"Grab Life By The Cheese"
THIS LIST IS OBVIOUSLY INCOMPLETE. It would take hours to make a huge lists even close to being complete. Therefore I make the thread with only a few of the most obvious examples and will add more over time. However it will be more fun and accurate if you guys added to it as well! So if you don't see your name here or want to add a trope to an example, post here.
Mods/Admins or people who can edit posts feel free to edit the post directly with changes or additions.
The TreeHouse is the home to the worlds cutest World Domination Team, and headquarters of whimsy Government Conspiracy. It's heavily guarded by Raptors in black suits and groups of bees, but the best thing about the Treehouse is that Scary Dogmatic Aliens can't destroy it with their Wave Motion Gun - citizens can sleep well knowing they live in such a wonderful and protected paradise.*
*Results may vary, the Treehouse is not responsible for deaths via Wave Motion Gun.
This thread is to collect as many tropes for the Treehouse and its members as we can. If you think something needs changed or want to add something, feel free to reply and discuss here! Eventually things will be put in spoiler tags once the lists get large enough.
The Treehouse General
I feel like Teens Are Monsters should go someplace as inverted.
Rant Inducing Slight: Origin of the current treehouse forum. The replacement of the original forum got some negative comments and the creator had a bit of a meltdown. He banned Gorgro first and others followed soon after protesting his actions. The second forum got taken down soon after Gorgro created a new account to post the link to the current one. This earned him a more drastic IP-ban but succeeded in spreading the word.
Always Chaotic Evil: Futons are usually only brought up in the roleplays and also in Treehouse and Futons, but whenever they are mentioned outside the campaigns they are depicted as being horrible abominations with no regard for life.
Take Your Time: Shown in every roleplay as well as Treehouse and Futons.
IncrediblyLame Awesome Puns The forum falls into pun whirlwinds occasionally not enough.
Suspiciously Specific Denial: Rare and Charles fall into this constantly.
Semicolon also does this, made funnier by no one ever catching it.
Foe Yay: Charles and Rare, even outside of Strike of the Beecat.
The Quest for Someguy's Sunglasses (A.K.A Strike of the Beecat)
Five-Man Band:
The Leader: Charles
The Lancer: Dewmann
The Smart Guy: AwesomeMedic
The Big Guy:Tacobot, having numerous robotic capabilities, as well as several eccentricities, seems to fit the bill the most.
The Chick: The emotional role of The Chick is held mostly by Dewmann, but otherwise there is no real Chick in the band.
Well Intended Extremist: The backstory of Rare states she left her home to search for Godly power so she could change the wrong in the world. It goes downhill from there.
Patrick Stewart Speech. The main evil Rare has so many it's borderline lampshaded in the later chapters. Very rarely does she make them short speeches either.
Badass Adorable: Esbiate for most of the roleplay, especially when protecting his love interest Rita or remembering the days when Rare was good alignment.
Break The Cutie Esbiate goes from baking cupcakes and having slice-of-life side stories to becoming part of the main story and slowly breaking down Blue Screen Of Death style.
Ho Yay Charles and Dewman are the 'Strike of the Beecat' equivalent. Two best friends thrown inside a horrible end-of-the-world situation where they may very well die trying to save a world who doesn't know they exist nor probably care, and all they have is each other.
Foe Yay RarexCharles, To the ninth degree.
Knight In Sour Armor: Charles and Dewman tend to fall under this trope, Dewman more so then Charles - while Charles is the one targeted most by Rare, Dewman has been hit harder and has become slowly jaded over the course of the roleplay, to the point where he is pushing himself to save the Earth, but only because he has to.
Treehouse and Futons
Reptiles Are Abhorrent: George the French Racist Ghost (Who is also the main town's only shopkeeper/barkeep and the almighty quest giver ) in Treehouse and Futons sees Gorgro and other reptiles as such.
Foe Yay: Semicolon and Gorgro. Two teammates with different alignments and different viewpoints on life often find themselves at combat with each other - and most of this combat involves grappling each other, wrestling and staring into each others eyes (okay, ANGRILY staring, but staring nevertheless). Played for laughs outside the campaign world as well.
Good Is Not Nice: Semicolon. Apparently a Paladin, but has rustled more jimmies then even the evil aligned characters, to the point where half the team ups and leaves him.
The Treehouse Members
Everythings Better With Dinosaur: Played straight. Unless you're a racist guard. See Reptiles Are Abhorrent under Treehouse and Futons.
Cute Kitten "It's a magical world of cute, talking kitties and soon everyone will be a cute talking kitty."
