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Holiday in Wachington DC

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It's now 7:30 AM local time, 1:30 PM at home and I'm in Washington DC
I can't talk much right now because I have to go soon.
Arrived yesterday (We got quickly through immigration (although my dad tried to fill in the required forms several times, he failed constantly until I had to do it))
I report about today and more about yesterday later

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Post Thu Jun 10, 2010 2:48 am by Gorgro

How did he fail those?

"Are you a terrorist?"
"Erm, erm,..." *panics and fills out yes*
(Packie) "No!" *slaps hand*

Dog Breath

Post Thu Jun 10, 2010 3:09 am by Dog Breath

Mr Packie goes to Washington!

Don't eat the cake, it's a lie!

Most things in Washington DC are a lie as opposed to washington state where everything is Starbucks.


Post Thu Jun 10, 2010 9:21 am by Tuomey

Starbucks is a big glittery lie.
Everyone pretends to like coffee.
Real serious coffee drinkers are like real serious hash users, they grow their own in secret.


Post Fri Jun 11, 2010 1:29 am by Packie

Gorgro wrote:How did he fail those?

"Are you a terrorist?"
"Erm, erm,..." *panics and fills out yes*
(Packie) "No!" *slaps hand*

Just fill in the wrong things in the wrong place

Dog Breath wrote:Mr Packie goes to Washington!

Don't eat the cake, it's a lie!

Most things in Washington DC are a lie as opposed to washington state where everything is Starbucks.

I was eating cake at the moment I read your comment....

In further news, I don't think I'll comment much these days, we have a lot of things planned.
So I'll think I just make report when I get back


Post Fri Jun 11, 2010 12:13 pm by Samiam

when they ask you :Are you a terrorist?" Answer "NO" just remember that.

Why did you come to DC anyways? How long so you plan to stay?


Post Sat Jun 12, 2010 12:50 am by Packie

5 days on holiday (my parents promised me I could go to Washington if I did my exams and (probably, since I don't have the results back yet) not failed them)

the days are pretty filled and intensive, so that's the reason I'm not on much

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