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It's a Christmas Picture!

A Sinister Speaker
11 posters

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1It's a Christmas Picture! Empty It's a Christmas Picture! Fri Dec 03, 2010 10:48 am



I only thought about it today, but for the sake of festive moods, I've drawn a picture with all of you in it!
If there's anybody else you want in it, I'd be glad to edit and repost it. We can have a huge picture!
I hope you really enjoy this (it took me a while to do!)

Happy Holidays!

First Image!


I've made some Minor Changes to please a certain Ninja, and then I've gone and added a new character! :3

Newest Image!
It's a Christmas Picture! CZQDT

Last edited by SB8 on Sun Dec 05, 2010 12:06 am; edited 1 time in total

2It's a Christmas Picture! Empty Re: It's a Christmas Picture! Fri Dec 03, 2010 10:59 am



Looks awesome esby, but one thing... I can't skate unfortunately

3It's a Christmas Picture! Empty Re: It's a Christmas Picture! Fri Dec 03, 2010 11:01 am



That's the one thing you can't do?! Why didn't I do the Unicycle instead? :3

4It's a Christmas Picture! Empty Re: It's a Christmas Picture! Fri Dec 03, 2010 11:13 am



Totally awesome, SB.

5It's a Christmas Picture! Empty Re: It's a Christmas Picture! Fri Dec 03, 2010 11:14 am



^^ Thank you! :3

6It's a Christmas Picture! Empty Re: It's a Christmas Picture! Fri Dec 03, 2010 11:22 am



SB8 wrote:That's the one thing you can't do?! Why didn't I do the Unicycle instead? :3

Me riding a giant amoeba would be even more awesome, since I am studying biotechnology

7It's a Christmas Picture! Empty Re: It's a Christmas Picture! Fri Dec 03, 2010 12:41 pm


King Under The Bridge

Awesome pic mate

Everyone non-disabled can skate.
Yes, everyone falls but that becomes less frequent.

8It's a Christmas Picture! Empty Re: It's a Christmas Picture! Fri Dec 03, 2010 2:16 pm



I love it, Awesome drawing Esbby!

9It's a Christmas Picture! Empty Re: It's a Christmas Picture! Fri Dec 03, 2010 5:03 pm



You mixed me and Spongebob into some curly haired, black belt abomination...


10It's a Christmas Picture! Empty Re: It's a Christmas Picture! Fri Dec 03, 2010 7:36 pm


Dove in the Moonlight

That's amazing Esbby!

11It's a Christmas Picture! Empty Re: It's a Christmas Picture! Fri Dec 03, 2010 11:24 pm



Thanks to everyone for the positive comments!

Here's a little information concerning everyone's drawing!

JT: This was the first one I did. I did this because I found it would be a good base for the crazy (yet to come), with a normal-ish guy. Human!
Someguy: You followed JT, but I gave you a gun, because I think I remember you talking about Guns in an RPG of old :3
(For those prior, you two remind me of Gabe & Tycho from Penny Arcade :3)
Bowen: I had a little trouble deciding how to do you :/ I used the hair covering the eye as an alibi for not having to draw a second eye, because I wasn't sure how to scale the facial features X3 But apart from that, I was quite happy how it ended up :3
Tuomey: This is where I hit my first major snag. I cannot draw Pikachu to save my life! So I used a weird, Japanese guide for it, and did my best to try and adapt it into the Westernised, Cartoony Pikachu in the Animé. Again, I used hair coverage to cover the left side of the face, as a shameless excuse to not make the face look weird. Besides, I think it looks quite good with that Top Hat!
Taco: I can give a lot of credit to JT on this one, as it was essentially a bit of a restyling of his lovely drawing ;3 Apart from that, I think I may have made the drawing look a bit kiddy, but I hope there's no problem with that :3
Sam: I hit another Snag here, and I was afraid of messing this one up majorly. I can't draw Dinosaur/Crocodile/Reptilian Heads! But I used a source again, and had to also follow a drawing for the Duck, Lower-Body. i chose the expression, because I think the big grin isn't quite as fitting as the subtle-r acknowledgement of presence :3 I hope you like that :3
Sludge: I was pleased with how this came out :3 I followed a Cartoony Duck on Google, and put you in a bucket with a Wireless Gaming Headset, and a kickin' hairstyle ;3 Hope you like it :3
Mess: I think I got a kind of, 'Psyduck' Effect, here. I remember a picture you posted a while back, and I couldn't resist the big glasses and five o'clock shadow, type thing. Also, you have a shirt saying 'A+ Honour Roll!' Because you're a big smarty, feathers ;3
Gorgro: Gorgro, forgive me, but I cannot draw reptiles. Moreover, I didn't think that I could scale you down to fit in with your underlings, so instead, what with adminship & creation...ship, I made you about 50x bigger than everyone else. You also have a sticker, marking yourself as 'The Great Overseer!' on your foot :3
Rare: Spooks, forgive me again, but I can't draw cats very well! I had to use the hair-cover to try and cover a part of the face so it didn't look silly :3 I followed a picture, put on wings and antennae, and then gave you some lovely long hair and a cool expression :3 I was pretty happy with how this came out, and I hope you like that too :3
Myself: There's not too much special about this. It's just one of the normal drawings that I practice on. I've tried a new hair thing too, and it works a treat :3 I thought I'd jump in as 'The Young Crowd', what with size and all :3
Packie: I would have drawn DNA, but I don't think it reveals your shiny personality :3 So instead, I remembered our chats in Tinychatland, and tried to get along those lines :3 You also have a top hat, which you posted a while back, which I hope adds a nice, little effect there :L. As for skating... You can skate! It's one of your many un-found powers!
Jonny: Jonny, I tried drawing a Blastoise first, but I just couldn't do it! It was very difficult to get in good scale and not too blocky. So after having failed that, I decided to draw you as Frink, but with Blastoise's shell :3 And to compensate for the lack of total Blastoise-ness.... I gave you a 6-pack, as an apology for my failure :3
Dewmann: Here I go with this old excuse again, but I can't draw Spongebob well! I had to follow a picture, and whilst it may not be in the same style of everyone else, I think it's okay. I added an afro, and a Karate belt, just to show your Awesomeness :3
Tree: As one of our most prominent members, Tree has always been there for us. In good times, and bad times. Therefore, we couldn't forget him. God Bless you tree. You and your perfect Symmetry ;3
Sarcasmic: Now this was a challenge. I have trouble drawing Isometric shapes, but after some mental persuasion and overcoming my fear of cubes, I managed to pull off a decent cube ;3

