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Everything's coming up Treehouse

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House fire. (Updated)

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Well as anyone reading this knows, my house caught fire and burned down. Let me try my best to walk you through everything that happened.

Well I was at home on my computer playing gemcraft when I smelled smoke. Not smoke from a cigarette or anything but heavy smoke. I got up to find where it was coming from to see smoke coming from my brother's bedroom. I open the door to see the mattress for his bed is on fire. Not smoking or anything, IT IS ON FIRE. The curtains are on fire to and I am hit with a wall of smoke. I get out of the house and called 911 (like 999 for the UK) I thought I could get a water hose and kick the window right next to the bed in and get the mattress extinguished (the house was full of smoke after I opened the bedroom door I couldn't get back inside) I get around to the back of the house and find he back parts of the house are on fire. I can see into the louvers and vents for the attic and see glowing and that is when I realized that the attic has caught. I opened the front and back doors hoping that the pets in the house could get out and got away.

It took the police about 5 min to get there and maybe 10 min for the fire department. They fought the fire for an hour and all I could do was watch it. The worst part was that a very large amount of people showed up to watch it as if it was a show. People I never seen before brought folding chairs and drinks and took up spots in my back yard and my neighbor's (who is also my aunt's summer home) with little regard for decency.

Anyhow let me show you what is left.

Here is the front

I think it be better to just link the photobucket



Last edited by Samiam on Thu Aug 11, 2011 8:48 am; edited 2 times in total

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Post Fri May 27, 2011 9:13 am by D-Munny

Jesus, I can't imagine what that must have felt like.


Post Fri May 27, 2011 9:18 am by Hollyღ

Again, I'm really sorry to have that happen to you, Sam. I would have kicked over the people sitting in lawn chairs.


Post Fri May 27, 2011 10:40 am by someguy3657

That's terrible, Sam. I gave you a karma as a welcome back gift.


Post Fri May 27, 2011 12:14 pm by JT_the_Ninja


...I know what you mean about the spectators, though. Drove past a burning house about a month ago, and the neighbors for blocks around were gathered outside to watch. []


Post Fri May 27, 2011 2:54 pm by Travelcube

Yikes, that sounds horrible.


Post Sat May 28, 2011 2:27 am by AwesomeMedic

people with chair watching your house burn...they have no soul.


Post Sat May 28, 2011 5:44 am by someguy3657

AwesomeMedic wrote:people with chair watching your house burn...they have no soul.

Some peoples just want to watch the house burn


Post Sat May 28, 2011 6:04 am by Tuomey

I can't believe people brought drinks and chairs to watch your house burn and came into your garden.
I would've asked the cops to arrest them for trespassing - or just started smacking some heads.

Man. That sucks.


Post Sat May 28, 2011 8:53 am by Samiam

It did suck seeing those people come to just watch. it got even better the next few days while we were trying to salvage things we kept seeing people drive by just to gawk at everything. I have decided that if I am ever in the position to watch someone go through something like that I would render assistance.


Post Sat May 28, 2011 8:58 am by Samiam

I also found out that someone had been to and rummaged through the house while we were gone. Nothing of value was left to be taken but it still pissed me off to an extent none of you understand.


Post Sat May 28, 2011 5:58 pm by JT_the_Ninja

Wow...would it help if I dispatched ninjas to find the would-be looter? []


Post Sun May 29, 2011 12:01 am by Tuomey

Man, when the Turians obliterate a whole bunch of people in 2157 I don't even think I'll be annoyed at this stage.
People are assholes.

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