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Basic Forum Know-How

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1Basic Forum Know-How Empty Basic Forum Know-How Thu Jun 10, 2010 3:04 pm


Dove in the Moonlight

Helpful tips and hints of the forum.
Mail is open if you need extra guidance.

This guide was made mainly for beginners - if you have been around the internet for a while, you will know most of this guide. This was made due to the confusion over certain things on the other forum. If you wish for me to add anything to the guide, feel free to mail me or post here.

Forum's Front Page

The front page shows numerous actions and links you can click on, all of which are pretty self-explanatory. However, resort to the below image for a general overlay of what each link means.

Basic Forum Know-How 5f3vc8

The links marked Serious, Games and other Silliness, Creations and Blogs are categories. Each category has a different set of topics that you can post in, and each topic depends on which category you are in.

When you reply on a thread, you can use text, pictures, or video to post. Below are some basic terminology you can use on the forums, followed by how to post pictures and videos with ease.


I obviously won't post chatspeak, because we all know what BRB, LOL, and WTF mean. The following terms are less commonly known terms that are still useful in knowing.

AVI - (Audio Video Interleaved). It's a Microsoft multimedia video format that has bitmap compressed animation. This doesn't necessarily mean the audio/video will be of low quality, just that the file size will be smaller then other formats. AVI is just another way a video or audio is saved, similar to if you were to save a picture as a JPEG or GIF.

Bitmap and Bitmap formats - Bitmaps are graphics, or pictures, such as a sprite or an avatar or banner. Formats like .gif and .jpg are bitmap formats. .Gif and .Jpg are just two ways you can save a picture - they both use different methods of saving and compressing a picture. I tend to use PNG or GIF, as they keep a good resolution.

Note - .GIF's are usually animated pictures.
Protip - If someone asks you to look an image, and it's a GIF, be weary of looking at it. A favorite forum pastime is tricking people into looking at 'screamers' which are images that don't appear animated at first, and then have something scary suddenly pop up.

Cookie - These are foodstuffs that beecats thrive on. Keeping them in your house will guarantee a beecat visit. They are also information your computer stores, such as websites you've visited, so that your computer will remember them later on. This also includes passwords, which is why viruses that snatch cookies are fatal to your privacy. Your computer will ALWAYS store certain cookies, even if you have "store cookies" turned off.

FAQs - Frequently asked Questions. These pages often give answers to some commonly asked questions such as "Why can't I see images?" or "How do I receive my password?" or "Why is this raptor chewing on my leg?"

Flash - Animation software used to develop moving graphics or games.

IP Address - Internet Protocol. Usually a series of numbers unique to your computer, your IP address is how your computer is identified. Note - you can get IP BANNED, which means the website blocks your IP, thus blocking YOU from the website until otherwise unbanned. Usually IP bans are permanent.

Listserver - An e-mail list of e-mail addresses of friends with common interests. This also applies to chat groups or instant messaging - your List Server is your group.

How to post images.

When you go to post a new topic, you will notice a bar of commands you can use in your reply. These commands do different things, and are helpful with you want to embed or alter your font. You can easily post images with the toolbar, or do it manually, and I will show you both ways - first locate the icon that shows a photo of a tree. When located, click on it and a small pop up box should appear. Inside the box you are free to type, but if you type the wrong thing, your code won't work. Below are pictures of the icon and the pop up box, and what it's asking you to do.

Basic Forum Know-How T9vat4

You can type in the white box. What it's asking you for is the image URL or LOCATION. You cannot put just anything else in this box, otherwise your picture won't post, and you end up with a scrambled code that will look ugly and make you look shameful. ImageURL;

Basic Forum Know-How 2qnwcv6

The image URL or LOCATION tells the computer where to go to look for your image. Copy and paste the location in the pop up box, and click OK. By the way, you get the image URL by right clicking on an image and selecting "View Image Info" or "View Image Properties".

When you copy and past the image URL into the white box and click ok, it will generate this code : [ url ] Image URL [ / url ]. This code, without spaces, is what you will use to post any images, animated or not. The image url, or LOCATION, goes in the middle of the code. You do NOT copy and past the URL of the website you got the image at. You'd much rather take the image location!

How to post videos

Just like image, you can easily post videos by the toolbar. Only two slots away from the image icon, the video icon has a picture of a piece of film with green inside. When you click it, another pop up similar to the one for images comes up, and has two links above the box : Youtube, and Dailymotion. These are popular video uploading sites, and thus you can quickly access them through these links.

Basic Forum Know-How V3nkt1

Instead of entering a url or location, you will be entering the video's EMBED. You can find the embed code of a video below the video. On youtube, the embed is directed below the the video, in a small box. Click in the box, select all, and copy the embed code. Not only can you use the shortcut on the toolbar, you also use the code [youtube ] embed code [ / youtube ].

Additional information on embedding found here

These are the main basics you should know, if you want me to add anything else or have a suggestion, feel free to post.

Last edited by Rare on Thu Jun 10, 2010 3:09 pm; edited 1 time in total

2Basic Forum Know-How Empty Re: Basic Forum Know-How Thu Jun 10, 2010 3:07 pm


Ninjafleet Captain

Rare you are t3h awesome. []


3Basic Forum Know-How Empty Re: Basic Forum Know-How Thu Jun 10, 2010 3:18 pm


Dove in the Moonlight

C: Much appreciated JT. I know it's not much and it probably states the obvious, but hopefully it'll help those who couldn't post images/videos on the other thread.

4Basic Forum Know-How Empty Re: Basic Forum Know-How Fri Jun 11, 2010 5:51 pm




I think I got it found out

5Basic Forum Know-How Empty Re: Basic Forum Know-How Fri Jun 11, 2010 5:57 pm


Dove in the Moonlight

Samiam wrote:How do I unsubscribe to the forum? I keep getting emails from the forum and I can't seem to get it to stop.

