such as capitol, military size, whether or not they have a nuclear weapons program, size of military, economy etc.)
Secret Weapon: (Something that you make up. For example, if you are the United States, you can say that area 51 is real and that it has a flying saucer. Or you could have a secret nuclear program, or a secret crack military team. Whatever this is, PM anything related to it to me.)
History: (How the current government and your involvement came into being.)

SO, for example, here is mine:

Character sheet:

Country: Imperial Louisiana.

Form of Government: Empire.

Your Name/Title: Imperator Top Hat.

Basic info: Capitol city is New Orleans. Current land military is rather small. However, I have implemented a draft, and a large number of citizans are already familiar with basic firearm use. Air forces are excellent due mainly to Barksdale airforce base being in the empire. Naval forces are average, though I can easily produce more.



Secret Weapon: PM it to Taco.

History: When Obama was elected for a second term, the discontent was palpable in the state of Louisiana. During his second year, of his second term, he attempted to rush a Bill through congress that would effectivly change the Second Amendment to only allow Federal militas to own firearms. This was the last straw. On May 16th, 2013, a band of freedom fighters calling themselves the, "Coonass Crusaders," stormed the capitol building in rebellion. The Coup was a success. The Crusaders took up arms and held off the National guard for three days,before reinforcements arrived, in the form of 200 Texans who had seen their struggle, and decided to join the cause. Soon, the rebellion had enough members to sieze the entiire state. From there, they officaly secceded from the Union, declaring themselves a sovern nation. The Republic of Louisiana was born.

During this time, I had been preparing an invasion of the Southern United States ( Being the leader of Kainineya) and this little rebellion fit right in to my plans. As this new Republic was desperate for allies, I offered my army, in exchange for their help in my war against the US. They agreed. However, due to my absence, Kainineya decided they would be better off without me, and led a Coup agianst my steward I had left to rule. I was stranded. I will not get into the details, as you no doubt saw them on the news, but I have managed to carve out a small kingdom of the south-west US. During this time, the Federal government declared Martial Law over the entire US, turning it into a military state. With the US now able to turn its full attention on me, I had to do something. I called an emergency meeting with the Congress of the Republic of Louisiana. There, I killed all of them, declaring my self ruler of Louisiana. The people were tired of fighting, and mostly gave in to my power. However, there are still some fanatical Crusaders in the swamps deep in the south. With the extra resources and manpower I recieved from Louisiana, I was able to fight the US to a stand still. We now are tenativly engaging in talks for peace. Meanwhile, with my veteran army of Dogspiders, I launched a very sucessful invasion of Mexico.

( I might change this a bit later. Im tired, and not sure if this makes sense currently... Any way, here is the map. Mark your borders on it. Be realistic.)

World War Three RPG Large-10

Im purple.

I forgot to mention. You have to use real history, up to the time you came in to power.

Last edited by Top Hat Zebra on Tue Dec 20, 2011 2:37 pm; edited 4 times in total

2World War Three RPG Empty Re: World War Three RPG Tue Dec 20, 2011 1:22 am



This, remind me of Scion...

3World War Three RPG Empty Re: World War Three RPG Tue Dec 20, 2011 9:57 am



Country: France
Form of Government: Capitalist Monarchy on the way to being an Republic(see Histroy)
Your Name/Title: Philip Covert(pronounced Covar[yes, this is a real French name])
Basic info: Capital: Paris; Militray is Medium sized; econmy based on industry; No nukes made or being made
Miltiray Extra Info: Devided into 5 differnt devisions, 4 of which are named after the 4 suits of playing cards(Hearts, Clubs, Spades, and Dimonds) and one refered to as the Enforcers, the latter being the military poilice force and pesdo-militia for cities. There are some unexplained acounts of soildiers one resurve disapearing without a trace while inside military facilitys during the night.
Secret Weapon: Genetic [RETRACTED] and [RETRACTED] of [RETRACTED](I will send a PM to Zebra soon)
History: After the 2nd French Revolution a few months before, Philip had taken hold of the government and has delcared it to be a monarchy until the contry can fully get back on it's feet, then he will restructure it to be a Republic based on the USA's current system. Although the contry's econmy is still suffering from the effects from the prevois Communist rule, thier milirtary is already blosoming. The reason for this is that Philip knows that France in it's weakened state is a tempting target for the nearby nations. For this reason he is foucusing his funding primarly on weapons reasearch and production and on a draft system in the event of war. There have been rumors of him suporting ilegal genetic testing on humans and that he is preparing to go to war than perpare to protect his people from it. He denies the idea that he would do such. There are currently troops being deployed overseas to French territoiers around the world.

