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TTBM #4? 5? I don't even-

Tasha the Silly Panda
Icriex the Hyperbolic
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26TTBM #4? 5? I don't even- - Page 2 Empty Re: TTBM #4? 5? I don't even- Wed Apr 10, 2013 5:08 am



on an unrelated note, i'm sick.
i got a sore throat so talking hurts, but besides that i'm ok. i'm just worried that i wont get over the worst part of this cold today because i have to work the next few days and because of my boss messing up the schedules i can't take a day off.
my boss forgot that two of our employees took a vacation on the same week. so its a small business that only employs 6 people and two of them are gone.

27TTBM #4? 5? I don't even- - Page 2 Empty Re: TTBM #4? 5? I don't even- Wed Apr 10, 2013 5:42 am



Well the customers gets mad, throw a free fish at their face.


TTBM #4? 5? I don't even- - Page 2 19262810

28TTBM #4? 5? I don't even- - Page 2 Empty Re: TTBM #4? 5? I don't even- Wed Apr 10, 2013 10:00 am


King Under The Bridge

TTBM: My aunt started a conversation with me about college and work and stuff.
Basically she ignored all my points, and responses to her questions, and proceeded to tell me that my plan is stupid and won't work.

I'm waiting for this unemployment agency course thing to start (it keeps getting pushed back) and she insists that there's no point because the qualification is "probably not worth anything."
It's a "city and guilds level 2 diploma for software developers".
Not exactly a degree, but not bad for 3 months work.

She insists that I shouldn't do computing because of dropping out once before so I asked her if she'd seen my grades from before the epilepsy.
She said "well they weren't like, 'A's or anything, were they?"
I said "Yes," and she just kept on talking.

She seems to think I should go get a call centre job (despite that fact that when I get stressed or angry my speech centres quite literally shut down and I can no longer make words), and go back to college later in life like she did.
She works in an office for the county council.
Admittedly, a secure job - but not a particularly well paying or interesting job.

Then she compared epilepsy to having the kids she chose to have and I just got out of the car.

I don't know if I can go on working for her (I babysit).

I just thought there was one person in my family on my side who would at least take my point of view into account when it came to my life, but I guess not.

29TTBM #4? 5? I don't even- - Page 2 Empty Re: TTBM #4? 5? I don't even- Wed Apr 10, 2013 1:17 pm



Welp, you still have us who understand you, Tuomey

30TTBM #4? 5? I don't even- - Page 2 Empty Re: TTBM #4? 5? I don't even- Wed Apr 10, 2013 1:19 pm


Ninjafleet Captain

Well, might as well unload all these snakes on Ireland. []


31TTBM #4? 5? I don't even- - Page 2 Empty Re: TTBM #4? 5? I don't even- Wed Apr 10, 2013 1:24 pm



Time to unload this overused joke on this thread

32TTBM #4? 5? I don't even- - Page 2 Empty Re: TTBM #4? 5? I don't even- Wed Apr 10, 2013 2:54 pm


Dove in the Moonlight

Unloading an overused joke in this thread? Better release snakes in Ireland.

33TTBM #4? 5? I don't even- - Page 2 Empty Re: TTBM #4? 5? I don't even- Wed Apr 10, 2013 5:21 pm



TTBM: This fuckin' smiley icon is grinning at me.
He mocks.

34TTBM #4? 5? I don't even- - Page 2 Empty Re: TTBM #4? 5? I don't even- Wed Apr 10, 2013 7:10 pm




35TTBM #4? 5? I don't even- - Page 2 Empty Re: TTBM #4? 5? I don't even- Wed Apr 10, 2013 7:17 pm


Dove in the Moonlight


36TTBM #4? 5? I don't even- - Page 2 Empty Re: TTBM #4? 5? I don't even- Thu Apr 11, 2013 12:31 am



Ziggy the Parabolic wrote:TTBM: This fuckin' smiley icon is grinning at me.
He mocks.