Last edited by SB8 on Sun Dec 05, 2010 12:08 am; edited 1 time in total

12It's a Christmas Picture! Empty Re: It's a Christmas Picture! Sat Dec 04, 2010 12:39 am



So, am I Gabe or Tycho?

13It's a Christmas Picture! Empty Re: It's a Christmas Picture! Sat Dec 04, 2010 6:09 am

A Sinister Speaker

That is the single most awesome thing I have ever seen on this website.

14It's a Christmas Picture! Empty Re: It's a Christmas Picture! Sat Dec 04, 2010 7:26 am


Ninjafleet Captain

...you forgot my beard! and my sideburns! and my shoes! []


15It's a Christmas Picture! Empty Re: It's a Christmas Picture! Sat Dec 04, 2010 7:27 am


Ninjafleet Captain

....and you've seen me IRL! []


16It's a Christmas Picture! Empty Re: It's a Christmas Picture! Sat Dec 04, 2010 7:33 am



I got half the sideburns, part of your beard, and you are wearing Footsie shoes!

17It's a Christmas Picture! Empty Re: It's a Christmas Picture! Sat Dec 04, 2010 1:35 pm



Hey cool!





18It's a Christmas Picture! Empty Re: It's a Christmas Picture! Sat Dec 04, 2010 2:49 pm


Ninjafleet Captain

I call shenanigans....my beard is epicness...you have brought shame upon this clan. Weakness betrays strength...treachery begets blood...this is the law of the ninja! []


19It's a Christmas Picture! Empty Re: It's a Christmas Picture! Sat Dec 04, 2010 2:55 pm


Ninjafleet Captain

But seriously, cool drawing. []


20It's a Christmas Picture! Empty Re: It's a Christmas Picture! Sat Dec 04, 2010 4:08 pm



Very cool drawing.

You still didn't answer my question thought.

21It's a Christmas Picture! Empty Re: It's a Christmas Picture! Sat Dec 04, 2010 4:41 pm



A tree is in there, but not me.


I'm just going to go angst for a while, don't mind me.


22It's a Christmas Picture! Empty Re: It's a Christmas Picture! Sat Dec 04, 2010 9:12 pm



Of course you're in the picture! When you were incinerated, we didn't want to use REAL snow, so we opted for something a bit cheaper.

23It's a Christmas Picture! Empty Re: It's a Christmas Picture! Sun Dec 05, 2010 12:09 am



Okay! I've edited the post, so we now have a cube, and a Sideburn/Bearded Ninja!

And Someguy, you can be Tycho, I guess. Gabe has Black Hair. Gabe's a n00b in the sense that he isn't as cool as Tycho.

24It's a Christmas Picture! Empty Re: It's a Christmas Picture! Sun Dec 05, 2010 1:30 am



So you're calling JT a n00b?

No! Because Gabe is Gabe, and JT is JT! GOD! :3

25It's a Christmas Picture! Empty Re: It's a Christmas Picture! Sun Dec 05, 2010 1:58 am


Prince of the Squirtle Squad

I am a Frink/Blastoise hybrid? My life is now complete.

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