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Everything's coming up Treehouse

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I should really post more..

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So here it goes, you have all probably noticed I have been absent for a while and for that I appologise. I hope you haven't been missing my dark, distasteful ways too much.

Anyhow, so, basically, after all the bitch ex-girlfriend crap a while ago I got a little depressed and stuff so I haven't really been around to sit on these forums, but you will be glad to hear that I am much better nowwww. I'm hopefully off to Uni at the end of august, I get my results back on the 19th (not long now!!). I've just found another job to help me get some money, working as a cleaner at an old peoples home (oh the joys!) where I will live in a dream world of space babies and talking bees to keep me sane, right?

Anyhow, I just thought I'd update you all, hope you are all doing well, and I'll pop on for another visit/update soon!

Take care y'all!

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