Hey Zebra, can I be one of the contrys that starts the War? I could be defenceive or offencive, I don't care. Nevermind.

My bonderies are the same as modern France.

+1 idea. We need someone who will not control a contry and will give reports about the effects of covert operations without revelling who did it. This person would recive the fact that someone is performing a covert operation via PM.

4World War Three RPG Empty Re: World War Three RPG Tue Dec 20, 2011 1:05 pm



i like that last idea, from katls, could that be me? i'm a robot already so i could just be a computer network of some sort

5World War Three RPG Empty Re: World War Three RPG Tue Dec 20, 2011 1:27 pm



country: India
form of government: despotism (or however it is spelled[absolute power])
your name/tile: "Mountain-Lord" Moltenfield
basic info: Capitol: a new city (for the sake of the RPG) named Subethrol built on or in the vicinity of Mount. Everest; unknown military size, divisions, or training style (only I know); industry is encouraged; composed of both India and Nepal; a huge research program; no nukes
secret weapon: it's a secret (does Top Hat Zebra have to know?)

History: Before the war everything was normal for these two countries. Shortly after the war began, both Nepal and India were in anarchy. When Moltenfield entered the chaos, he began to create a faction with him in absolute power. Overtime he conquered both India and Nepal. He lead them fairly and ordered a new city to be built. No one questioned his authority. Science was beginning to flourish. Once the new city was built he decided to give it the name Subethrol. He decided that even though he had absolute power, he needed some advisers so he can look at his options more carefully. New weapons, tools, and both civilian and military vehicles were introduced to the world. In a few years, they gave Moltenfield the title "Mountain-Lord".

Last edited by Moltenfield on Wed Dec 21, 2011 3:36 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : forgot a space decided to add a little bit of background)

6World War Three RPG Empty Re: World War Three RPG Tue Dec 20, 2011 1:33 pm



Tacoline wrote:i like that last idea, from katls, could that be me? i'm a robot already so i could just be a computer network of some sort
Good. I will give you a post drill soon to see if you get exactly what to do right off the bat.
EDIT: There should be a time system too. Like every few hours in real time is a day in game time? It would be a bit iffy if we did it by number of posts.

7World War Three RPG Empty Re: World War Three RPG Tue Dec 20, 2011 2:20 pm



I'm stuck between two coutry....I don't know which one to use.

8World War Three RPG Empty Re: World War Three RPG Tue Dec 20, 2011 2:24 pm

Top Hat Zebra

Top Hat Zebra

I was trying to figure out the time system last night, but it will be difficult because of how many people live in different time zones.

@Taco, yes.

@ Moltenfield, send the secret weapon styff to Taco.

Oh yeah, I dont know why, but the map I uploaded is just.... Not working. I dont know why, I'll try to figure it out.

9World War Three RPG Empty Re: World War Three RPG Tue Dec 20, 2011 2:40 pm



Well, it doesn't matter that they live in differnt time zones, it's a matter of how much time it takes to do something. Like the transport of troops overseas. Hours are the same all over the world, and if we need to keep time, we'll do fourm time(I'll keep track if you wish).

10World War Three RPG Empty Re: World War Three RPG Tue Dec 20, 2011 2:42 pm


King Under The Bridge

You could make it turn based: everyone has to move once before the next round, for example.
Maybe have secret missions by people PMing you.
Just suggestions, I'm not a participant.

