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Katls' Thread of General Nerdery

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1Katls' Thread of General Nerdery Empty Katls' Thread of General Nerdery Fri Aug 23, 2013 5:30 pm



Hello! The title explains itself.
#imterribleatthreadintros #whynotsooner
So, anyways, the reason I asked about a thread like this:
How many people here are Starwars fans? And, of you, how much do you know about the game Force Unleashed? I've gone through part of it again, and I rediscovered my favorite (ambiguously cannon [I still don't have a non-wiki answer on the subject of the game's standing in the cannon]) military faction.
Plot Warning:
Sorry this took so long, I was lost in magiccards.info consitering combos.

2Katls' Thread of General Nerdery Empty Re: Katls' Thread of General Nerdery Sat Aug 24, 2013 1:35 am


Ninjafleet Captain

More of a Trek fan myself, although Star Wars was a pretty cool series of three movies (only IV, V, and VI...wonder why they never made the others...). Also watched half of Firefly, and will eventually get around to watching the rest. [ ]


3Katls' Thread of General Nerdery Empty Re: Katls' Thread of General Nerdery Sat Aug 24, 2013 1:47 am


The 7th Wonder of the World

Aw yeah

I'm a bit of a Star Wars guy, not really any of the extended universe though, just the movies and some of the games
I have Force Unleashed, I haven't played it in a long time but yes I agree

I have not seen Star Trek
I've seen Serenity but I forgot literally everything that happened
my friend bloody spoiled Firefly for me so I can't watch that until I forget what she told me
I like Starship Troopers and Logan's Run (Michael York will always be Basil Exposition to me, though)
Halo's cool
Minority Report is cool
Spaceballs is excellent
Blade Runner gets better every time I watch it but I still think it could've been so much more

I think transhumanism is frightening in the current state of humanity and we should spend more time developing socially before we continue expanding the human condition

4Katls' Thread of General Nerdery Empty Re: Katls' Thread of General Nerdery Sat Aug 24, 2013 1:50 am


Ninjafleet Captain

Blade Runner gets better every time I watch it but I still think it could've been so much more
Yes. So much yes. [ ]


5Katls' Thread of General Nerdery Empty Re: Katls' Thread of General Nerdery Sat Aug 24, 2013 9:27 am


Dove in the Moonlight

This spot reserved for when I get the chance to make an actual post

6Katls' Thread of General Nerdery Empty Re: Katls' Thread of General Nerdery Sat Aug 24, 2013 9:31 am



Katls wrote:
Plot Warning:
Woah, looking at it that way, Vader totally had a point saying "I do not expect you to survive."  Kazdan Paratus was a dangerous little sucker.

7Katls' Thread of General Nerdery Empty Re: Katls' Thread of General Nerdery Sat Aug 24, 2013 11:17 am


Glorious Leader

I don't know what to think about Blade Runner. It seems like it's really deep, but I don't really get this whole "Oh shit" feeling watching it.


8Katls' Thread of General Nerdery Empty Re: Katls' Thread of General Nerdery Sat Aug 31, 2013 8:25 pm


The 7th Wonder of the World

Katls' Thread of General Nerdery PBDTIab

ha ha ha
spelling correction you are so wrong
i did intend to write "brachiosaurus"
and brontosaurus isn't even a widely recognised genus of dinosaur
it's apatosaurus

9Katls' Thread of General Nerdery Empty Re: Katls' Thread of General Nerdery Sat Aug 31, 2013 8:30 pm


The 7th Wonder of the World

Katls' Thread of General Nerdery XBlQrLD

god damn it
who wrote the rules for this fucking thing

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