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Joke Discussion Thread

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1Joke Discussion Thread Empty Joke Discussion Thread Sun Aug 04, 2013 6:54 pm


The 7th Wonder of the World

There's an art to telling jokes and there's a psychology behind it all. How do knock knock jokes make you feel? What's it like being you hearing a punchline? Do you laugh hearing a joke in another language even if you don't understand it? AIDS?

This is the circlebroke thread. This is something we need.

I am going to kick this thread off by retiring "oh, honey" as an exclamation. It has been literally one day and I have heard it at least 30 times. I don't know what the fuck made this boom overnight but it's already stale.

Also, knock knock jokes
Everyone bring back knock knock jokes
They're vintage.

2Joke Discussion Thread Empty Re: Joke Discussion Thread Sun Aug 04, 2013 11:20 pm


Ninjafleet Captain

If they ain't groanin', I didn't do my job right. [ ]


3Joke Discussion Thread Empty Re: Joke Discussion Thread Mon Aug 05, 2013 4:23 am


Glorious Leader

SQUIGGLES wrote:There's an art to telling jokes and there's a psychology behind it all. How do knock knock jokes make you feel? What's it like being you hearing a punchline? Do you laugh hearing a joke in another language even if you don't understand it? AIDS?

This is the circlebroke thread. This is something we need.

I am going to kick this thread off by retiring "oh, honey" as an exclamation. It has been literally one day and I have heard it at least 30 times. I don't know what the fuck made this boom overnight but it's already stale.

Also, knock knock jokes
Everyone bring back knock knock jokes
They're vintage.

Isn't the honey thing from How I Met Your Mother? And it wasn't even that funny there.


4Joke Discussion Thread Empty Re: Joke Discussion Thread Mon Aug 05, 2013 11:30 am


The 7th Wonder of the World

I did not know that
Now I do know and I hate it a little more

God this is the worst thread

5Joke Discussion Thread Empty Re: Joke Discussion Thread Mon Aug 05, 2013 1:28 pm


Ninjafleet Captain

Joke's on you, buddy...[ ]


6Joke Discussion Thread Empty Re: Joke Discussion Thread Mon Aug 05, 2013 2:35 pm



In all reality I think my humor tends to be either more the "humor of the situation," theater of the absurd style stuff. I just try to make such strange scenarios that you can't help but laugh. Ever read any Ionesco? Seen a play by him? I try to emulate him sometimes. Not that common of humor, mind you.


7Joke Discussion Thread Empty Re: Joke Discussion Thread Mon Aug 05, 2013 5:26 pm



Cube of Reason wrote:In all reality I think my humor tends to be either more the "humor of the situation," theater of the absurd style stuff. I just try to make such strange scenarios that you can't help but laugh. Ever read any Ionesco? Seen a play by him? I try to emulate him sometimes. Not that common of humor, mind you.
Have you read Rhinoceros? I read it for French class, it was lovely. Also: difficult.

I think that the best jokes, like the best murder mysteries, are ones that you look back on and think "wow that was obvious", but it never occurred to you to look at it that way while it was being set up. I don't really have any examples, but you guys know what I mean, don't you?

8Joke Discussion Thread Empty Re: Joke Discussion Thread Mon Aug 05, 2013 5:29 pm


The 7th Wonder of the World

god damn it guys
stop contributing good insightful things to this fucking awful thread that i made

9Joke Discussion Thread Empty Re: Joke Discussion Thread Mon Aug 05, 2013 5:39 pm


Dove in the Moonlight

I was going to type something up
Did you want me to disregard it?

10Joke Discussion Thread Empty Re: Joke Discussion Thread Mon Aug 05, 2013 5:52 pm


The 7th Wonder of the World

no go ahead hey

11Joke Discussion Thread Empty Re: Joke Discussion Thread Mon Aug 05, 2013 6:29 pm



Ziggles wrote:I think that the best jokes, like the best murder mysteries, are ones that you look back on and think "wow that was obvious", but it never occurred to you to look at it that way while it was being set up. I don't really have any examples, but you guys know what I mean, don't you?

I got one like that I think.


12Joke Discussion Thread Empty Re: Joke Discussion Thread Tue Aug 06, 2013 6:53 am



Ziggles wrote:Have you read Rhinoceros? I read it for French class, it was lovely. Also: difficult.

I did, and in fact I loved it. In my opinion, I don't think an actual performance of it could do it justice. I mean, those stage directions? "The rhinoceroses become even more beautiful." How the hell do you do that.


13Joke Discussion Thread Empty Re: Joke Discussion Thread Tue Aug 06, 2013 8:09 am


Ninjafleet Captain

This is a real e-mail conversation between my mother and me. Background: we had appraisers in the house today because we're applying for a mortgage refinance. She was home for them, I was not.

JT's Mom wrote:
Subject: remind me
I want you to break out the cracked window pane in the family room door. It'll look better gone, than cracked.

JT wrote:
Is that what they said? Better gone than cracked?

JT's mom wrote:
No, it's what SHE said.

JT wrote:
did you just make a “that’s what she said joke?” did you really? really?

JT's mom wrote:

....I...I just don't know sometimes, you guys...[ ]


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