Cats Are Mean: Played for laughs for the most part - played straighter than Neil Patrick Harris in roleplays.
Everything's Worse With Bees: With harpoon like stingers, if you called the national guard you could probably track these bees on radar.
Cute is Evil Despite having the normal form of either a small pink magical cat or a fluffy cat with fluffier bee legs, people seem to think Rare is evil for whatever reason.
Adorable Evil Minions: Beecats. Cats that are fluffy, have adorable wings, wide kitten eyes, and two twitchy fuzzy antenna. And The Resistance has to go and slaughter them by the hundreds.
Jerkass: "Oh, very funny, Mew."
Fridge Horror: Regular Bee Queens lay thousands of eggs. Rare is the Queen of her bees.
Good Bad Girl: When being 'good' for the sake of the narrative, nevertheless makes passes at nearly everyone. Comfortable with sexuality makes for this.
Situational Sexuality: Yep.
Sliding Scale Of Robot Intelligence: Tacobot more or less has the intelligence of Average Joe Android and Brick wall.
Cute Machine: Although not designed to look overly adorable, Tacobot's childlike personality and innocence renders some cute moments.
Ridiculously Human Robot: To various degrees the Tacobot thinks, reacts and moves around as if she were a person and not an automaton.
Awesome Medic
Mad Doctor
Mad Scientist: His lab is full of things that serve no other purpose but to satisfy his curiosity.
Stuff Blowing Up: Happens so often around AM that Charles is no longer surprised when there's one nearby. He also has a tact for making things blow up when that wasn't even his plan in the first place.
•As he was setting up another small board on the small wall he was building, an explosion sounded in the kitchen area, almost blowing off the windows. Charles didn't even flinch; when you have been friends with AwesomeMedic for so long, you get used to unexpected explosions and strange things.
•''Your friend's alright. Apparently, he was trying to bake a cake with an unopened can of beans, a fork, and some aluminium foil that he placed all at once in the microwave. He then kicked the microwave as it was working, which resulted in the explosion. Talk about weird...''
Talking animal: He has a talking penguin as an assistant in his lab.
No Indoor Voice: Often used by Semicolon. Replying in all caps and with hard line breaks give the impression of anger or extreme excitement, generally for comedic effect. Used less frequently by Gorgro and Rare, usually in conversations with Semi.
The Nicknamer: Comes up with nicknames for himself and others, mainly used in minecraft. Also appears outside MC when referring to Katls as Karl.
Fake Ultimate Hero: I am perfect in every way and your words can't bring me down.
Ignorance is Bliss: My intellect has the pure anderacity to megalonically cripple you plebeians.
Pretty Boy: Self-explanatory. I'm perfect.
Lawful Stupid
Minion with an F in Evil: Katls follows Rare around during her evil overlord errands and tries very hard to seem evil and intimidating. This hardly ever has any effect, negative or positive, on other members or on whatever Rare is doing at the time.
A Villain Named Zorg: Katls. It might not be as odd a name as most, but it's also not the most commonly heard name either.
Deathrbringer The Adorable: Depending on what shape he takes, Katls can look more like something you'd find in a little girls room over something you'd find destroying and controlling worlds. Not to be confused with Cute is Evil, because Kat isn't naturally cute.
Obviously Evil Often going overboard with his designs, it would be difficult for Katls to walk anywhere without drawing attention to himself.
Church Militant: Think about it. All that crazy firepower and he's super Christian and all. Whatcha gon' do?
Growing Up Sucks:Will occasionally lament his own loss of innocence/youth.
Highly Visible Ninja: Despite being a ninja, JT is easily spotted unless stated otherwise in stories or roleplays, and his avatars are also easily visible. When he pilots the Starfleet, the crew has no problem seeing their captain.
Grumpy Old Man: Played by JT whenever a new member arrives. Encourages them to get off his lawn as soon as possible. Can be seen as a hazing for new members and requires them to fit in right away in order for them to make it past the Welcome thread.
Ambiguous Evil: His alignment states Neutral Good, but he's seen numerous times complimenting or admiring Rare despite her evil standards. He hazes newcomers and often plays devils advocate but is against piracy and is apparently religious and God-respecting. He has no problem finding whatever pushes someones buttons and pushing said button until the person snaps. It's hard to pinpoint his true moral standings.
McNinja: Wore a cowboy hat in his profile picture, despite the fact that ninjas are Japanese in origin. Claims to have mastered regional northern-US slang.