11World War Three RPG Empty Re: World War Three RPG Tue Dec 20, 2011 2:44 pm



We have Taco on Notification duty, and the whole turn-based thing is tedious when you have people who can't be on all the time.
Dr. AwesomeMedic wrote:I'm stuck between two coutry....I don't know which one to use.
Pick Russia. You'd be great for it. Well, just a suggestion.

12World War Three RPG Empty Re: World War Three RPG Tue Dec 20, 2011 2:58 pm



It was one of the two XD

13World War Three RPG Empty Re: World War Three RPG Tue Dec 20, 2011 3:10 pm

Top Hat Zebra

Top Hat Zebra

I was thinking turn-based as well. It would be the most fair option. We would just have to figure out some sort of time-limit between turns. Like if someone doesnt take their turn in x amount of time, then we would skip them.

14World War Three RPG Empty Re: World War Three RPG Tue Dec 20, 2011 3:13 pm



Dr. AwesomeMedic wrote:It was one of the two XD
I thought so. Was the other Canida?

15World War Three RPG Empty Re: World War Three RPG Tue Dec 20, 2011 3:27 pm

Top Hat Zebra

Top Hat Zebra

Top Hat Zebra wrote:I was thinking turn-based as well. It would be the most fair option. We would just have to figure out some sort of time-limit between turns. Like if someone doesnt take their turn in x amount of time, then we would skip them.

We would also need a turn list.


16World War Three RPG Empty Re: World War Three RPG Tue Dec 20, 2011 3:34 pm



Katls Nalcrato wrote:
Dr. AwesomeMedic wrote:It was one of the two XD
I thought so. Was the other Canida?


Edit: Canada not canida

Last edited by Dr. AwesomeMedic on Tue Dec 20, 2011 3:37 pm; edited 1 time in total

17World War Three RPG Empty Re: World War Three RPG Tue Dec 20, 2011 3:35 pm



You will refer to me as King Philip! JK, but still, in this RPG, refer to me as King Philip. Gotta say in chacter you know?
EDIT: I can't belive I misspelled that!

18World War Three RPG Empty Re: World War Three RPG Tue Dec 20, 2011 4:24 pm



Top Hat Zebra wrote:
Top Hat Zebra wrote:I was thinking turn-based as well. It would be the most fair option. We would just have to figure out some sort of time-limit between turns. Like if someone doesnt take their turn in x amount of time, then we would skip them.

We would also need a turn list.

You would also need a time-limit for each turn so the RPG doesn't come crash to a halt because someone didn't take their turn

EDIT: I just read the the first message correctly sorry bout this post

Last edited by Moltenfield on Tue Dec 20, 2011 4:53 pm; edited 1 time in total

19World War Three RPG Empty Re: World War Three RPG Tue Dec 20, 2011 4:47 pm

Top Hat Zebra

Top Hat Zebra

Thats what I meant...

20World War Three RPG Empty Re: World War Three RPG Tue Dec 20, 2011 4:52 pm



sry misread the message finaly saw what you said first. Part of it was in my blindspot

21World War Three RPG Empty Re: World War Three RPG Tue Dec 20, 2011 5:48 pm

Top Hat Zebra

Top Hat Zebra

No problem

22World War Three RPG Empty Re: World War Three RPG Tue Dec 20, 2011 5:53 pm



What's the amount of time we skip? I say 1 day.

23World War Three RPG Empty Re: World War Three RPG Tue Dec 20, 2011 5:59 pm

Top Hat Zebra

Top Hat Zebra

Thats what I was thinking.

How should we do combat? I was going to do it with dice, but would that be too simple? Im not sure how to take onto account terrain.

24World War Three RPG Empty Re: World War Three RPG Tue Dec 20, 2011 6:05 pm



I'll work on a combat system. We should also take into acount the "units" used. I was aslo thinking that we should make a thread for Taco for the covert mission success rolls.

25World War Three RPG Empty Re: World War Three RPG Tue Dec 20, 2011 6:47 pm



Alright, I will be coming up with a bit of the devisions of Imperial Louisiana. Right now, I have one thing for sure, smaller islands like most of the Cerbian Islands will only be made of no more than 2 zones execpt for a few execeptions due to terrain.

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