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NaNo WriMo!

7 posters

Wanna write a novel?

NaNo WriMo! Vote_lcap42%NaNo WriMo! Vote_rcap 42% [ 5 ]
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NaNo WriMo! Vote_lcap42%NaNo WriMo! Vote_rcap 42% [ 5 ]
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1NaNo WriMo! Empty NaNo WriMo! Mon Oct 31, 2011 6:28 pm



November is National Novel Writing Month! The idea is to write a novel over the course of a month. Very simple!
This month I will try to accomplish my goal. Trouble is, I don't know what to write about yet! When I get an idea I will begin right away. I know I probably won't wind up with a very impressive tome or whatever, but if all I get out of this is a few good ideas and renewed creative energies, I'll be a happy lady.
Are you guys going to participate?

2NaNo WriMo! Empty Re: NaNo WriMo! Mon Oct 31, 2011 11:16 pm


Glorious Leader

No time, and I can never think of a good story.


3NaNo WriMo! Empty Re: NaNo WriMo! Tue Nov 01, 2011 1:24 am


King Under The Bridge

I was but I forgot that this thing existed.
Hey, maybe I'll do it anyway.
50,000 words over a fuckton of spare time? Shouldn't be too bad.

4NaNo WriMo! Empty Re: NaNo WriMo! Wed Nov 02, 2011 8:14 am




5NaNo WriMo! Empty Re: NaNo WriMo! Wed Nov 02, 2011 9:34 am


King Under The Bridge

There is no positive non-comittal answer in the poll.
There should be a "maybe"

6NaNo WriMo! Empty Re: NaNo WriMo! Wed Nov 02, 2011 11:48 am



I might, if school(and ADHD) alows it.

7NaNo WriMo! Empty Re: NaNo WriMo! Wed Nov 02, 2011 2:36 pm



I'm still in the middle of my Pokemon fanfic.

8NaNo WriMo! Empty Re: NaNo WriMo! Mon Nov 05, 2012 6:23 pm


The 7th Wonder of the World


Is this still a thing?
I am going to do it anyway
I dont even care

9NaNo WriMo! Empty Re: NaNo WriMo! Tue Nov 13, 2012 5:25 am


King Under The Bridge

I was planning to do this but ohgoditisthe13thandIhavenotstartedaaaaargh

10NaNo WriMo! Empty Re: NaNo WriMo! Tue Nov 13, 2012 11:13 am



Nedroid started writing a novel for this!

She came into my office like a thunderstorm, knocking things off my shelves and making wind noises with her mouth. I knew immediately that she was like a thunderstorm in another way: dangerous if I got too close. Also, like a thunderstorm, she was beautiful.

After she had thrown all my papers to the floor, she acknowledged me. “I see I’ve got your attention,” she said. “I’ve got a case for you. A case the likes of which you’ve never seen.”

”That’s pretty likely,” I admitted. “It’s my first day of being a detective.”

Why did I say that? I thought. I shouldn’t have told her that. Remember to be careful of what you say out loud.

”I am not a very good detective,” I said out loud.


She came into my office like a ghost: through the wall, shrieking. “REVENGE! REVENGE!” she shrieked.

“Hello,” I said, in hopes she would stop shrieking.

“I have a case for you,” she shrieked.

I nodded. “Is it about revenge?”

“Wow,” she shrieked, “you are a good detective.”



Years and years ago, I wrote out some opening lines for other people to use to get them started on their novels. Here they are again. Feel free to use them.


As I would later learn, the old man at the bus stop was not communicating through American Sign Language, but rather was placing upon me an elaborate and horrible curse.


“Amazing,” I said to myself, looking at my new surroundings, “somehow I’ve entered the movie and am now living in the world of Weekend at Bernie’s.”


The only Pokemon I had yet to capture were Articuno, Snorlax, Magmar, Laserhorse, Mr. Mime, Kabutops, Missileduck, Fartpanther, and, of course, Mewtwo. I lit another cigar as I thought to myself, This is going to be a long summer.


“The light bulb was just the first step in my plan for global conquest,” Ben Franklin’s ghost told me as he hovered over a plate of cheese sandwiches, “and I need your help to finish it.”


Everything could have been avoided if I had heard “Be careful what you wish for” before wishing on a shooting star that I was made of poop.


“Stop, Goku,” said Harry Potter, “or else you’ll fall into that Death Star filled with Kryptonite.”


”WAKKA WAKKA WAKKA,” said Pac-Man as he journeyed ever deeper into the Labyrinth of Ghosts. “WAKKA WAKKA WAKKA WAKKA WAKKA WAKKA WAKKA WAKKA WAKKA WAKKA WAKKA WAKKA.”
-from Pac-Man: The Novelization

As the large pink poodle licked my hand, I smiled, but inwardly I said to myself, not another big pink poodle!


As I drove through the Farmer’s Market, I noticed that old ladies and butternut squash both make the same noise as they bounce off the hood of my car, and from this fact I ascertained one of the deeper secrets of reality.


My name is Rockstar Frankenstein, and I am a hardcore police detective with an attitude and a gruff exterior that hides my heart of gold.


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