Mistaken For Gay: File under Heterosexual Life Partner, Charles. See Ambigiously Gay and Heterosexual Life Partners below.
Squee: Everybody does it once in a while, but Dew's a repeat offender.
Ambiguously Gay: He is very devoted to Charles, even discussing the ho yay between them, but it can be hard to tell when (if?) he's joking.
Amnesiac Lancer: Was a part of some top secret paramilitary organization, and was apparently sent to help Charles by them, but doesn't remember all of the details due to some, as of yet unexplained reason.
An Axe to Grind: His primary weapon in "'The Quest for Someguy's Sunglasses' or 'Strike of the Beecat'" is a hatchet.
Black Best Friend: To Charles, although their's is far from a normal friendship...In the sense that they're both struggling against a maniacal deity.
You Know I'm Black, Right?: WE DIDN'T KNOW HE WAS BLACK.
But Not Too Black: Only half black.
Child Soldier: Couldn't have been much older than a preteen during his stint as a member of the mysterious "Children of the Treehouse."
Dark and Troubled Past: That he doesn't remember. Thankfully, he has a Dark and Troubled Present to make up for that.
Freudian Slip: Prone to making these, leading to numerous gay jokes at his expense.
Heterosexual Life Partners: With Charles.
Spell My Name with an S: Is it "Dewman" with only one "n" or "Dewmann" with two?
Charles 'Uglybutt' Ferland
Sunglasses of Power: When Charles puts on these sunglasses, they make him more powerful, more fast, more resistant, and they change his wardrobe from casual clothing to a white judo outfit with black belt.
Fingerless Gloves: Given to him by his mentor and ex-owner of the Sunglasses, Charles always wears them when he puts on his sunglasses.
•The fingerless gloves were made of sturdy black leather, rather smooth to the touch. They looked cool, with a strap near the wrist, making a hole that allowed him to remove it quickly while allowing him to see the back of his hands.
Suspiciously specific denial: Charles seems to say a lot of these, mostly very loudly.
•"Umm, just a quick, completely pointless question, but did you happen to pick up any strange looking, ticking briefcases while you were cleaning up? Not that I placed it there or anything, just...wondering."
Have I mentioned I am heterosexual today?: Charles seems to have to constantly remind everyone that, no, he is not in love with Dewmann. They're partners in a resistance, not love partners.
Cloudcuckoolander's minder: Charles was legally assigned to keep an eye on AwesomeMedic to prevent him from going to jail or an asylum for his crazy experiments. Charles is also the one that seems to get him out of trouble most of the time.
Lady Ziggy
Situational Sexuality: Whom are you not willing to have sex with? Yet to be determined.
Wise Beyond Their Years: When younger, was often thought to be older.
THIS LIST IS OBVIOUSLY INCOMPLETE. It would take hours to make a huge lists even close to being complete. Therefore I make the thread with only a few of the most obvious examples and will add more over time. However it will be more fun and accurate if you guys added to it as well! So if you don't see your name here or want to add a trope to an example, post here.
Mods/Admins or people who can edit posts feel free to edit the post directly with changes or additions.
The TreeHouse is the home to the worlds cutest World Domination Team, and headquarters of whimsy Government Conspiracy. It's heavily guarded by Raptors in black suits and groups of bees, but the best thing about the Treehouse is that Scary Dogmatic Aliens can't destroy it with their Wave Motion Gun - citizens can sleep well knowing they live in such a wonderful and protected paradise.*
*Results may vary, the Treehouse is not responsible for deaths via Wave Motion Gun.
This thread is to collect as many tropes for the Treehouse and its members as we can. If you think something needs changed or want to add something, feel free to reply and discuss here! Eventually things will be put in spoiler tags once the lists get large enough.
The Treehouse General
I feel like Teens Are Monsters should go someplace as inverted.
Rant Inducing Slight: Origin of the current treehouse forum. The replacement of the original forum got some negative comments and the creator had a bit of a meltdown. He banned Gorgro first and others followed soon after protesting his actions. The second forum got taken down soon after Gorgro created a new account to post the link to the current one. This earned him a more drastic IP-ban but succeeded in spreading the word.
Always Chaotic Evil: Futons are usually only brought up in the roleplays and also in Treehouse and Futons, but whenever they are mentioned outside the campaigns they are depicted as being horrible abominations with no regard for life.
Take Your Time: Shown in every roleplay as well as Treehouse and Futons.
- Taken to extremes in Strike of the Beecat when players (note: RARE), take forever to post, causing the protagonists to wait several weeks before moving forward in taking out enemy forces, with no repercussions or consequences.