TTBM #4? 5? I don't even- - Page 2 M11

37TTBM #4? 5? I don't even- - Page 2 Empty Re: TTBM #4? 5? I don't even- Thu Apr 11, 2013 12:32 pm



I actually did punch the screen, so TAKE THAT BITCH

38TTBM #4? 5? I don't even- - Page 2 Empty Re: TTBM #4? 5? I don't even- Sun Apr 14, 2013 4:21 pm



TTBM: I thought was too far ahead while eating dinner. I almost tried eating a biscuit, after I spread jelly in it, with a lid for a jelly container.

39TTBM #4? 5? I don't even- - Page 2 Empty Re: TTBM #4? 5? I don't even- Sun Apr 14, 2013 5:32 pm









40TTBM #4? 5? I don't even- - Page 2 Empty Re: TTBM #4? 5? I don't even- Sun Apr 14, 2013 6:59 pm


Dove in the Moonlight

TTBM: Advertisements that animate across the screen and you can't click on ANYthing until it disappears. And sometimes they buffer. I've come to the point where I boycott ANY brand that is dick enough to use these kind of advertisements to get their product noticed.

TTBM2: Youtube advertisements that tell you "not to skip this ad!" or "DON'T CLICK SKIP, LISTEN TO US." No. NO. YOU THINK YOU'RE CLEVER? HUH? YOU'RE NOT.

@Charles - Oh yeah, that really irks me too. They are on my list of 'THOSE' kind of people. You know. They think they are special because of their 'cause' and they are so dogmatic about their opinions. Along with these people are those who push vegetarianism, religion, and apple/non apple products.

41TTBM #4? 5? I don't even- - Page 2 Empty Re: TTBM #4? 5? I don't even- Mon Apr 15, 2013 2:03 am



someguy3657 wrote:TTBM: GUYS






You said you stopped going there

42TTBM #4? 5? I don't even- - Page 2 Empty Re: TTBM #4? 5? I don't even- Mon Apr 15, 2013 2:29 am



I know I shouldn't.

However, one of 4chan's motto is "Remember: you're here forever", and it's quite fitting

43TTBM #4? 5? I don't even- - Page 2 Empty Re: TTBM #4? 5? I don't even- Mon Apr 15, 2013 3:27 am


Ninjafleet Captain

I've never done the 4chan thing...[]


44TTBM #4? 5? I don't even- - Page 2 Empty Re: TTBM #4? 5? I don't even- Mon Apr 15, 2013 6:34 am



TTBM: My wonderful, wonderful older sister. Oh, how I love her right now.

Our story begins a few months ago, when my sister went out to clubs late at night and began to rebel against everything my parents have ever told her during her entire life. My parents found out she was working in an erotic massage parlor (she told them she only did secretary work. We found out 2 weeks ago that she was working the back) and shit hit the fan. After a bunch of bullshit (she fucked a dude in Quebec and got pregnant, then aborted the baby), she suddenly declares she's going down to the south, near Cuba for a third time. The first one was for a graduation gift, which my family and I agree was the worst decision we had ever made, the second was because she wanted a vacation down there, because she fell madly in love with some Cuban who ended up taking her virginity (but not making her pregnant). This time, however, she says it's humanitarian work. Hard to believe after all the lies she fed us, but we gave her the benefit of the doubt. She leaves.

Once over there, she claims to have been robbed. She asks my parents for money. Since she already owed them 1000 bucks, they refused. So, she turned to me, her only brother and the only person in this family to have ever understood her. I used to listen to her stories and give her some advice, which she sometimes followed. Anyways, she says that she's really in some deep shit and needs my help. But of course, Melodie! What are siblings for, right? So, I lend her some of my hard earned, very important money that I was putting away for the future. She thanks me greatly, I feel somewhat happy that I could help out.

