Lord Bacon Blastoise! It takes a lot of guts to have us address you with the title of Lord.
I won't submit to your shameless greed, so I'll call you Thomas as you introduced yourself to me on Steam.
So, hello, Thomas! Now first of all, you need to know that Gorgro (the admin) and I are the two Belgians here, we've got everyone fooled we're the coolest people in Belgium (well, we are!), so don't you dare try to take that from us (I'm making a very threatening face here but I've been told I can't look the least bit scary). Other than that, if you want to fit in here, I advise you to read up a lot on the popular threads. We've all known each other for years, so there'll be a lot of inside jokes and silliness you won't pick up on at all otherwise. Also, have you read the comic this forum was initially a continued fan forum of?
http://daisyowl.com/ Feel free to read! So, what are basics things you should know about the forum; allow me to summarize.
1. Dewmann is the blackest dude on here, he's very ghetto and has given us permission to use the word nigga (he's black, he can do that). He's also classy as hell.
2. Ziggy is our only Texan lass, far as I know. She's wonderful and she and Dewmann are dating online.
3. AwesomeMedic blows stuff up. A lot. But we all love him, and in fact, he's coming to visit us in Belgium in 2014 most likely!
4. Cube is a sexy cube and moltenfield is a hot molten field. (Cool guys though)
5. Well, you know Taco, I don't think you'll need much more explanation on that matter.
6. Jonny is our previous classy Blastoise, so prepare for a battle to the death on the matter of Blastoiseness.
7. I've mentioned Gorgro and myself already, but also note that we met on the forum and are now dating in real life. We're the OTP and don't you forget it.
8. Bowen is Australian so it's best not to anger him. (Spiders everywhere I can't even)
9. Someguy is Canadian like AwesomeMedic and is also a Jabba the Hutt impersonator in his free time.
11. Sam I Am is just a really chill, nice dude.
12. JT is a smart ninja who doesn't like affection so let's all cuddle him!
13. Packie is a long-haired sciency Dutch dude, also very chill.
14. (Everyone I left out are members who don't post much anymore
-or who I forgot I'm sorry I love you I promise- most likely.)
Now that you're all up to date, feel free to tell us more about yourself, and as a Belgian myself, also tell us whereabouts you're from! (At least you're not a Walloon so you seem all right in my book
or are you one I hope I didn't offend you dear god)
So, in any case, I'm Tasha, welcome to the forum, enjoy this complimentary picture of me with a panda hat.