Fluttershy was in her home when the Cyberpegasi came, and the heart of town was the main priority of the Purgeing, so she would be one of the last to be hit by them. She was being vistited by the CMC during this, so she comforted them while the invaders decended on the town.
"Doctor, if your out there, please help us. Save our town," she said quietly. She felt like she was praying as she struggled to stay calm, if not for herself, then for the three terrified fillies huddled around her. "It's ok, everything will be alright. Everything will be alright."
The minuties crawled by as they waited for the envitable.
"Fluttershy, are they going to come for us too?" Sweetie finally asked, shaking.
"I hope that this will be over before they can," Fluttershy said.
In the distence, they began to hear metallic marching with a robotic rythm. They also heard the more spastic in pattern of galloping steps agaisnt the dirt path and panting. As those hoofsteps drew closer, the youngsters pressed themselves against Fluttershy and she did her best to comfort them.
The door swung open, dispite being locked. A unicorn with a blue coat and mane, the latter having a white stripe through it, stumbled in. She was battered and had various gashes on her body, the one on her shoulder bleeding profusely and had the aprence of a wild animal having ripping out the flesh with it's teeth. She closed the door behind her, then pleaded to Fluttershy "Please, hide me! They're going to kill me!"
Fluttershy didn't know what to do. This unicorn without a doubt brought the invaders with her, and now there would only be one place to run to: the Everfree. But the Everfree was dangerous, and she doubted that they could flee quickly enough to get them off their trail if all of them ran. A question sparked in her suddenly, and she was afraid of the answer she might get.
"Please, tell me, are they killing everpony? I need to know if my friends are safe," Fluttershy asked hurridly.
"We don't have time-"
"Tell me!" Fluttershy snapped, her face growing furious.
"...Your friends haven't been harmed, at least not yet. But they're after me and my kind, and they aren't just going to kidnap me, I'm going to die if I stay here much longer. Just please, get me out of here!"
The marching became louder as the Cyberpegasi came closer. Fluttershy knew that the unicorn was going to die if they got their hands on her and she wasn't going to let the CMC be kidnapped by whatever these things are, but there was one factor that she didn't know about: what about herself? Not everyone could excape if there was nothing to stall the invaders, and whoever they capture they won't kill, right off the bat at least, so there was a chance for survial...
"Girls, take her with you. Run to the old ruins, and stay there until I come for you, understand? Go straight there, and don't look back, got it?" Fluttershy ordered the youngsters.
"What about you?" Scoots said, biteing her lip.
"Stay safe. I will come back for you, no matter what happens. Don't worry about me, run," Fluttershy said while turning to face the door. She heard them hesitate, then scrambled off through the back door. Fluttershy felt herself tremble, the unicorn's injerys comeing to mind. She still stood there, ready to do her best to hold them back.
"The Time Lord is likly to be inside! Breach the door and delete the Time Lord! Purge her!" the lead Cyberpegasus stated as the door began to be broken down.
"Time Lord...?" Fluttershy said to herself. That unicorn was a Time Lord? But the Doctor was the last, wasn't he? Come to think of it, Fluttershy didn't see the unicorn's cutie mark... could it had been an hourglass? The door splinted apart and the Cyberpegasi marched, the leader stopping dead cold in it's tracks when it saw her. The others did as well.
"Specail directive achived! Fluttershy found. Capture her, no phyisical injery is to become of her!" the leader stated as it aproched her swiftly. The others did the same.
"I don't know what you want with me or why, but I'm not going without a fight!" she said as she did something that she never thought she'd ever do(not that she ever even came up with the possiblity), she punched a robot. The leader lost it's balance, and the other two colided with it, leaving them all on the floor in a heap.
"Owwww...." she said while rubbing her hoof tenderly. Then the true implications of what she did hit her.
She punched a robot. How often can somepony say that they did that? And she liked the fact somewhat(which naturally scared her a little, being the kind of pony she was).
She couldn't help but give a giggleing kind of laugh and she couldn't stop. She couldn't belive the situation she was in. "Some bloody good alien robots you are! Got your metal rears kicked by me, of all the possible ponies. Haha-" she said before she was struck in the back of the head by a metal hoof.
