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Top Hat Zebra
Dog Breath
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1Avatar Comments Empty Avatar Comments Wed Jun 09, 2010 2:35 pm



Say what you think of others avatars.
I'll start.
Dog Breath, nice avatar, where did you get it?

2Avatar Comments Empty Re: Avatar Comments Wed Jun 09, 2010 2:39 pm


Ninjafleet Captain

I'll second that.

Katls, what exactly is your av supposed to be? []


3Avatar Comments Empty Re: Avatar Comments Wed Jun 09, 2010 4:11 pm


Dove in the Moonlight

JT how did you create yours?

4Avatar Comments Empty Re: Avatar Comments Wed Jun 09, 2010 4:57 pm



Rare, why do cats wear such silly things?

5Avatar Comments Empty Re: Avatar Comments Wed Jun 09, 2010 5:00 pm



It's the absol that is in my newest story(note he's a bad guy).
I found the base of the image in a Google image search and used Roxio 2009 PhotoSuite to add text and additional colors.

6Avatar Comments Empty Re: Avatar Comments Wed Jun 09, 2010 5:01 pm



Absols are the bomb.

7Avatar Comments Empty Re: Avatar Comments Wed Jun 09, 2010 6:08 pm



Mine has a top hat. that is all.
Also it's bad quality 'cause it was made for a smaller format.

8Avatar Comments Empty Re: Avatar Comments Wed Jun 09, 2010 6:11 pm


Dove in the Moonlight

Sunny, that is a good question. Although, my avatar is not wearing a costume. My avatar is simply a picture of me, the sly and dangerous Beecat. The following is a report I've found, in the journal of a scientist I had mauled to death for food.

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Pictured above is the domesticated beecat.

The allusive Beecat is a crafty and furtive beast whose origin is the Northern lands of Ireland, the Ukraine, and parts of China, but reigns supreme in Europe, France, and parts of Canada and Michigan. The history of the Beecat reaches as far back as the middle ages, but most records of the Beecat derive around the Industrial Revolution, where Beecats were deemed valuable due to their multipurpose functions in flying, swift agility, honey making as well as paper crafting and stamina. Beecats worked for tuna and milk, making them cheaper to hire then most creatures or people.

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The middle ages marked the "Cat/Bee" war, in which felines and bees clashed in a war over sweet foodstuffs. Beecats were caught in the middle, divided into choosing who they would fight for. The war lasted only five years, but marked the beginning the the Cat/Bee alliance. After peace was given, Cats, Bees, Wasps, and Beecats formed together in mutual alliance with each other. Till this day, bees and wasps make sugar for the cats and Beecats, who in turn provide safety and protection for the bees and wasps. The picture above, taken at the peak of the Cat/Bee war, shows a cat warrior in deadly combat with a bee foe.

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The main habitat of the Beecat is the forests of Ireland or the wet valleys of Canada, where snow is scarce. Beecats are most at home in warm and muggy forests where trees vault high above the leafy grounds, where they can watch their prey at a safe distance. The main diet of the Beecats is mice, birds, badgers, and occasionally owls, although Beecats have been found to prefer smoking owl over eating them. The staple diet of the average Beecat has been candied rodents and frothy milk with a slice of lemon.

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Beecats make their nests where prey is plentiful, in the matted hair of beautiful woman. Beecats have been said to lure beautiful maidens, often young females, into the forests where they will keep the girl captive for weeks. Once the hair has the preferred amount of knots and tangles, the Beecat will then spend hours crafting a nest made out of dried twigs, leaves, chewed up paper and the bones and hide of its meals. Occasionally, a Beecat will craft its nest in the beards of fair Irish men, or create a makeshift nest in a tree until a proper nesting spot is found.

The above picture is of a typical Beecat nest.

Beecat hair nesting takes time and patience, and often requires the help of the Pokémon Riolu. The relationship between Beecat and Riolu is one that has baffled scientists for ages – the Riolu is the only canine creature that the Beecat will willingly accept and approve of.

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The Riolu protects the scalp of the victim to prevent harm and injury as the Beecat focuses its attention in weaving its new home. The Riolu has also been found to attract prey with its sweet innocent charm. The Beecat then hunts any attracted prey, and both creatures share the spoils. Riolus will sleep in the same nest hair with the Beecat, or will rest nearby, always within a hundred feet of the Beecat.