But then she contacts me again. And again. Apparently, she's having lots of trouble, owes people money down in Cuba, has problem with the airport, ect. She keeps asking me for money. I, being a retarded motherfucker, keep lending her money, warning her that the debt was getting pretty fucking high. She tells me not to worry about it, that as soon as she'd come back to Canada, she'd get in contact with her friend and get a nice, high paying job that she'd work her ass off to, and my high debt would be paid back in no time, and oh, don't tell mom and dad about this pretty please. Being the gullible moron that I am, I believe her every word. And that is how she owed me six thousand seven hundred dollars I am not kidding and I hate myself

She comes back from Cuba and we see that she had liposuction and other bullshit done (gee, I wonder how she paid for that) and we later found out there was no such thing as humanitarian work currently happening near Cuba and that she had an all expense paid vacation down there courtesy of the National Bank of Charles fucking Ferland, where we throw our money out of the window if you give us a nice sob story. I was a bit peeved (to say the least) and I remind her of the high debt and she says it's no problem. She even begins to pay me back a week after her return, and I foolishly believe she was going to actually pay me back. She then claims to my parents that she had seen the light and that she was going to return to church and change her ways and other such bullshit lies.

A month goes by where she barely pays me back any of the money she owes me and she's living off of our house with her bullshit double standards (I ask her to help clean the kitchen, she replies that she doesn't need to because she technically doesn't live here anymore. My younger sister asks her to stop hogging the computer downstairs and she tells her she's allowed because she lives here for the moment). I keep reminding my sister about my money because my parents were curious about how much money I had left and I didn't want to tell them that I gave my entire savings to that LYING, BACKSTABBING CUNT, and she replies that she's working on it and that she had no money, despite the fact that we recently found some expensive makeup that she left behind, retail price of 25 bucks.

So, after making it clear to everyone that she didn't change a single bit, she leaves for Ontario, saying she got a good job there. But, of course, not leaving without some of my younger sister's makeup and curling iron, some of my mom's earings and clothes, and without leaving my dad a nice long distance phone bill of 600 dollars. While she's over there, the amount of cash left in my bank comes to light, and my parents are obviously freaking out. My mom even began to cry.

So, I tell her, on Facebook, which was my only form of communication with her, that my parents found out about the debt, and that my mom was crying. So, realizing the wrongs of her ways, she apologizes and-

Oh, wait, no. I mistook my sister with someone who had a conscience.

No, her response?

She deletes me from Facebook.

No, you read that right.

She ends the only way I have of communicating with her, and I can pretty much put a cross on the 6140 dollars she still owes me.

If she ever asks me for any kind of help, ever again, I will LAUGH. OPENLY. RIGHT IN HER FUCKING FACE. BEFORE SLAMMING THE DOOR OR THE PHONE.

45TTBM #4? 5? I don't even- - Page 2 Empty Re: TTBM #4? 5? I don't even- Mon Apr 15, 2013 7:10 am


Prince of the Squirtle Squad

That story is all of the suck.

That said, I think you put your full name in there. Don't know if you want to take it out or not.

46TTBM #4? 5? I don't even- - Page 2 Empty Re: TTBM #4? 5? I don't even- Mon Apr 15, 2013 7:11 am



Jonny wrote:That story is all of the suck.

That said, I think you put your full name in there. Don't know if you want to take it out or not.

"Fucking" is not my middle name

I think that's Zebra

47TTBM #4? 5? I don't even- - Page 2 Empty Re: TTBM #4? 5? I don't even- Mon Apr 15, 2013 7:12 am


Prince of the Squirtle Squad

Oh, of course! How silly of me.

48TTBM #4? 5? I don't even- - Page 2 Empty Re: TTBM #4? 5? I don't even- Mon Apr 15, 2013 7:21 am


Dove in the Moonlight

Let it be known that even before the roleplay, you went down trying to do the right thing despite all the pain and betrayal that led to it. Not to many people can say they are good and trying people like you can, Charles. So there's that.

49TTBM #4? 5? I don't even- - Page 2 Empty Re: TTBM #4? 5? I don't even- Mon Apr 15, 2013 7:33 am



someguy3657 wrote:TTBM: My wonderful, wonderful older sister. Oh, how I love her right now.

