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Why are you still here?

10 posters

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1Why are you still here? Empty Why are you still here? Fri Oct 17, 2014 8:00 pm


Daisy Owl's been dead for 4 years and there is nothing left to discuss. Please go outside. I'm begging of you, go on to greener pastures.

2Why are you still here? Empty Re: Why are you still here? Fri Oct 17, 2014 8:06 pm


Nothing here is worth wasting your life away.

"I should've spent more time on a breakaway forum for a dead obscure webcomic," said no one ever.

3Why are you still here? Empty Re: Why are you still here? Fri Oct 17, 2014 8:13 pm


Remember that feeling of dread when you realized that the days between comic updates got longer and longer, until eventually they just stopped?

And when Ben snuffed the forums on the old site, why didn't you move on? What would compel you, any of you to waste your time here?

4Why are you still here? Empty Re: Why are you still here? Sat Oct 18, 2014 6:28 pm



Mostly because by now it's become not about Daisy Owl, but more about the folks who met each other thanks to the comic and found that we liked discussing things that didn't even pertain to the comic. No one ever talks about Daisy Owl anymore on here.

Granted the forum is pretty quiet right now, but for the most part, we've been sustaining it pretty well. Everyone here knows everyone else decently enough.

We came for the comic. We stayed for the company.

5Why are you still here? Empty Re: Why are you still here? Sun Oct 19, 2014 2:01 am



What Dewmann said.

The comic is dead, and that sucks. But if you take a look at most of the threads on here, we don't even talk about the webcomic. We talk about ourselves. What's going through our heads, what funny image or youtube video we found, what strange dreams we had the other night. We rant about the shit that happened to us today while also giving each other tips on how to make the next day better than the last. We listen to each other. We understand each other. In a world that keeps telling us that imagination is for kids only, we're here, pretending to be things we're not and having an amazing time.

Is that childish and immature? Many people seem to believe so (which, sadly, seem to be one of the reasons Rare left the forum. I talked to her recently). They'd look at us and think we're manchilds, living in a delusion. But we're not like that. Yes, granted, we sometimes don't act our age, but many posts and many forums proved to me that, while we can be silly and playful, we can also sit down and have an actual discussion or a debate without it becoming a bloodbath of hatred and insults, like the Internet is prone to do during any discussion.

Daisy Owl was a fun webcomic, but I don't care about it when I come on here. I care about the laughs I had, the tears I shed, the ideas and dreams I've thought up during my stay here. I care about the fact that, no matter how dark and gloomy and miserable my day was, I knew I could log on somewhere and leave with a wide smile on my face, or, at the very least, a place to rant without any repercusion. I care about the people I've met, played video games with, and even met in person.

Why do I still come here? I come here for my friends.

6Why are you still here? Empty Re: Why are you still here? Sun Oct 19, 2014 2:55 pm



it begs the question, why does the samquagga come here? to make the current residents feel bad about themselves? 
in reality everyone here met and became friends with eachother on the old forum. when it was snuffed we were all hurt, not because of the webcomic but because we genuinely liked the other people on the forum. so we emailed eachother to get together and makr a new forum. we still call it treehouse because we thought that was the best name for it. on top of that we often meet eachother irl, we also have a group on facebook where we post more regularly. 
if anything this forum has made me "go outside" by meeting these people. 
if anyone needs to go outside it is the samquagga.

7Why are you still here? Empty Re: Why are you still here? Sun Oct 19, 2014 11:46 pm


Glorious Leader

Banhammer has come down, we don't tolerate this sort of trolling on here. Thanks for telling me, Taco, and I'm sorry I haven't been around more, you guys. I haven't forgotten you lot!


8Why are you still here? Empty Re: Why are you still here? Mon Oct 20, 2014 1:07 am



Stayed for the awesome!

Why are you still here? C1d10

9Why are you still here? Empty Re: Why are you still here? Mon Oct 20, 2014 2:33 pm



AwesomeMedic wrote:Stayed for the awesome!

Why are you still here? C1d10
highly appropriate
Why are you still here? HELL-YEAH

10Why are you still here? Empty Re: Why are you still here? Thu Oct 23, 2014 11:38 am



You guys met through the old forum, I met you guys through this one (thanks to Katls), but I am happy to be a part of this group. This place has helped me get through some hard emotional times. I kinda feel like this is a second family part of the time, sure we don't talk as much as we used too, but I still find it heartwarming to find people who still come back to talk about their days, lives, etc. This place feels like my internet home, thanks to all of you, and for that, I wouln't mind staying here.

11Why are you still here? Empty Re: Why are you still here? Sun Oct 26, 2014 3:59 am



I can't even remember much about Daisy Owl.
I'd argue the hypocrisy of accusing the forum of wasting time whilst simultaneously posting here yourself, but I can't be bothered.
In other news, how DO people keep finding this place?
He is right that Daisy owl's been dead for a while, and was fairly obscure even when it wasn't.
So I wonder why we get folks appearing, still.
Demons, is my guess. Demons are behind it.

12Why are you still here? Empty Re: Why are you still here? Sun Oct 26, 2014 8:41 am



Damnit, Satan. Why are you bothering us? Don't you have damned souls to torment or something?

13Why are you still here? Empty Re: Why are you still here? Mon Oct 27, 2014 1:17 am


Ninjafleet Captain

It's kind of like Stockholm Syndrome...only in a good way...[]


14Why are you still here? Empty Re: Why are you still here? Mon Oct 27, 2014 4:39 pm



i have a suspicion that its someone who used to go to this forum alot but does not anymore, and they're jealous that we're still here. but that's just a suspicion.

15Why are you still here? Empty Re: Why are you still here? Tue Oct 28, 2014 12:31 am



we could check ip.......

16Why are you still here? Empty Re: Why are you still here? Tue Oct 28, 2014 4:51 pm



well we'd have to check this dudes ip against someone we suspect and idk if that's possible.

17Why are you still here? Empty Re: Why are you still here? Wed Oct 29, 2014 12:54 am



and why should we care? sure, starting this thread may not have been the most positive thing, but what is there to gain from going after this person (who we will likely have considered a friend here in the past)

18Why are you still here? Empty Re: Why are you still here? Wed Oct 29, 2014 1:04 am


Ninjafleet Captain

My first thought was what if it's Driscoll? []


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