You Know I'm Black, Right?: WE DIDN'T KNOW HE WAS BLACK.
Mistaken For Gay: File under Heterosexual Life Partner, Charles.
Squee: Everybody does it once in a while, but Dew's a repeat offender.
Church Militant: Think about it. All that crazy firepower and he's super Christian and all. Whatcha gon' do?
Growing Up Sucks:Will occasionally lament his own loss of innocence/youth.
McNinja: Wore a cowboy hat in his profile picture, despite the fact that ninjas are Japanese in origin. Claims to have mastered regional northern-US slang.
Good Bad Girl: When being 'good' for the sake of the narrative, nevertheless makes passes at nearly everyone. Comfortable with sexuality makes for this.
Situational Sexuality: Yep.
Situational Sexuality: Whom are you not willing to have sex with? Yet to be determined.
Wise Beyond Their Years: When younger, was often thought to be older.
I feel like
Teens Are Monsters should go someplace as inverted, but I don't know where. And I'm not sure if Rare counts as a
Stupid Sexy Flanders or not.
If you'll excuse me, I meant to be asleep two hours ago.