Our story begins a few months ago, when my sister went out to clubs late at night and began to rebel against everything my parents have ever told her during her entire life. My parents found out she was working in an erotic massage parlor (she told them she only did secretary work. We found out 2 weeks ago that she was working the back) and shit hit the fan. After a bunch of bullshit (she fucked a dude in Quebec and got pregnant, then aborted the baby), she suddenly declares she's going down to the south, near Cuba for a third time. The first one was for a graduation gift, which my family and I agree was the worst decision we had ever made, the second was because she wanted a vacation down there, because she fell madly in love with some Cuban who ended up taking her virginity (but not making her pregnant). This time, however, she says it's humanitarian work. Hard to believe after all the lies she fed us, but we gave her the benefit of the doubt. She leaves.

Once over there, she claims to have been robbed. She asks my parents for money. Since she already owed them 1000 bucks, they refused. So, she turned to me, her only brother and the only person in this family to have ever understood her. I used to listen to her stories and give her some advice, which she sometimes followed. Anyways, she says that she's really in some deep shit and needs my help. But of course, Melodie! What are siblings for, right? So, I lend her some of my hard earned, very important money that I was putting away for the future. She thanks me greatly, I feel somewhat happy that I could help out.

But then she contacts me again. And again. Apparently, she's having lots of trouble, owes people money down in Cuba, has problem with the airport, ect. She keeps asking me for money. I, being a retarded motherfucker, keep lending her money, warning her that the debt was getting pretty fucking high. She tells me not to worry about it, that as soon as she'd come back to Canada, she'd get in contact with her friend and get a nice, high paying job that she'd work her ass off to, and my high debt would be paid back in no time, and oh, don't tell mom and dad about this pretty please. Being the gullible moron that I am, I believe her every word. And that is how she owed me six thousand seven hundred dollars I am not kidding and I hate myself

She comes back from Cuba and we see that she had liposuction and other bullshit done (gee, I wonder how she paid for that) and we later found out there was no such thing as humanitarian work currently happening near Cuba and that she had an all expense paid vacation down there courtesy of the National Bank of Charles fucking Ferland, where we throw our money out of the window if you give us a nice sob story. I was a bit peeved (to say the least) and I remind her of the high debt and she says it's no problem. She even begins to pay me back a week after her return, and I foolishly believe she was going to actually pay me back. She then claims to my parents that she had seen the light and that she was going to return to church and change her ways and other such bullshit lies.

A month goes by where she barely pays me back any of the money she owes me and she's living off of our house with her bullshit double standards (I ask her to help clean the kitchen, she replies that she doesn't need to because she technically doesn't live here anymore. My younger sister asks her to stop hogging the computer downstairs and she tells her she's allowed because she lives here for the moment). I keep reminding my sister about my money because my parents were curious about how much money I had left and I didn't want to tell them that I gave my entire savings to that LYING, BACKSTABBING CUNT, and she replies that she's working on it and that she had no money, despite the fact that we recently found some expensive makeup that she left behind, retail price of 25 bucks.

So, after making it clear to everyone that she didn't change a single bit, she leaves for Ontario, saying she got a good job there. But, of course, not leaving without some of my younger sister's makeup and curling iron, some of my mom's earings and clothes, and without leaving my dad a nice long distance phone bill of 600 dollars. While she's over there, the amount of cash left in my bank comes to light, and my parents are obviously freaking out. My mom even began to cry.

So, I tell her, on Facebook, which was my only form of communication with her, that my parents found out about the debt, and that my mom was crying. So, realizing the wrongs of her ways, she apologizes and-

Oh, wait, no. I mistook my sister with someone who had a conscience.

No, her response?

She deletes me from Facebook.

No, you read that right.

She ends the only way I have of communicating with her, and I can pretty much put a cross on the 6140 dollars she still owes me.

If she ever asks me for any kind of help, ever again, I will LAUGH. OPENLY. RIGHT IN HER FUCKING FACE. BEFORE SLAMMING THE DOOR OR THE PHONE.

Let me guess: You're going to do that next time you see her?

TTBM #4? 5? I don't even- - Page 2 59510110

50TTBM #4? 5? I don't even- - Page 2 Empty Re: TTBM #4? 5? I don't even- Mon Apr 15, 2013 8:40 am



That times 10

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