Suspiciously Specific Denial: Rare and Charles fall into this constantly.
Semicolon also does this, made funnier by no one ever catching it.
Foe Yay: Charles and Rare, even outside of Strike of the Beecat.
The Quest for Someguy's Sunglasses (A.K.A Strike of the Beecat)
Five-Man Band:
The Leader: Charles
The Lancer: Dewmann
The Smart Guy: AwesomeMedic
The Big Guy:Tacobot, having numerous robotic capabilities, as well as several eccentricities, seems to fit the bill the most.
The Chick: The emotional role of The Chick is held mostly by Dewmann, but otherwise there is no real Chick in the band.
- If she were part of the main group, Rita would count as the Chick to Esbiate, and sometimes to Charles.
Well Intended Extremist: The backstory of Rare states she left her home to search for Godly power so she could change the wrong in the world. It goes downhill from there.
Patrick Stewart Speech. The main evil Rare has so many it's borderline lampshaded in the later chapters. Very rarely does she make them short speeches either.
- "You think you lead this world any better?" Rare sneered and felt the warmth of her plasma ball as it formed in her paws. ""Why do you care about [humans]? Your world is a cesspool of chaos."
Badass Adorable: Esbiate for most of the roleplay, especially when protecting his love interest Rita or remembering the days when Rare was good alignment.
- Rita, the small, shy and kicked around Chikorita qualifies for this when she's pushed hard enough.
- Rare would qualify for this in flashbacks, but the evil corrupting her has transformed her into anything but cute and adorable.
Break The Cutie Esbiate goes from baking cupcakes and having slice-of-life side stories to becoming part of the main story and slowly breaking down Blue Screen Of Death style.
- "I don't want this." Esbiate replied with a sad whisper. "I want things to go back to normal, when we were baking sweets every weekend and most shenanigans done was loosening the tops of salt shakers. But I'm also tired, Charles." Esbiate gave his tail a small wag.
Ho Yay Charles and Dewman are the 'Strike of the Beecat' equivalent. Two best friends thrown inside a horrible end-of-the-world situation where they may very well die trying to save a world who doesn't know they exist nor probably care, and all they have is each other.
- Dewman gathered Charles in his arms, and rested the boys head on his lap. Charles blinked rapidly, struggling with the same confusing and aches. Dewman touched Charle's face lightly, trying to gather words. He listened to the faint breathing of his companion, watching his chest rise and fall...
- To be fair, this is mostly due to Rare's habit of Ship Teasing them.
- Don't Care, still hot.
Foe Yay RarexCharles, To the ninth degree.
- The mew's body shook as she stood, and she felt the heat of longing and desire to tear the human apart and cast him away, out of existence and out of her life. Or perhaps get closer to him, make him her king, and achieve complete domination over him. Both ideas aroused her, and she tossed the ideas around in her mind.
Knight In Sour Armor: Charles and Dewman tend to fall under this trope, Dewman more so then Charles - while Charles is the one targeted most by Rare, Dewman has been hit harder and has become slowly jaded over the course of the roleplay, to the point where he is pushing himself to save the Earth, but only because he has to.
Treehouse and Futons
Reptiles Are Abhorrent: George the French Racist Ghost (Who is also the main town's only shopkeeper/barkeep and the almighty quest giver ) in Treehouse and Futons sees Gorgro and other reptiles as such.
Foe Yay: Semicolon and Gorgro. Two teammates with different alignments and different viewpoints on life often find themselves at combat with each other - and most of this combat involves grappling each other, wrestling and staring into each others eyes (okay, ANGRILY staring, but staring nevertheless). Played for laughs outside the campaign world as well.
- Semi: "Would anyone be interested in a Fallout D&D campaign?" Gorgro: "Will there be grappling?"
Good Is Not Nice: Semicolon. Apparently a Paladin, but has rustled more jimmies then even the evil aligned characters, to the point where half the team ups and leaves him.
- "Very well then! Gather your team and meet me back here for answers."
Gorgro gathered everyone but Semi.
"OH I SEE HOW IT IS RAPTOR." Semi shouts from across the town. "LAAAAAME."
The Treehouse Members
Everythings Better With Dinosaur: Played straight. Unless you're a racist guard. See Reptiles Are Abhorrent under Treehouse and Futons.
Cute Kitten "It's a magical world of cute, talking kitties and soon everyone will be a cute talking kitty."
Cats Are Mean: Played for laughs for the most part - played straighter than Neil Patrick Harris in roleplays.
