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RPG Discussion Thread

A Sinister Speaker
19 posters

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1RPG Discussion Thread Empty RPG Discussion Thread Fri Jun 18, 2010 7:14 pm



It's been waiting long enough.


Hey, this is for Katls: Whenever you post a topic, just add in a little extra detail and maybe a sub-topic to give us a head start MMkay? ;3.

For the moment, I can´t think of anything we need to discuss, but if something pops up, this´ll be the place to go!

2RPG Discussion Thread Empty Re: RPG Discussion Thread Sat Jun 19, 2010 6:03 am


Dove in the Moonlight

You spelt Discussion wrong..

3RPG Discussion Thread Empty Re: RPG Discussion Thread Sat Jun 19, 2010 6:24 am


Glorious Leader

I don't follow the RPG, so the validity of this thread is entirely up to SB8. (or Rare, but SB8 has the authority in this jurisdiction category)

Remember, our mods have always ruled with wisdom, and strength. And i know you will show restraint when exorcising your great power. But the truest victory, my mods, is removing the unnecessary threads of your people.

Ok, no more quoting from awesome cinematics, do with it what you wish, gentlemen.


4RPG Discussion Thread Empty Re: RPG Discussion Thread Sat Jun 19, 2010 6:36 am

A Sinister Speaker

Nobody is posting in it....

5RPG Discussion Thread Empty Re: RPG Discussion Thread Sat Jun 19, 2010 6:43 am


Dove in the Moonlight

I suddenly want to decorate myself with body paint and kill for my motherlands after reading Gorgro's post.

6RPG Discussion Thread Empty Re: RPG Discussion Thread Sat Jun 19, 2010 10:15 am



Just changed the title. It remains valid for now :3

Welsh Anthem *Hen Wlad fy Nhadau* plays. I turn red, grow wings and breath fire!

7RPG Discussion Thread Empty Re: RPG Discussion Thread Sun Sep 05, 2010 5:22 pm



Friends, it has come to my attention that the RPG is dead.
What is our next course of action?

8RPG Discussion Thread Empty Re: RPG Discussion Thread Sun Sep 05, 2010 5:48 pm

A Sinister Speaker

Leave it. The absolute glory of the War of the Futon will be unable to be resurrected and any campaign to attempt to do so will utterly result in failure.

9RPG Discussion Thread Empty Re: RPG Discussion Thread Mon Sep 06, 2010 11:45 am


Dove in the Moonlight

^ Agreed.

10RPG Discussion Thread Empty Re: RPG Discussion Thread Tue Sep 07, 2010 7:58 am


King Under The Bridge

Also, there's just too much disparity between the most regular and least regular posters now so that the story jumps what would be three chapters in a day and half of us are still meeting up in a tavern while we should be fighting a dragon or something.

11RPG Discussion Thread Empty Re: RPG Discussion Thread Tue Sep 07, 2010 10:09 am


Prince of the Squirtle Squad

If we were to resurrect the RPG (which we probably won't) we should just start from scratch on Mars or something stupid.

12RPG Discussion Thread Empty Re: RPG Discussion Thread Tue Sep 07, 2010 10:15 am

A Sinister Speaker

There would also need to be criteria for posting, for example only like 3 posts every 24 hours or something so it doesn't get too out of hand.

13RPG Discussion Thread Empty Re: RPG Discussion Thread Tue Sep 07, 2010 10:25 am


Ninjafleet Captain

JT stepped out onto the red martian surface, his ninja boots sinking only slightly into the rusty dirt, gravity having even less bearing on him than on earth. He breathed in deeply the nonexistant air, being that ninjas can breathe in space, and looked skyward at the sun he was so used to seeing from so much closer. Earth, he thought, has never felt more like home. []


14RPG Discussion Thread Empty Re: RPG Discussion Thread Tue Sep 07, 2010 12:02 pm


Prince of the Squirtle Squad

And so it begins.

RPG Discussion Thread Fantastic-mr-fox


jt was being watched, though as a ninja he was fully aware of this and the camera was actually focused on a cardboard cutout at this stage. Regardless, the camera was focused on something ninja-shaped and this was of great interest to the entity on the other end of the camera.

Reclining in a massive swivel chair was a huge, turtle-like creature. It had blue skin, a heavy brown shell, and polished iron cannons protruding from each shoulder . A top hat was perched jauntily atop his head and a monocle was screwed into one eye. A goatee also sprouted daringly from the creature's chin.

The creature, whose name was Dr Dino McSilverblast, was focusing intently on a wall of television screens across part of a wide, circular room. The room was dark with light coming only from various screens and lights winking softly behind the good doctor. Behind him, a handful of Squirtles scurried around on errands and checking viewscreens.

Dr Dino McSilverblast stroked his chin and pressed a button on the arm of his chair. "Captain Wartortle: assemble a team of Squirtles and suit up. We have a visitor....a man who could be just what we need".

15RPG Discussion Thread Empty Re: RPG Discussion Thread Tue Sep 07, 2010 1:24 pm


Ninjafleet Captain

JT looked over the incomparable precipice of the lofty Olympus Mons, contemplating the descent. The mountain's fire had long ago been silenced, the ages dimming its glory only slightly. This was, after all, still the largest volcano in the entire solar system. JT leaned his head back, listening to the shivering silence: all the dust storms Mars could muster could not reach him here, he felt. As he raised his eyes again, he beheld Deimos as it briefly passed in front of the distant sun. How did I get here? he wondered, for the first time since he had found himself on this silent planet. Am I alone? []


16RPG Discussion Thread Empty Re: RPG Discussion Thread Tue Sep 07, 2010 1:48 pm

A Sinister Speaker

((So the setting for this is Mars? And when does this happen, is the previous Knights of the Round Treehouse still established etc. or is it a new leaf?))