The enemies of the Beecat range from canines, humans, and but regularly hornets. Hornets have been known to sting and eat Beecat kittens, as well as inject poison into the Beecat eggs. Hornets always try to attack from the back, catching the Beecat off guard – hornets are also very sly and crafty, working together to accomplish their goal. Because Beecats commonly live away from other Beecats, they require the fighting aid of their riolu companion; however Beecats have recently formed an alliance with raptors, ninjas, and various Nintendo personas.

This is all that is known about the beecat at the moment, but our top scientists are investigating more. In fact, after this entry, we are heading into the layer of one particular beecat - known as "Rare", this beecat has been terrorizing the local citizens. This is Professor Oak, logging out.

I would add on to the entry, but I'd prefer our species remain mysterious, at least until we rule the world.

9Avatar Comments Empty Re: Avatar Comments Thu Jun 10, 2010 12:37 am


Ninjafleet Captain

@Rare: It's my character from ModNation Racers. Apparently www.modnation.com lets you log into PSN and view your stats, which includes tiny portraits of your character. They also have one with my character in his kart:
Avatar Comments Secondary



10Avatar Comments Empty Re: Avatar Comments Thu Jun 10, 2010 3:05 am

Dog Breath

Dog Breath

Well researched and written Rare.

My avatar is called "Babe Factory" and I stolded it from Google Image Search.

11Avatar Comments Empty Re: Avatar Comments Thu Jun 10, 2010 4:17 am


Prince of the Squirtle Squad

Mine was pulled from the smoking wreckage of London in the late 1800s.

12Avatar Comments Empty Re: Avatar Comments Thu Jun 10, 2010 6:35 am



Here too, in a report in the next file cabinet down lies a report of the Beecat's counterpart.


A puzzle, wrapped in an enigma; The Pokémon, classed as #447 has been on this earth since the dawn of Egyptian rule. Ancient Hieroglyphics have shown this Pokémon as a leader of some, and a follower/faithful companion to others. The earliest recorded sighting of Riolu was back in 1782, during the Palkia/Dialga War, in which the entire east of Sinnoh was burnt to the ground with a joint roar of time. The second sighting having been 5 years later, when the first double-colliding Falcon-Punch destroyed the North of Hoenn.

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Why there is not an abundance of these creatures is probably due to an evolutionary preference. This Pokémon has 2 stages of Evolution:

The first is the Pokémon in question #447, and the second (#448) is it's larger, more formidable counterpart: Lucario.
The large amount of Lucario hanging around the Sinnoh region alone is quite welcome, but beneath their shadow is a quiet, yet docile creature, who shall forever be overlooked. In fact, due to aspiring trainers' (in the 10-13 age range) love for Lucario, the former Pokémon is almost immediately evolved.

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(Above: A sleeping pair. Picture source of Pokémon Archives 1988)

This is the reason as to why this Pokémon has a recorded number of 1. Meaning that only 1 remains in the known world. As to his whereabouts, Oak laboratories have yet to discover. As we know, Pokémon do not die out, however they do evolve into spiritual states. However, no recorded spiritual state Riolu have been recorded. Therefore, we continue our search.

As for diet, it lives on a staple diet of Sweet delicacies, as well as Michelin cuisine (note, this being the food, rather than the tyres). Not having a permanent residence, it scavenges from inner city areas, and moves on throughout the forests of the region.

It remains a very lonely creature. In terms of defense, it has an ability of Aura, which allows it to power up it's attacks, though only when in great danger. Whilst lacking the close-range fighting abilities of his older counterpart, he will excel in use of Bow and Arrow, or more recently, a Scoped Rifle. It is a formidable predator when faced in any condition. Recent etchings in dark blue found around the region in isolated, mountainous areas suggest that it has been keeping a record of anyone opposed to it's presence. That means that we must stay away from it's suggested areas and move in with our most feared weapon: Project Dave.

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As shown above in it's youngest stage, our new Project Dave has fully-grown and developed blue scales and is twice that size. We know that the Riolu's worst enemy is the Raptor, and hopefully then we can subdue it for our own use and investigation. However, with limited resources, this may have to wait a few days.