Everything's Worse With Bees: With harpoon like stingers, if you called the national guard you could probably track these bees on radar.
Cute is Evil Despite having the normal form of either a small pink magical cat or a fluffy cat with fluffier bee legs, people seem to think Rare is evil for whatever reason.
Adorable Evil Minions: Beecats. Cats that are fluffy, have adorable wings, wide kitten eyes, and two twitchy fuzzy antenna. And The Resistance has to go and slaughter them by the hundreds.
Jerkass: "Oh, very funny, Mew."
- While naturally being such to The Resistance, Rare is known for being hot-headed and acting before thinking.
- Most likely gets off on the misery of her enemies.
Fridge Horror: Regular Bee Queens lay thousands of eggs. Rare is the Queen of her bees.
- Baby bees, in laymens terms, look like maggoty grubs. Beecats are the combination of Bees and Cats. So what do baby beecats look like?
Good Bad Girl: When being 'good' for the sake of the narrative, nevertheless makes passes at nearly everyone. Comfortable with sexuality makes for this.
Situational Sexuality: Yep.
Sliding Scale Of Robot Intelligence: Tacobot more or less has the intelligence of Average Joe Android and Brick wall.
- "Tacobot stared at the clockwork soldiers and they stared back through empty armor faces. they looked like living, moving metalic armor. when they moved you could hear a cacophony of gears moving and working beneath the surface. but their faces were blank and void of motion, like terry cotter soldiers. after a few seconds tacobot realized that it should have acted like it was asleep or that the straps were still on it, but it forgot to. it was odd that the soldiers didn't notice."
- "HEY SOMERABBIT I FOUND SOME TOILET PAPER!" Tacobot reached out of the bars and began covering the soldier outside with toilet paper.
Cute Machine: Although not designed to look overly adorable, Tacobot's childlike personality and innocence renders some cute moments.
- Can also be played for laughs due to the fact she was built by Rare, the cruel and lawful evil tyrant who wants to kill all humans in the most brutal way possible.
- It's hinted during the Strike of the Beecat that Rare implemented some of her innocence in Tacobot before she (Rare) turned evil. Whether this is true or a lie to distract others from the fact Rare is just really bad at making robots is up for debate.
Ridiculously Human Robot: To various degrees the Tacobot thinks, reacts and moves around as if she were a person and not an automaton.
Awesome Medic
Mad Doctor
Mad Scientist: His lab is full of things that serve no other purpose but to satisfy his curiosity.
Stuff Blowing Up: Happens so often around AM that Charles is no longer surprised when there's one nearby. He also has a tact for making things blow up when that wasn't even his plan in the first place.
•As he was setting up another small board on the small wall he was building, an explosion sounded in the kitchen area, almost blowing off the windows. Charles didn't even flinch; when you have been friends with AwesomeMedic for so long, you get used to unexpected explosions and strange things.
•''Your friend's alright. Apparently, he was trying to bake a cake with an unopened can of beans, a fork, and some aluminium foil that he placed all at once in the microwave. He then kicked the microwave as it was working, which resulted in the explosion. Talk about weird...''
Talking animal: He has a talking penguin as an assistant in his lab.
No Indoor Voice: Often used by Semicolon. Replying in all caps and with hard line breaks give the impression of anger or extreme excitement, generally for comedic effect. Used less frequently by Gorgro and Rare, usually in conversations with Semi.
The Nicknamer: Comes up with nicknames for himself and others, mainly used in minecraft. Also appears outside MC when referring to Katls as Karl.
Fake Ultimate Hero: I am perfect in every way and your words can't bring me down.
Ignorance is Bliss: My intellect has the pure anderacity to megalonically cripple you plebeians.
Pretty Boy: Self-explanatory. I'm perfect.
Lawful Stupid
Minion with an F in Evil: Katls follows Rare around during her evil overlord errands and tries very hard to seem evil and intimidating. This hardly ever has any effect, negative or positive, on other members or on whatever Rare is doing at the time.
- Demonstrated in the Treehouse and Futons campaign where dramatic origin story is interrupted by Taco intent on brushing his character's hair and prancing him around like a pony.
A Villain Named Zorg: Katls. It might not be as odd a name as most, but it's also not the most commonly heard name either.
- The name is made odder when it's spelled Katls but pronounced KALtls.
- Which led to Rare simply nicknaming him Kat.
- And Semi naming him Karl.
