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376Video Games - Page 16 Empty Re: Video Games Mon Aug 11, 2014 2:49 pm



i uploaded this on facebook, and i thought that i should upload it here as well. i was too lazy to retype it so i just copy pasted it. XD

alright, i've been distracted the past couple of weeks due to the cyst thing. so i forgot to announce that i finished psychonauts, thief 3, and assasscin's creed 4. and i just finished uploading them all. 
thief 3
assassin's creed 4
i've already started to upload OFF and the Thief reboot game.

377Video Games - Page 16 Empty Re: Video Games Wed Aug 13, 2014 3:02 am


Ninjafleet Captain

There's something a bit...off...about that game where you play a baseball player...[]


378Video Games - Page 16 Empty Re: Video Games Fri Aug 15, 2014 3:58 pm




379Video Games - Page 16 Empty Re: Video Games Fri Aug 15, 2014 11:11 pm




380Video Games - Page 16 Empty Re: Video Games Mon Aug 25, 2014 2:25 am


Ninjafleet Captain

I can't get that battle music out of my head...[]


381Video Games - Page 16 Empty Re: Video Games Mon Sep 01, 2014 5:49 am



382Video Games - Page 16 Empty Re: Video Games Mon Sep 01, 2014 10:21 am



So, when we got the new computer, one of the first orders of business was seeing how strong it' processing power was. I would had tried Skyrim, but due to current circumstances, we can't use Steam at the moment(sorry everyone!). So, we installed two of my favorite RTSs of all time: World in Conflict and Medieval II: Total War. World in Conflict is not very well optimized regarding explosives, so the first mission was rather laggy thanks to the mass-shelling of Seattle. Otherwise, it runs rather well on this computer.
Don't even get me started in Medieval II. I could had cried, it worked so well. It didn't handle cinematic camera shifts all that well, but otherwise runs fairly smoothly, including the massive Aztec armies that you can field.
One of my favorite moments with it was playing as Venice attacking Bologna in the Grand Campaign. We busted into the walls, and my comparatively small(in regards to the armies that you can muster in the late periods) army of militia and a few divisions of Mailed Knights(the weakest of heavy cavalry) all charged into a breach only about 30m wide(the logistics of said charge was an absolute nightmare) to take on the forces guarding the capital of the Holy Roman Empire, with one of the strongest professional armies in the world guarding it. The men gathered at the breach to defend against intruders RAN. We chased them into the city and cornered the Kaiser. As we hacked our way into his bodyguard with the militia(the mailed knights had died shortly after the fighting towards the Kaiser), the enemy took either end of the street, cutting them off. They did not falter for one second as we fought against impossible odds. But we did it. The Kaiser died on the spear of a peasant. And they continued to fight as the enemy banded together to get their revenge. They never even considered fleeing. With that army's death throes, we took out over half of the strongest gathered military force in the world. Only my general and the ballista were able to escape. That leader was the leader of the faction, essentially me. The very next day, an army of mine followed up and took Bologna from the panicked, scattered forces that were left there. We had cut off the head of the Holy Roman Empire as the smallest of the world powers at the time. It was so, so satisfying to do.

383Video Games - Page 16 Empty Re: Video Games Mon Sep 01, 2014 11:08 am




384Video Games - Page 16 Empty Re: Video Games Tue Sep 02, 2014 11:51 am



As am I. I can't wait for the 10th, when I'll be able to actually get Steam on this. Me and my brother as still deciding what game we need to get on here first. I'm looking forward to Skyrim, myself.

385Video Games - Page 16 Empty Re: Video Games Thu Sep 04, 2014 2:06 am



I know I'm quite late to the countless death party, but damn.
Dark Souls is fun.
The satisfaction from defeating a boss/area/whatever is so much more satisfying when it's also had you screaming angrily previously.
And it has Solaire.
That's also a bonus.

386Video Games - Page 16 Empty Re: Video Games Thu Sep 04, 2014 11:01 am



Praise the sun!

387Video Games - Page 16 Empty Re: Video Games Mon Sep 08, 2014 8:41 am



Video Games - Page 16 Keep-calm-and-praise-the-sun-27

388Video Games - Page 16 Empty Re: Video Games Mon Sep 08, 2014 6:34 pm



And engage in Jolly Co-Operation!