For domicile, it only seems to ally itself with one creature:

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The Beecat. One of the most feared creatures we have faced, and another reason why we are not able to get so close to it.
This information leads us to believe that it currently shares a hairnest with one of the Beecats located in Michigan.
The Anubis Pokémon shares a bond with the beecat, one of unrelenting friendship, and when faced with danger, each will fight for each other.
The Hairnest is a well-knotted tangle of luscious hair located on top of beautiful, young women, who are willing to allow the pair to nest themselves there. So far, only 2 homes have been occupied by the Beecat & Riolu, therefore showing that they are feared by the general public. The Riolu requires the beecat for nest-building, as it is not a very D.I.Y Pokémon. The Beecat will intricately weave the nest whilst the Riolu uses it's aura to protect the head of the carrier.
When faced with predators, the Riolu will use it's charm to entice it, and the beecat will deliver the killing blow; Then they share the fresh meal. The common predator is the hornet.It will try to disrupt the nest-building process, and settle scores with it's Beecat enemy, however, there have been no cases of Beecat/Anubis loss.
To sleep, it will remain in the nest, sensitive to any unnatural presence.

The Riolu that we are following, and hope to capture we have named Esbby. Esbby was the name of the saviour of the Celts, and being the last non-Lucario shows he remains an outcast, yet with good reason.

13Avatar Comments Empty Re: Avatar Comments Thu Jun 10, 2010 7:03 am



Mines simply a van, with some shifty looking guys outside.

But they're not shifty... honest...


14Avatar Comments Empty Re: Avatar Comments Thu Jun 10, 2010 7:03 am


Ninjafleet Captain

I propose that Gorgro adopt a Reptar avatar! []


15Avatar Comments Empty Re: Avatar Comments Thu Jun 10, 2010 7:05 am


Glorious Leader

He doesn't show off my intellectual side as much.


16Avatar Comments Empty Re: Avatar Comments Thu Jun 10, 2010 7:14 am


King Under The Bridge

Rare, Esbby: plussed for epic win.
Also, Rare, that's a nice deck in the background of that first pic, is it yours?
Do you skate?

I will have an avatar as soon as I am bothered, and I will cross the brige of explaining it sometime after I come to it.
(There's a pub on this side.)

17Avatar Comments Empty Re: Avatar Comments Thu Jun 10, 2010 8:27 am



World news, 24/7 coverage on world events.
The Crime Watch Report with Amy Engle.

"A manhunt is underway in the United States as a mass murderer is on the lose, so far he's is committed over 300 murders in the last few weeks. One man claimed that he has seen murderer in action. This is a artist's rendering of the murderer."
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"If this is the murderer, then God help us. This is an Absol, The Disaster Pokemon. Since the the murderer could an Absol, we've invited Katls Nalcrato, who is an expert on ghost and dark type Pokemon. Welcome Katls."
"Thank you Amy, It's a pleasure it be here."
"So Katls, have you conducted any research on Absols?"
"Yes I have. In fact, I own a couple. One is rather kind to the other Pokemon."
"And the other?"
"It is very violent to the other Pokemon and were ever he goes trouble follows. One time when I was cooking for a potluck, a pot of boiling water fell over and spilled all over my legs. When I looked to my left that Absol was standing about a foot away."
"Do you think the muderer might be an Absol?"
"After seeing the bodies, it's possible. That's a I can say for now."

Last edited by Katls Nalcrato on Thu Jun 10, 2010 8:24 pm; edited 1 time in total

18Avatar Comments Empty Re: Avatar Comments Thu Jun 10, 2010 8:59 am



mah avatar is teh robo taco cuz dats what I is...
yeah apparently beecats are preety good at making robots

19Avatar Comments Empty Re: Avatar Comments Thu Jun 10, 2010 9:11 am


Prince of the Squirtle Squad

Hmm. Who would win in a fight between Reptar, Bowser and Blastoise?

20Avatar Comments Empty Re: Avatar Comments Thu Jun 10, 2010 9:32 am


Ninjafleet Captain

@Jonny: Gojira would win. And Batman. []


21Avatar Comments Empty Re: Avatar Comments Thu Jun 10, 2010 9:53 am


Prince of the Squirtle Squad

Assuming Gojira and Batman were tied up and watched over by Chuck Norris, who would win the fight?

22Avatar Comments Empty Re: Avatar Comments Thu Jun 10, 2010 9:56 am


Glorious Leader

Chuck Norris, obviously.


23Avatar Comments Empty Re: Avatar Comments Thu Jun 10, 2010 10:16 am


Prince of the Squirtle Squad

I think you have missed the point of the conversation. >_<

24Avatar Comments Empty Re: Avatar Comments Thu Jun 10, 2010 11:16 am


King Under The Bridge

Obviously, I would win.
They all forgot about the whiskey.
What whiskey?

25Avatar Comments Empty Re: Avatar Comments Thu Jun 10, 2010 11:30 am


Prince of the Squirtle Squad

I have never facepalmed myself so hard.

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