Deathrbringer The Adorable: Depending on what shape he takes, Katls can look more like something you'd find in a little girls room over something you'd find destroying and controlling worlds. Not to be confused with Cute is Evil, because Kat isn't naturally cute.
- Taken to hilarious heights when posing as a pony.
- "It's also hard to be creepy when a crazy robot is happily prancing you around and brushing your mane." -Gorgro commenting on Katls in Treehouse and Futons.
Obviously Evil Often going overboard with his designs, it would be difficult for Katls to walk anywhere without drawing attention to himself.
- I dunno, he looks like a pretty trustworthy fellow.
Church Militant: Think about it. All that crazy firepower and he's super Christian and all. Whatcha gon' do?
Growing Up Sucks:Will occasionally lament his own loss of innocence/youth.
Highly Visible Ninja: Despite being a ninja, JT is easily spotted unless stated otherwise in stories or roleplays, and his avatars are also easily visible. When he pilots the Starfleet, the crew has no problem seeing their captain.
- Played for laughs when he shouts out ninja moves "Ninja Technique Number 30!" and being the opposite of stealthy.
Grumpy Old Man: Played by JT whenever a new member arrives. Encourages them to get off his lawn as soon as possible. Can be seen as a hazing for new members and requires them to fit in right away in order for them to make it past the Welcome thread.
Ambiguous Evil: His alignment states Neutral Good, but he's seen numerous times complimenting or admiring Rare despite her evil standards. He hazes newcomers and often plays devils advocate but is against piracy and is apparently religious and God-respecting. He has no problem finding whatever pushes someones buttons and pushing said button until the person snaps. It's hard to pinpoint his true moral standings.
McNinja: Wore a cowboy hat in his profile picture, despite the fact that ninjas are Japanese in origin. Claims to have mastered regional northern-US slang.
Mistaken For Gay: File under Heterosexual Life Partner, Charles. See Ambigiously Gay and Heterosexual Life Partners below.
Squee: Everybody does it once in a while, but Dew's a repeat offender.
Ambiguously Gay: He is very devoted to Charles, even discussing the ho yay between them, but it can be hard to tell when (if?) he's joking.
Amnesiac Lancer: Was a part of some top secret paramilitary organization, and was apparently sent to help Charles by them, but doesn't remember all of the details due to some, as of yet unexplained reason.
An Axe to Grind: His primary weapon in "'The Quest for Someguy's Sunglasses' or 'Strike of the Beecat'" is a hatchet.
Black Best Friend: To Charles, although their's is far from a normal friendship...In the sense that they're both struggling against a maniacal deity.
You Know I'm Black, Right?: WE DIDN'T KNOW HE WAS BLACK.
But Not Too Black: Only half black.
Child Soldier: Couldn't have been much older than a preteen during his stint as a member of the mysterious "Children of the Treehouse."
Dark and Troubled Past: That he doesn't remember. Thankfully, he has a Dark and Troubled Present to make up for that.
Freudian Slip: Prone to making these, leading to numerous gay jokes at his expense.
Heterosexual Life Partners: With Charles.
Spell My Name with an S: Is it "Dewman" with only one "n" or "Dewmann" with two?
Charles 'Uglybutt' Ferland
Sunglasses of Power: When Charles puts on these sunglasses, they make him more powerful, more fast, more resistant, and they change his wardrobe from casual clothing to a white judo outfit with black belt.
Fingerless Gloves: Given to him by his mentor and ex-owner of the Sunglasses, Charles always wears them when he puts on his sunglasses.
•The fingerless gloves were made of sturdy black leather, rather smooth to the touch. They looked cool, with a strap near the wrist, making a hole that allowed him to remove it quickly while allowing him to see the back of his hands.
Suspiciously specific denial: Charles seems to say a lot of these, mostly very loudly.
•"Umm, just a quick, completely pointless question, but did you happen to pick up any strange looking, ticking briefcases while you were cleaning up? Not that I placed it there or anything, just...wondering."
Have I mentioned I am heterosexual today?: Charles seems to have to constantly remind everyone that, no, he is not in love with Dewmann. They're partners in a resistance, not love partners.
Cloudcuckoolander's minder: Charles was legally assigned to keep an eye on AwesomeMedic to prevent him from going to jail or an asylum for his crazy experiments. Charles is also the one that seems to get him out of trouble most of the time.
Lady Ziggy
Situational Sexuality: Whom are you not willing to have sex with? Yet to be determined.
Wise Beyond Their Years: When younger, was often thought to be older.
Last edited by Cat.exe on Thu Sep 27, 2012 11:54 pm; edited 25 times in total