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Programming shenanigans with Gorgro

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Glorious Leader

This is a continuation of my original blog that has been on hold for quite some time now. I will enlighten you about my progression to making a working copy of either Tetris or Pong, hopefully by the end of the summer.
Programming games is harder than you might think. Do you ever think about why you're not running through the wall while playing Call of Duty? Do you ever consider the possibility than by changing one value, Mario would never jump again? Of course you don't, otherwise you get either shot, eaten or a little of both. (Most likely by gun wielding zombies.)

It gets worse than that though, because before you even get to handling you characters interaction with walls, there's the simple matter of getting images on the screen, or getting a screen at all that isn't command prompt. I've been experimenting with a graphics library called SDL. That doesn't tell you anything, but it sounds important.
I've progressed so far as to being able to put an image on the screen and making it do stuff when i use my mouse or arrow keys. I've been progressing rather slowly both because i'm lazy and i've discovered this library in the middle of my exams.

This concludes my first blog posting, uninformative and short though it was. At least it will stand as a preview of how other posts will look like in this section, in case you were still hesitant to post here.

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Post Tue Jun 08, 2010 4:31 pm by Tacoline

Gorgro wrote: (Most likely by gun wielding zombies.)

now that, my friend is frightening.


Post Wed Jun 09, 2010 3:15 am by Jonny

I am definitely contemplating a blog on here now. Incidentally, has anyone here tried Garry's Mod?


Post Wed Jun 09, 2010 3:32 am by Jonny

On the topic of the blog itself, nice work. It would be nice if we could get our own little picture next to our respective blog entries, but if we can't do that it's fine.

Dog Breath

Post Wed Jun 09, 2010 3:52 am by Dog Breath

Jonny, go ahead and get posting!

The beauty of this is, if you like doin it in the end, you can copy your posts from here to a formal blog or vice versa.

This is an easy way to break into blogging, you already have fans!

Start typing BITCH!!!

Dog Breath

Post Wed Jun 09, 2010 3:54 am by Dog Breath

You have a group of willing beta testers here as well Gorgro.

Do you have any screen shots yet?


Post Wed Jun 09, 2010 3:59 am by Gorgro

Nothing that's deemed interesting yet, i'm still in the early stages and can't produce anything very useful yet (unless you really like text adventure games, that i could probably do) Also, exams until the end of next week, but i will post every noticeable improvement on this forum first!

Dog Breath

Post Wed Jun 09, 2010 4:02 am by Dog Breath

Right on!

Hopefully you can draw encouragement and inspiration from your blog!

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