Posts : 5871 Join date : 2010-06-16 Age : 30 Location : Trying to stop AwesomeMedic from blowing up the Parlement (again)
Character sheet Alignment: Neutral Good Race: Human
Judging from the video thumbnail alone, it looks like Twilight is about to hit up a magical golden bong filled with crack and she doesn't seem too happy about it
Posts : 3434 Join date : 2010-06-08 Age : 27 Location : The TARDIS!
Character sheet Alignment: Lawful Crazy Race: Pony - Unicorn
Oh derp, Dew did that already. Anyways, OpabScribbler is awesome. She has the best voice for dark fanfic readings, but she has some funny and romance-based fics on her channel.
Posts : 1522 Join date : 2010-06-08 Age : 29 Location : Australia
Character sheet Alignment: Neutral Evil Race: Magical Creature
So. The latest episode is silly. Like, 80's comics silly. Also features BondageJack. And Flutterhulk. Seriously, that thing looks like Steroids: Angry Horse Edition, Roidrage harder.