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Blog about atheism

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This is a blog I will be writing to describe atheism as I know it and I will do my best to provide a narrative and share my views as well as share my personal experiences. I will provide links to sources and literature. This blog will most likely be under construction for a while so please feel free to ask questions in comments or if you need me to clarify statements you may ask those as well.

Atheism by definition :

My short story on becoming an atheist :

Philosophical stuff:

Science and education vs politics and religion:

Readable and vieable stuff:

I will add more to the conversation when I have a chance and feel free to ask questions if you like. I hope you enjoyed reading


Last edited by Samiam on Tue Sep 17, 2013 10:36 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : adding more content)

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Post Tue Sep 17, 2013 8:33 am by Gorgro

Thanks for writing this, Sam. It's interesting to see how you came to change your views coming from a religious background. How did people react to it when you told them?


Post Sat Sep 21, 2013 12:01 pm by Katls

Removed by it's author. Look in the religion thread.

Last edited by Katls on Sat Sep 21, 2013 2:09 pm; edited 1 time in total


Post Sat Sep 21, 2013 1:51 pm by Katls

Hey, what did I even say several times in that bit? I'm not using this to attack anything. Seriously, how much of that did you even read? There were two disclaimers on this.
It's not atheism v religion. When the heck did I say anything aggressive towards the subject? I was simply clarifying something. I'd rather not have everyone think that every dang religion was anti-science, which was what the "philosophical stuff" bit suggested. I'm not trying to argue my religion, I'd just not how my beliefs be demeaned.
If you want me to move it, I will. I just wanted to clarify.
EDIT: Ok, I can see the welcome for minuses part. That was unnecessary and opened up this blog to be atheism v religion. I apologize for that. I'll just move it and probably never touch it again because I abhor the religion thread.


Post Sat Sep 21, 2013 5:04 pm by Samiam

I would appreciate if you just asked questions katls. I didn't want to make this into a religion debate. I just wanted to explain atheism as I see it and maybe get the ball rolling on discussion about it and share my personal experiences.

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