389Video Games - Page 16 Empty Re: Video Games Wed Sep 10, 2014 8:15 am



Bowen wrote:And engage in Jolly Co-Operation!
dark souls is a great game, i've not played it but that's because i don't think i'd have the patience to die a billion times before i succeed once.
that being said i love watching let's players go at it.

390Video Games - Page 16 Empty Re: Video Games Wed Sep 10, 2014 11:29 am



Tacoline wrote:
Bowen wrote:And engage in Jolly Co-Operation!
dark souls is a great game, i've not played it but that's because i don't think i'd have the patience to die a billion times before i succeed once.
that being said i love watching let's players go at it.
It feels immensly satisfying when you do succeed. Also it is hard, but it does feel somewhat fair.

391Video Games - Page 16 Empty Re: Video Games Wed Sep 10, 2014 3:14 pm



Moltenfield wrote:
Tacoline wrote:
Bowen wrote:And engage in Jolly Co-Operation!
dark souls is a great game, i've not played it but that's because i don't think i'd have the patience to die a billion times before i succeed once.
that being said i love watching let's players go at it.
It feels immensly satisfying when you do succeed. Also it is hard, but it does feel somewhat fair.
it's fair and hard. also the lore is very interesting to me, how many of the gameplay parts are explained by it. like sitting at a bonfire to regain your health causes enemies to respawn. but this is explained by the fact that all enemies are undead of one type or another and therefore after you kill them they can't stay dead. when you sit at a fire its implied that you're sitting there for hours to recuperate.
it's a dark fantasy world where the entire story is implied and rarely ever explained to you. heroes fall to the undead enemies often, dropping their gear and souls.
plus its beautiful to look at.

392Video Games - Page 16 Empty Re: Video Games Thu Sep 11, 2014 1:23 am



Guild Wars 2, why are you so addicting?

393Video Games - Page 16 Empty Re: Video Games Sun Oct 19, 2014 3:09 pm



killing floor is still coming out with updates! killing floor 2 is coming out very soon so you'd expect tripwire to just focus on that, but their still doing stuff for kf.
they just came out with this community map and a tripwire-backed mod gametype.
the mod gametype was originally just a mod but tripwire loved it so they hired the devs and gave the mod an update
Video Games - Page 16 Killingfloortoymaster
killer dolls... and a boss that isnt the normal boss

these dolls aren't just re-skins either, kf normally updates around the holidays to reskin the monsters for the holiday. but these are completely new. they have different audio, different methods of attack. a few of the monsters even have projectiles, with the other monsters do not.
and like i said the end boss... not a patriarch.
if this is tripwire showing off some new stuff for kf 2, i am impressed.

medic, charles. get on this.
also, to download it, select "play" but don't play "killing floor-toymaster" from the library because that won't track your perks.

394Video Games - Page 16 Empty Re: Video Games Mon Oct 20, 2014 1:07 am



Oh god it is not the patriach........

395Video Games - Page 16 Empty Re: Video Games Mon Oct 20, 2014 2:30 pm



*evil laughter*

396Video Games - Page 16 Empty Re: Video Games Fri Oct 31, 2014 6:34 pm



New Videogame Reaction:*laughter that gives a slight hint of hysteria* I hate the guy who made the soundtrack for Alien Isolation, he better earn an award for tht because half the time I don't want to move, and the other half of me wants to avoid that alien before it munches on my face. *run to the nearest locker and hides in it*

397Video Games - Page 16 Empty Re: Video Games Sun Nov 02, 2014 10:06 am



Moltenfield wrote:New Videogame Reaction:*laughter that gives a slight hint of hysteria* I hate the guy who made the soundtrack for Alien Isolation, he better earn an award for tht because half the time I don't want to move, and the other half of me wants to avoid that alien before it munches on my face. *run to the nearest locker and hides in it*
that wasa wonderful review. its very true lol

398Video Games - Page 16 Empty Re: Video Games Mon Nov 03, 2014 4:08 am



Guys, Borderlands the pre-sequel.

Master piece.

That is all.

399Video Games - Page 16 Empty Re: Video Games Sat Nov 08, 2014 6:30 pm



This demo of a game that might be coming out soon is incredibly brilliant, and I want more.


The game where time only moves when you do

400Video Games - Page 16 Empty Re: Video Games Mon Nov 10, 2014 6:10 pm



someguy3657 wrote:This demo of a game that might be coming out soon is incredibly brilliant, and I want more.


The game where time only moves when you do
saw a demo of it a while ago, looked super cool... i mean super hot XD

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