Charles kept running quickly towards Rare's lair. In fact, he never ran this fast in his entire life, other than when he had the sunglasses on. He didn't even notice that he lost Dewmann and Nightwing. All that bothered his mind was Rare's plan at becoming a God. If she finished the ritual, he would have no way of stopping her, and she would have the whole world on a silver platter.
The rain kept falling heavily on his face as he ran and night started falling. This downpour reminded him of the worst day in his life, so many years ago. But he chased that thought away and tried to replace it with another thought.
He thought about AM. Where was he? What happened to him? If a beedrill pretended to be him, it had to have gotten rid of the real one, so as to not get caught. A thought about his friend, stung to death by his fault (he was the one who got AM into this mess) crossed his mind, but he chassed that away as well.
He stopped at one of the entrances to Rare's lair, his clothes soaked by a mix of rain and his sweat. He peered inside the cavern in the mountain. He knew for a fact that the underground tunnels were deep inside, and that was where his glasses - and Rare - were found, since one of the tunnels would lead to a Holy place, needed for the ritual.
His body was shaking, and not just because of the cold rain. He was so close. He needed courage.
--x-- (see what I did there, Rare? I COPY YOU)
Rare, still nervous and tired, looked towards the sunglasses as they shook and glew a bit. It could sense the Glasses Bearer's presence not far away from here. Rare turned to the tunnels. Charles was getting closer. She could not afford to lose everything now. She had to do something. Thinking quickly (which was hard because she was under stress), she decided the best way to get rid of the boy would be to try to scare him off.
She focused the little of her energy left to locate Someguy with her psychic powers. She closed her eyes and could immediately see the boy entering the lair. He was jogging, making sure to look everywhere to see if ennemies were hiding in the shadows.
''And just what do you think you're doing, Charles?'' Rare sent out with her psychic powers. She knew the boy mentally received the message, because she saw him stop and look around in a panicked fashion, expecting Rare to pop up.
''You're too late. You'll never stop me from becoming a God. If you fancy surviving until tommorow morning, I suggest you just give up now.''
Rare was feeling so very tired. It took her some energy to send messages mentally, even small ones. However, she could listen to the boy's thoughts without trouble. She listened in while watching him, expecting to hear fear. And that's what she heard...for a few seconds. And then, as she saw Charles walk in some more, this time with an angry look of determination on his face, she heard the last thing that she would expect: some rock music.
The rain kept falling heavily on his face as he ran and night started falling. This downpour reminded him of the worst day in his life, so many years ago. But he chased that thought away and tried to replace it with another thought.
He thought about AM. Where was he? What happened to him? If a beedrill pretended to be him, it had to have gotten rid of the real one, so as to not get caught. A thought about his friend, stung to death by his fault (he was the one who got AM into this mess) crossed his mind, but he chassed that away as well.
He stopped at one of the entrances to Rare's lair, his clothes soaked by a mix of rain and his sweat. He peered inside the cavern in the mountain. He knew for a fact that the underground tunnels were deep inside, and that was where his glasses - and Rare - were found, since one of the tunnels would lead to a Holy place, needed for the ritual.
His body was shaking, and not just because of the cold rain. He was so close. He needed courage.
--x-- (see what I did there, Rare? I COPY YOU)
Rare, still nervous and tired, looked towards the sunglasses as they shook and glew a bit. It could sense the Glasses Bearer's presence not far away from here. Rare turned to the tunnels. Charles was getting closer. She could not afford to lose everything now. She had to do something. Thinking quickly (which was hard because she was under stress), she decided the best way to get rid of the boy would be to try to scare him off.
She focused the little of her energy left to locate Someguy with her psychic powers. She closed her eyes and could immediately see the boy entering the lair. He was jogging, making sure to look everywhere to see if ennemies were hiding in the shadows.
''And just what do you think you're doing, Charles?'' Rare sent out with her psychic powers. She knew the boy mentally received the message, because she saw him stop and look around in a panicked fashion, expecting Rare to pop up.
''You're too late. You'll never stop me from becoming a God. If you fancy surviving until tommorow morning, I suggest you just give up now.''
Rare was feeling so very tired. It took her some energy to send messages mentally, even small ones. However, she could listen to the boy's thoughts without trouble. She listened in while watching him, expecting to hear fear. And that's what she heard...for a few seconds. And then, as she saw Charles walk in some more, this time with an angry look of determination on his face, she heard the last thing that she would expect: some rock music.
- Spoiler:
- The lyrics to this song are relevant to this RPG