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His Most Controversialness, Lord Squiggles' Trophy Case

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The 7th Wonder of the World

This thread is for my trophies and accolades.
Visitors are encouraged to marvel and admire.

His Most Controversialness, Lord Squiggles' Trophy Case HymwwAUHis Most Controversialness, Lord Squiggles' Trophy Case RMeGPgiHis Most Controversialness, Lord Squiggles' Trophy Case NtXNvJCHis Most Controversialness, Lord Squiggles' Trophy Case Lc4HJyx

Thank you again for all your support, my friends.
I'd like to thank a select few special individuals (in no particular order):

* :)kiwi(:
* AJ
* Angua
* AwesomeMecha
* bornalive91
* Bowen
* Cat
* CluelessP
* Crabmaster
* Cube
* D-Munny
* davey
* Demon_Spartan
* Dog Breath
* Draven
* Esbiate
* eternalflare
* FriendlyBus
* Gorgro
* Holly
* Icriex
* Jetfire91
* Jonny
* JT_the_Ninja
* jubedy
* Katls
* kendor
* kenerdthetontoe
* KitaraRayne
* LaLa
* lord sparks
* Makynfilbi
* Me
* Messernacht
* Moltenfield
* NerdyCookieMonster
* Nicol
* Nitehoot
* Packie
* Princewolf
* Samiam
* silleymit
* Skittle (:
* Spazit
* Sunny
* Tacoline
* Taiju
* Tasha the Silly Panda
* TheSulkingWolf
* Transdimensional Duck
* Tuomey
* tzipporahfeiga
* votecoffee
* Warworg
* xXoWlFan420Xx
* visionsofamber
* Ziggles

And of course, my dear friend who holds together the forum like so many rolls of duct tape: DiceMaster

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