17RPG Discussion Thread Empty Re: RPG Discussion Thread Tue Sep 07, 2010 1:49 pm



"Hey JT" said a voice behind him.

The ninja quickly pulled out his sword and swerved to face the man, but it only turned out to be his friend, Someguy, with his overly large sunglasses hiding mysterious eyes and his dojo outfit which was held by his black kung fu belt. There seemed to be washed out blood stains on the outfit from previous fights. And since he can't breathe in space like ninjas, he had a small air mask covering his mouth and nose. He smiled, tossed his brown hair away from his eyes and said:

"Put the sword away, JT, I don't like being threaten by a ninja. But can you tell me where we are and what we're doing here? Or more importantly, how we got here?"

18RPG Discussion Thread Empty Re: RPG Discussion Thread Tue Sep 07, 2010 2:00 pm


Ninjafleet Captain

The solemn ninja sheathed his blade and regarded his comrade who, it seemed, had also been transported to the Red Planet mysteriously. "I don't know," he said, completely truthfully. He looked again over the edge of the mountain's enormous caldera rim; the mountain's base was beyond the horizon, even at this height. "I have been wandering here many days."

Suddenly, a wisp of carbon-dioxide ice, the only type of cloud which could reach to this height, three times that of Mt. Everest, brushed past the two, disturbing the eerie stillness at the planet's peak. "I do not trust this quiet, however," the ninja remarked. []


19RPG Discussion Thread Empty Re: RPG Discussion Thread Tue Sep 07, 2010 3:02 pm



"Neither do I" said someguy, as the cloud overtook both warriors. He looked at the ninja, but all he could see now was his figure. The cloud was dense.

Suddenly, a movement occurred to his right. He turned, quick enough to see another figure pass by, but it was gone.

"JT, I don't think this cloud was simple coincidence. And I don't think we're as alone as we thought."

The boy placed himself in a defensive position, and looked around for any sign of movement.

20RPG Discussion Thread Empty Re: RPG Discussion Thread Tue Sep 07, 2010 3:20 pm


Ninjafleet Captain

Something in the Martian air triggered JT's ninja sense, and he too assumed a defensive stance, his sword once again drawn, condensation forming quickly over the blade's length in the chill of the thin atmosphere. "I once thought Mars a dead planet, yet now I sense we are not the only living things here."

JT motioned through the fog for someguy to stay close, lest they get separated. A nod signaled that his message was understood, and with cautious steps they moved along the mountain's rim. Suddenly, the air before them began to eddy and whirl. Sensing the immediate danger, JT dropped to the ground, pulling his companion with him. They were only just in time, for something like a circular saw blade materialized just above them and would surely have shortened them by a head, were it not for JT's ninja reflexes. JT was just about to destroy the deadly obstacle with his sword, when it vanished into the mist. The two stood once again, now coated on their elbows and knees with a fine layer of red dust.

"Let us leave this place," JT suggested. Grabbing someguy by the collar, he leaped from the mountainside, the weak gravity of Mars only just managing to keep him from becoming a satellite. When the two finally began to descend once more, they were a considerable distance down the volcano's dome-shaped slope. They landed gently, kicking up small dust clouds, and continued their descent.

((btw, if a mod wants to split these posts off into another thread, it'd be spiffy)) []


21RPG Discussion Thread Empty Re: RPG Discussion Thread Tue Sep 07, 2010 11:39 pm


Prince of the Squirtle Squad

Before they could take another step, however, a handful of short figures surrounded them. It was hard to make out what they were since they were encased in heavy space suits, but a curly tail protruded from each one.

A slightly taller character, with the name WARTORTLE sewn on his chest, stepped forward. "Good evening. I think it would be benenficial if you came with us now".

22RPG Discussion Thread Empty Re: RPG Discussion Thread Wed Sep 08, 2010 12:08 am



"Perhaps in different thread?" said a voice "I mean, it's your lives, your STORY, but still... Different thead? Or Different title? Just to avoid confusion."
The being who said this wondered why he didn't insert this in brackets, itstead of saying it, and promptly destroyed itself.

23RPG Discussion Thread Empty Re: RPG Discussion Thread Wed Sep 08, 2010 12:30 am



Someguy looked at the creatures. The "Wartortle" must obviously be the leader of the small group, seeing how he is different than the others. Someguy, who learned the hard way that you can't trust others, stared at the leader and asked:

"Where will you take us?"

"Our Lord has summoned you two to him right away." replied the creature.

"And what if we refuse?" said the ninja

"Then we'll have to take you in by force"

The group of creatures came in closer to the ninja and the boy.

24RPG Discussion Thread Empty Re: RPG Discussion Thread Wed Sep 08, 2010 3:10 am



(thinking about joining in but awaiting the right moment)

25RPG Discussion Thread Empty Re: RPG Discussion Thread Wed Sep 08, 2010 5:49 am


Ninjafleet Captain

JT's expression became grave. In this low-oxygen atmosphere, his ninja fire would not be very effective. However, ninjas always carry more than one weapon.

In the distance, a rumble began, and a shadow grew upon the horizon. "A sandstorm approaches," JT said to the creatures surrounding him and someguy. "Do you think you can outrun it?"

Not waiting for an answer, he drew his ninja blade and with it threw up a large cloud of rusty dust in a full-circle arc. With this momentary distraction, he grabbed someguy's collar and once again performed a leap that would impress even John Carter, carrying the two several miles away in the low Martian gravity, further away from the approaching storm. "Not far enough," JT said, as a flash of static lightning tore through the storm's silhouette on the horizon. []


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