I had a strange dream.
It started out (Or, the earliest thing I can remember is,) I was in a building. It was sort of like an empty strip mall office. I walked outside. It was a very grey day, cold, overcast, and I was on a concrete road.
Anyway, as soon as I walked out, I saw this guy. He was coughing a lot, and in my mind, I knew, suddenly "He was infected."
So, I avoided him, frightened. I started walking down the street, until I saw a tall tree, with a treehouse in it. It was just a normal, little treehouse. I already knew it was there, and it was a common hang out for my friends and I, in the dream. I climbed up, and Taco was there. Apparently we hang out, in dream world, which is pretty cool, because I would love to hang out with Taco.
Anyway, we got under a blanket, because it was fucking cold, and then we played some weird video game where we were sharks, and we had to go around the ocean eating stuff. Which, thinking on it, would be such a cool video game.
That went on, for, like, a really long time. It was fun. Just fake-hanging-out with Taco in dream-world. We should do it again some time. (Oh, there was a house next to the treehouse, and Dewmann lived there. I don't know how I know, the dream just told me that. Dream-me knew, so... Dream-me also knew JT lived in the same area, so I think it was a neighborhood populated by all of us.
After that, I said bye, and climbed down. I went to another weird, empty building, that looked like a cross between what you would see backstage of a play, and a storage building. There, I found.... Well, it was either Rare, or Robin, from How I Met Your Mother. Or maybe it was both, because it sort of went back and forth between the two. Anyway, she was crying, because her boyfriend dumped her, so I sat down next to her and comforted her.
And then I woke up.
It was a really weird dream, in that... It sorta wasn't that weird. It was almost like a normal day, except there was just enough weird stuff to make dream-me feel unsettled, as if something was off.
On one hand, it was fun hanging out with Taco, in the dream, and it was a very interesting dream. On the other, it was kind of creepy, in that I knew something was wrong the whole time, but I never could figure out what.