It's very easy! Right above the very first post will be a line of commands, such as Share and Actions. Clicking actions will result in a drop down list. Click Topics being watched. It should be near the end of the list.

You will be taken to a new page, with a list of random topics. You can then decide which ones to "watch" or which ones to ignore.
You can also access this page by going to

Profile > Topics being Watched.

Hope this helps C:

6Basic Forum Know-How Empty Re: Basic Forum Know-How Fri Jun 11, 2010 6:00 pm



That seems to have done it thank you

7Basic Forum Know-How Empty Re: Basic Forum Know-How Wed Jun 16, 2010 10:13 pm


Dove in the Moonlight

No Problem. /Late reply is late

8Basic Forum Know-How Empty Re: Basic Forum Know-How Thu Jun 17, 2010 10:44 am


Glorious Leader

There is an experimental chatbox on the front page if you haven't noticed before. It can be switched on and off whenever there are a decent amount of members (and me) around, and if it has enough success now, SO GET ON IT.

<This concludes this urgent Raptor News bulletin>


I know you're out there!


9Basic Forum Know-How Empty Re: Basic Forum Know-How Thu Jun 17, 2010 4:09 pm


Dove in the Moonlight

I posted, but no one was on. If anyone wants to chat over the new system, hit me up via private mail.

10Basic Forum Know-How Empty Re: Basic Forum Know-How Thu Jun 17, 2010 4:20 pm



o me me!

11Basic Forum Know-How Empty Re: Basic Forum Know-How Thu Jun 17, 2010 4:54 pm


Dove in the Moonlight

Uuuug you left to soon! *old man fist shake*

12Basic Forum Know-How Empty Re: Basic Forum Know-How Fri Jun 18, 2010 12:01 am




13Basic Forum Know-How Empty Re: Basic Forum Know-How Fri Jun 18, 2010 1:30 am



How do you do the Spoiler?

14Basic Forum Know-How Empty Re: Basic Forum Know-How Fri Jun 18, 2010 1:47 am


Glorious Leader

It's under the "others" button in the (quick)reply screen


15Basic Forum Know-How Empty Re: Basic Forum Know-How Fri Jun 18, 2010 11:50 am



Okie dokie, thank you <3

16Basic Forum Know-How Empty Re: Basic Forum Know-How Fri Jun 18, 2010 12:07 pm



hey look <3 works here!




17Basic Forum Know-How Empty Re: Basic Forum Know-How Thu Nov 11, 2010 5:01 am


Dove in the Moonlight

It's been a slow month for mods and admins. If you guys want anything explained or added to the first post, just let us know. We will be here, in the corner, counting dust ;^;

18Basic Forum Know-How Empty Re: Basic Forum Know-How Thu Nov 11, 2010 6:24 am




1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8...

19Basic Forum Know-How Empty Re: Basic Forum Know-How Thu Nov 11, 2010 1:25 pm


Dove in the Moonlight

Noo! I was on 436 thousand something! You made me lose count >:C

20Basic Forum Know-How Empty Re: Basic Forum Know-How Thu Nov 11, 2010 2:18 pm



Basic Forum Know-How Pikach10

21Basic Forum Know-How Empty Re: Basic Forum Know-How Thu Apr 12, 2012 10:37 am


Glorious Leader

Youtube embedding

To embed youtube videos, for those of you who didn't know, you need to put the link to the video between [youtube] and [/youtube] tags.


It can't be any old link you copy from the address bar because of the many variations youtube has in it's links (as far as I can tell, most of them are to find out if you found it by following an embedded clip from somewhere, or got it from the related bar on the side and so on. Harmless data gathering, but not fun for anything that demands order in it's links, like this forum's embed system (and youtube's own embed system, for that matter).

URLs 101

This is the URL format expected by the [youtube] tags:

This points to the same clip, but is wrong and will result in an ugly failed bit of text in your post:

Now then. The question mark and the ampersand (&) are key here. These separate what's known as "GET parameters", parameters used by the website, passed in the url.
The question mark denotes the first parameter and all the following ones are separated by an '&' instead. The part in front of the = sign is the name of the parameter, the part behind is the value. The value can change to give different results on the page.
To give you an idea of how this works, you can sometimes see things like '?lang=en' on the end of a URL, meaning the current selected language is English. If the website supports it, you can change this to, for instance, '?lang=fr' for French.

Putting it all together

I hope you can see the connection in the youtube URL now. '?v=[ID]' sets the unique video ID for the clip you want to watch/embed, and you will find this in any type of youtube URL that points to a clip, no matter how many other parameters could be in there as well.
To use our original example again, I highlighted the part you're looking for


Once you've found the parameter you need, you can delete everything else that's still behind the question mark, except that bit, and that should leave you with a nice and standardised "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FzrNfOX9fTs#!"


22Basic Forum Know-How Empty Re: Basic Forum Know-How Thu Apr 12, 2012 10:59 am


Dove in the Moonlight

I have a feeling this was posted because I'm to slowpoke to figure it out.

Basic Forum Know-How 1254506775744

23Basic Forum Know-How Empty Re: Basic Forum Know-How Thu Apr 12, 2012 11:05 am


Glorious Leader

You're not the only one who gets it wrong sometimes, you just reminded me of it recently so I figured I'd write a small guide for everyone.


24Basic Forum Know-How Empty Re: Basic Forum Know-How Thu Apr 12, 2012 11:07 am


Dove in the Moonlight


...I still like Slowmew.

25Basic Forum Know-How Empty Re: Basic Forum Know-How Thu Apr 12, 2012 11:11 am


Glorious Leader

Me too, it just works, somehow.


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