Pinkie figeted. Her muscles had gotten stiff, they weren't used to staying still for so long. She was the only pony that wasn't hit by these things. And she KNEW that they saw her, one of them looked inside and then marched along like she wasn't there. Why did they ignore her? Everypony else was taken, why not her? She would try and find out, but she was afriad to go outside. What if that was just a defective unit that saw her, and when she went outside she would be spotted and swarmed?
She gritted her teeth. She hated not knowing what to do. She sat down and did one of the few things that she could do: think. She thought about what these things could be planning with the ponies that they had kidnapped, why was there is "Purgeing," who was their leader ect.
She's lucky that she doesn't know who is in charge of the Cyberponies yet. Very. The truth would break her heart. She'll learn a long time into the future, but this wasn't the time for her to learn yet, or even have supision. She didn't know who the Fleshqueen was, but the Fleshqueen knew her well.
"We have found Fluttershy, Fleshqueen," a Cyberunicorn stated.
"Good. Get the four others zat I have told you to capture and bring zem here. It's time to see Pinkie Pie," the Fleshqueen said, saying the second sentence with a happy tone to her voice. It's been so long...
"Stone Cold, Bring ze Doctor und Twilight here. Try not to drag them her too roughly," she spoke into a mic that she had been handed, the Cyberunicorn already knowing that she would require it.
No responce.
"Stone Cold? Respond."
No responce.
No responce.
"Display her current status on ze monitor now!" she screamed at the Cyberunicorn.
"Unable to comply. No data is being recived from Stone Cold, the stream having ended several minutes ago," the Cyberunicorn stated.
For a moment the Fleshqueen shook and her robes swayed slightly as she fought back bitter rage. Her greatest creation, the best thing that she could had done for these mindless drones, gone. She could had helped them, made a fully funtioning race. That was part of her goal as their leader. Asention. Bringing back imagination to these brutes. She had failed the Cyberponies, she shouldn't had let Stone Cold take the guard shift watching the Doctor. The Time Lords only brought pain with them.
She moved to an intercom system. "Delete ze Doctor! Kill him!" she ordered.
"Well, I think they figured us out," Twilight said as the Fleshqueen gave the order.
"Sounds like a charming woman. I'd like to meet her," the Doctor said.
The Doctor and Twilight were lost in the halls of the ship. They didn't have to look long to find their freinds however. They could hear a mare struggling agaisnt her opressors. The two gave a guess that it was Dash.
"Le'me go, you bucking freaks!"
Yeah, it was Dash. The two picked up the pace. Soon, they found 3 of their freinds, Rarity, Dash, and Applejack. For each of them there where 3 standard Cyberponies excorting(or in the case of Dash, draging) them, one Cyberpegasus for each, and in the front of the group was a Cyberunicorn.
"We've got to do something, but there's no way how we're going to be able to fight them," Twilight said.
"I don't think we need to yet..." the Doctor said, motioning Twilight to follow his lead. They let the group pass by, and then came up from behind.
"So, what now?" Twilight asked in a hushed tone.
"I have a feeling that we're going to see this 'Fleshqueen' character."
Pinkie hazarded a step outside. She didn't see anypony, so she moved out further, only for the door to Sugercube Corner to be blocked by a pair of Cyberpegasi. Pinkie stumbled back when she realized this, and cowered, thinking that they where going to take her away, but they stood there.
"The Fleshqueen requests audence with you, Pinkamina Diane Pie," the first spoke.
"Fleshqueen?" Pinkie asked, still on edge.
"Our master. Your freinds are being brought to her as we speak. Complications have arized, and due to the newly arised rouge elements, we must bring you to her, insted of her comeing to you," the second answered.
"And if I don't come with you?"
"We can not promice that you will be safe."
"Alright, I'll come. I want to see my friends anyways," Pinkie said, a bit of submitence in her voice. With that, a lift of sorts came down, big enough for about 8 ponies, and she stepped on board.
"This is going to be be interesting," Pinkie said to herself. Some gal with comand over a robot army wanted to see HER of all ponies.